최근 불확실성이 증대된 지금의 시대에서는 새로운 제품, 새로운 시장을 열어가는 핵심인재가 반드시 필요하다. 따라서 조직은 끊임없이 새로운 아이디어를 찾아내고 조직을 변화시켜야 한다. 그리고 이런 변화를 이끌기 위해서는 인적자원의 혁신적 행동과 종업원들의 조직을 위한 헌신적인 시민행동을 필요로 한다. 종업원의 혁신행동과 시민행동에 영향을 미치는 많은 선행연구에서는 조직신뢰와 최고경영자에 대한 신뢰가 주요 영향요인으로 인식되고 있다. 그리고 종업원들의 모티
The Balanced scorecard has been evolved in various function. In the various functional Balanced scorecard, this paper focuses on the reverse logistics BSC, and the decision the weights of Key Performance Indicators. In this paper, a combination of Balanced scorecard and value evaluation based approach proposed multi-criteria provides a more accurate representation of the problem for measuring company.
Nowadays, BSC presented by alpan is observed by many enterprises and is being operated gradually. BSC includes non-financial factor as well as financial factor in performance assessment and it is a tool that will be able to evaluate even strategy of long-term view. In point of performance management, BSC brings in relief importance on non-financial performance as well as financial performance and it shares with viewpoint of 4 things of financial viewpoint, customer viewpoint, internal process view point, learning and growth viewpoint. then these make an array with vision and strategy of organization by causal relationship, it presented necessity of performance control on organization as center on KPI of inner of each viewpoint. Thus, study on measures and control of management performance is progressed actively and is accomplishing much development. This study is aimed at calculation of weight that is able to reflect its importance about AHP on KPI of each viewpoint. The purpose of this study is to present desirable performance measurement model and to give a weight in consideration of working-level character.
Kaplan & Norton introduce the BSC in early 1990s. after introducing the Balanced scorecard, The Balanced scorecard has been evolved in various function. In the various functional Balanced scorecard, this paper focuses on the logistics BSC, and the decision the weights of Key Performance Indicators. In this paper, a combination of Balanced scorecard and AHP-LTV based approach proposed multi-criteria provides a more accurate representation of the problem for measuring company.
Reducing the logistic cost may be accomplished by numbers of logistic management methods, but the most fundamental and essential one is the accomplishment of the consistent reverse logistics system that is the core of worker performance system, and the purpose of consistent reverse system is the treatment of logistic functions such as transportation, storage and unloading with consistent logistics, and increasing the turnover ratio is required for the improvement of the system. As the turnover ratios is increased, this paper make reverse worker performance evaluation system with lifetime value include of weight variables.
Economic and political barriers in Northeast Asia including Korea have been eliminated gradually. As results of economic relations are more active in this region. The administration of physical distribution tightened circulation- cost down. This is one of the most important facts to develop world economy. Distribution in China is expected to grow quantitatively and continuously. China is just out of planned economic system. Therefore, it is expected that foreign affiliated firms will take a fierce competition for the next 1~2 years. This study investigates Korea-China trade and distribution index with analysis and expectation of China market. The study analyzes the business conditions, faced problems and differentiated strategies of foreign affiliated firms. Be based on those, it is researched how domestic companies will make strategies to start China successfully.
The manufacturing industries which played a major role in the rapid economic growth and industrialization of Korea in the late 20th century had considerable difficulties changing their manufacturing conditions from producer-oriented conditions to customer-oriented ones according to market changes. In this study, increase plant efficiency because grafts together modular system to plant layout and analyzes Work In Process(WIP) between product's cycle time and each process, family efficient plan wishes to choose opposite bank. Simulation approach used for presented methodology The effect will not gain the results for other reasons the inherent conditions of companies, people, and culture which have been hitherto described, but will be expected to help the direction for a new Lay-out production system to reflect on the native conditions rather than fixed technological means and methods in way of an analysis of fundamental problems which small and medium companies in Korea face.
Inventory information system is providing the benefits of smoother demand, lower inventories(work in process, safety stock) and reduced costs. This study focused on improvement of safety level inventory efficiency by inventory information system. The results indicated that inventory information system allowed the company to serve its customers more surely and efficiently.
Along with the increasing trade volume among Korea, China, and Japan, firm and efficient logistics management through mutual co-operation Is being highly requested. In order to achieve logistics efficiency, logistics standardization should precede. Using standardized pallet is the core of logistics standardization which is closely connected to the unit load system and palletization. This study focuses on pallet standardization in three countries which are Korea, China, and Japan. The dramatic effect from pallet standardization Is expected in economy / international trade field and logistics / environment field. This study suggests an institute of Asian logistics standardization as a method to accomplish the logistics standardization among three countries. When these three countries overcome the disparity in standardization level and diverse concerns, we will finally attain efficient logistics system which will work as a 'highway' of North-East Asian logistics.