
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 38

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Degenerative arthritis is a common joint disease that affects many elderly people and is typically diagnosed through radiography. However, the need for remote diagnosis is increasing because knee pain and walking disorders caused by degenerative arthritis make face-to-face treatment difficult. This study collects three-dimensional joint coordinates in real time using Azure Kinect DK and calculates 6 gait features through visualization and one-way ANOVA verification. The random forest classifier, trained with these characteristics, classified degenerative arthritis with an accuracy of 97.52%, and the model's basis for classification was identified through classification algorithm by features. Overall, this study not only compensated for the shortcomings of existing diagnostic methods, but also constructed a high-accuracy prediction model using statistically verified gait features and provided detailed prediction results.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 COVID-19로 인해 증가한 급성 폐부전 중증환자 치료를 위한 인공폐 기술의 필요성이 부각되었다. 또한, 빠 르게 진행되고 있는 인구고령화는 인공장기(artificial organ, AO) 기술에 대한 높은 수요를 불가피하게 만들고 있다. 분리막은 폐, 신장, 간 및 췌장을 포함한 많은 AO 기기의 핵심 부품이다. 특히 인공폐(artificial lung, AL) 기술은 지난 50년간 빠르게 발전해왔지만, 장기부전 환자의 생존율은 50% 내외로 여전히 낮은 편이다. 현재 대부분의 AL 관련문헌은 임상결과에 집중되 어 있으며, AL 분리막의 개발연구는 매우 부족한 편이다. 이에 대한 원인 중 하나는 AL 기술이 생명공학을 포함하여 고분자 화학 및 분리공정 기술을 아우르는 융합적 기술개발을 요구하기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 본 총설에서는 헬스케어산업에서 AL 분리막 기술의 역할과 기술개발이 필요한 난제들을 정리하였다. 특히, 분리막 소재의 혈액적합성, 분리성능, 모듈 디자인 및 공정 구성 측면에서 다양한 연구개발이 필요하다는 부분을 강조하고자 한다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 얼음결정체의 형성을 막고자 step-cooling 알고리즘을 적용하여 갈치를 과냉각 저장하였다. 저장의 신선도 유지효과를 확인하기 위해 냉장 및 냉동 저장된 갈치와의 신선도 비교평가를 실시하였다. 과냉각 저장은 냉장 저장과 비교하였을 때, 일반세균수와 단백질 부패로 인해 그 함량이 증가되는 VBN, TMA 값에서 비교적 작은 값을 보여 품질 유지에 효과를 나타내었다. 또한, 냉동 저장과 비교하였을 때, pH, VBN 및 TMA에서는 저장이 종료된 12일을 기준으로 차이를 크게 나타내지 않았다. 일반 세균수에서는 9일차까지 비슷한 값을 유지하였으며, 12일 차에서는 과냉각 시료가 높은 값을 보였다. 이를 통해, 과 냉각 저장이 미생물 생장을 최소화하고 단백질 부패를 지연시키는데 효과가 있다고 사료된다. 장기저장에서는 크게 영향을 미치지는 않았으나, 단기저장 관점에서는 냉장 저장보다 과냉각 저장이 갈치의 품질을 유지하는데 많은 장점을 가질 것으로 판단된다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 팽화스낵에 기능성 및 영양적으로 뛰어난 인삼의 활용도를 높이고자 각 조건별로 팽화스낵을 제조해 품질특성을 조사하였다. 수분함량(1, 4, 7, 10%)을 달리하여 pellet을 제조하고, 백미와 혼합한 뒤 팽화온도(180-220℃)를 달리하여 스낵을 제조하였다. 팽화스낵 제조 시, pellet의 수분함량과 팽화온도가 낮을수록 팽화가 잘 일어나지 않아 딱딱한 질감과 온전하지 않은 모양으로 제조되었다. 색도에서는 pellet의 수분함량과 팽화온도가 높을수록 명도, 적색도, 비체적은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었지만, 조직감에서는 감소하였다. 이에 따라 인삼을 이용한 팽화스낵 제조 시에는 적절한 수분함량과 팽화온도가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of the red ginseng (RG) products contain active substances derived from hot water or alcohol extraction. Since active substances of RG are divided into two two types: water-soluble and liposoluble, water or alcohol is needed as an extraction solvent and this leads the different extraction yields and components of the active substances. To overcome the limit, whole red ginseng powder can be used and consumed by consumers. In this study, the physicochemical properties and extractable active substance contents of variable-sized RG powder (158.00 μm, 8.45 μm, and 6.33 μm) were analyzed, and dispersion stability was measured to investigate the suitable size of RG powder for industrial processing. In the results, no significant difference was found from the changes in color intensity and thiobarbutric acid tests at 4°C, 25°C, and 40°C for 4 weeks. There was no significant difference on the production of antioxidants and ginsenoside among the samples (p>0.05). In dispersion stability, RG-158.00 μm was precipitated immediately, and the dispersion stabilities between RG-8.45 μm and RG-6.33 μm showed no significant difference. It implies that fine RG is suitable for the production process. With further study, it seemed that the physicochemical effects of RG particle sizes can be clearly revealed.