Owing to the latest changes in the IT environment and the advancement of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, the RFID technology has been frequently applied to the field of logistics and distribution. Now it is possible to acquire information in real-time more accurately and promptly as compared to data collection in the past, through the application of the RFID technology. However, in terms of the application of the RFID technology, the range of the field of logistics and distribution is considerably widely distributed. The management system that is able to monitor the RFID system installed in logistics centers and stores distributed in environmentally many regions, in real-time in the center is insufficient. Therefore, this study proposes a management system which is capable of transmitting the report of the occurrence of errors according to the pre-defined error types at the time of the occurrence of errors in the RFID system installed at each strategic foothold, in real-time to SMS and to the integrated monitoring system, and of taking actions for those errors from a remote place by using a mobile device. The purpose of the error management system proposed in this study is to minimize a data loss in the supplying network by quickly coping with errors in the area where the RFID system is installed.
The Balanced scorecard has been evolved in various function. In the various functional Balanced scorecard, this paper focuses on the reverse logistics BSC, and the decision the weights of Key Performance Indicators. In this paper, a combination of Balanced scorecard and value evaluation based approach proposed multi-criteria provides a more accurate representation of the problem for measuring company.
Nowadays, BSC presented by alpan is observed by many enterprises and is being operated gradually. BSC includes non-financial factor as well as financial factor in performance assessment and it is a tool that will be able to evaluate even strategy of long-term view. In point of performance management, BSC brings in relief importance on non-financial performance as well as financial performance and it shares with viewpoint of 4 things of financial viewpoint, customer viewpoint, internal process view point, learning and growth viewpoint. then these make an array with vision and strategy of organization by causal relationship, it presented necessity of performance control on organization as center on KPI of inner of each viewpoint. Thus, study on measures and control of management performance is progressed actively and is accomplishing much development. This study is aimed at calculation of weight that is able to reflect its importance about AHP on KPI of each viewpoint. The purpose of this study is to present desirable performance measurement model and to give a weight in consideration of working-level character.
Kaplan & Norton introduce the BSC in early 1990s. after introducing the Balanced scorecard, The Balanced scorecard has been evolved in various function. In the various functional Balanced scorecard, this paper focuses on the logistics BSC, and the decision the weights of Key Performance Indicators. In this paper, a combination of Balanced scorecard and AHP-LTV based approach proposed multi-criteria provides a more accurate representation of the problem for measuring company.