
대한안전경영과학회 학술대회

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2006년도 대한안전경영과학회 추계학술대회 (2006년 11월) 59

2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
최근의 물류환경은 유통시장의 개방과 세계시장의 단일화로 국제적인 경쟁환경에 노출되어 글로벌화와 정보화 경쟁이 가속화되고 있으며 국내적으로는 대형 유통업체의 공격적인 마케팅 전개로 중소유통업체의 생존권을 위협하고 있다. 또한 물류부문의 아웃소싱화 추세가 증가하고 있으며 대형소매점 위주의 유통구조재편과 편의점들간의 규모의 경쟁 추구에 따른 지역상권 장악이 가속화되어 중소물류업체들의 경쟁력이 급속히 하락하고 있는 추세이다. 특히 대형할인점 위주의 대형 유통업체가 상당부분의 지역상권을 장악해가고 있지만 중소유통업체들은 여전히 구매력과 판매력이 미흡한 상황이며 유통 물류체계 또한 대기업 위주의 편향적인 구조로 되어 있어 상대적으로 영세하고 정보화가 취약한 중소물류업체들의 공도물류사업을 통한 가격경쟁력 강화 등의 필요성이 제기되고 있으며, 합리적인 유통 물류시스템구축이 필요한 실정이다. 그리고 전국 유통 물류시설의 기능들이 상호 연계되지 못하여 상호 중복되고 본래의 기능을 발휘하지 못하는 등 유통 물류시스템의 정보화, 체계화가 미흡한 상황에서 중소유통 물류공동화의 대안으로서 공동도매물류센터가 필요하며 이를 통해 유통 물류시설간의 전국 네트워크화를 실시하고 공동구매, 공동판매 및 조직화 등을 통해 시너지효과가 발휘될 수 있는 중소물류산업에 대한 활성화 방안의 모색이 절실히 요구되고 있다.
2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Nowadays, a logistics and distribution center plays an important role in all industries. In addition to its traditional functions as a storage and unloading facility the distribution center serves as an assembly place for information, a source of information, and a turning point for the flow of information. On account of the above-mentioned reasons, each and every industry has increasing need of logistics distribution center. At this juncture, the present author thinks that it is necessary to make a study of the establishment and maximization of a ceramics logistics distribution center as a way for activating the ceramics industry.
2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The tower cranes are widely used in very useful construction machine the sites of constructing high-structure and have a structural sensitiveness. Therefore, the accidents have often happened due to the deficiency of laborer's understanding md lack of safety of structure. Till now, as we have research and studied above, we can properly protect accidents by construction equipments particularly crane as well as most disasters which occur frequently in construction site. The goal of this study is the safety inspection model of the tower crane a construction site, which preventible the collapse accident of tower crane which is constructed by using the correcting frame. In order to accomplish the goal of this study, the field survey, the reference investigation and the structure analysis were performed for the collapse accident of tower nine using the correcting data. This study will be proposed a build-up solutions about operating and release of safety constructions and researched about software safety estimation. Also, preventing safety problems of Tower Crane Construction site as applying safety estimation program and laws and regulations. As a result, The real time control of tower crane inspection system is implemented by to illustrate the application of the adopted optimal design model.
2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Contour Crafting(CC) process, which has been developed at the University of Southern California, aims at automated construction of whole houses as well as sub-components. For this purpose, new trowel mechanism is basically needed in order to fabricate the true 3D shape. This paper presents our concepts and initial investigation of 3D free form fabrication using the pivoting side trowel. Specifically, the status of research and development of the processand experiments with ceramics materials, and its potential application areas are detailed.
2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We study on the consistency of AHP. It is research that extend of SAW methods by [1]. For tools that measure judgment of inconsistency eigenvector methods, we research consistency that introduced consistency ratio by Saaty. in general, the higher consistence of compare matrix the bigger error within matrix. In this paper, we use the AHP for the optimal decision making. By this method, we have optimal decision making numenical example which three models of any domestic motors companies.
2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Many technical and nontechnical issues hinder enterprise wide workflow management. The most significant technical issue is the inability to deal with the heterogeneity among users, workflow types, and WFMSs. Not all users demand the same workflow functionality, so user interfaces of different levels of sophistication are required. Because workflow types cannot always be fully predefined, they often need to be adjusted or extended during execution. Unlike relational database management systems, however, each WFMS often has differing workflow metamodels. This leads to incompatibility between WFMSs, making integration into an environment comprising many heterogeneous WFMSs a troublesome and sometimes impossible task. Current Workflow system consists mainly of Database system. It contains some problems like that the integration relationship among system processes cant be expressed properly. This research has been focused on two phases that should be considered in the Workflow system. First of all, the first phase is the analysis phase; one of its role is to figure out independent execution task unit(Workflow component). The second phase is design phase that provides with the framework to execute these task units actively. The Workflow component extraction method in the analysis phase uses a analysis method called C-C Net and, in the design phase, the architecture that makes the these Workflow component executed actively is provided. Through this research, each process is divided into a task unit and more effective Workflow system could be formed by executing these units actively. Current system layer calls task units, on the other hand, the Workflow system this research implemented provides with the architecture that places a layer between them that controls task units actively.
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