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the food industry, freezing storage has been an important process for maintaining the properties of food materials. In order to maintain the quality of blanched Colocasia esculenta (L.), Schott stem, packaging, freezing, and thawing methods were optimized by determinations of the physicochemical properties. For the comparison of packaging method, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stem packed by air containment had the lowest significant differences of properties such as hardness and drip loss compared to the control samples. Overall, the drip loss of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stem had lower value at fast freezing rate (immersion freezing). Considering the result of the drip loss, high frequency thawing was more effective than other thawing methods. Therefore, it was supposed that samples treated by air-containing packaging, immersion freezing, and high frequency thawing used the optimal method to maintain the original quality of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stem.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed symptoms of MSDs(Musculokeletal Disorders) associated with characteristics of smartphone usage based on questionnaire survey. This study also tried to identify their relationship based on the results from questionnaire survey. A total of 943 subjects participated for the survey. The results in terms of symptoms associated with smartphone usage were as follows; 1) 49.8% of respondents experienced symptoms associated with MSDs, 2) 35.9%, 34.0%, 22.1%, 21.7% and 20.9% of respondents had symptoms at shoulder, neck, elbow, wrist, and fingers respectively, 3) The effect of ‘daily time of data use’, ‘monthly costs’ for MSDs of respondents was significant. Specifically, this study has some significance since it tries to identify the relationship between MSDs symptoms and characteristics of smartphone usage. The results of the study can be good basis for better design and user guidelines of smartphone to prevent MSDs associated with smartphone usage.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        작물 재비시에 가장 중요한 것은 병해충관리이다. 최근 기후변화로 인하여 병해충 발생이 증가하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 외래병해충이 유입되어 농작물 재배에 심각한 피해를 끼치고 있다. 그 중에서 다양한 식물바이러스가 창궐하여 농작물을 황폐화하고 있는데 이러한 바이러스들이 확산하는 중요한 방법으로서 곤충을 매개체로 이용한다. 본 연구에서는 퇴근 토마토농가에 심각한 피해를 끼친 토마토황화잎말림바이러스(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus; TYLCV)를 옮기는 유일한 매개충인 담배가루이(Bemisia tabaci)를 대상으로 바이러스 매개작용을 연구하였다. 분자생물학적 방법인 PCR방법으로 담배가루이의 TYLCV보독 여부를 진단하였다. 그리고 바이러스 보독에 의한 담배가루이의 습식패턴 및 행동변화를 바이러스 보독충 및 비보독충간에 비교분석하였다. 담배가루이는 TYLCV에 보독이 됨으로서 날개짓, 다리 떨기 등 몸의 움직임이 3-4배 증가했으며 또한 구침을 식물조직에 찔러 습식하는 기간이 짧고 비행빈도가 증가했다. 즉, 바이러스 보독충은 비보독충에 비해 훨씬 활동이 증가했으며 이러한 현상은 매개충에 의하여 바이러스가 전파되는데 유리한 조건이라고 판단된다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study tried to identify the problems associated with the posture to be analyzed and tried to suggest guidelines for MSDs(Musculoskeletal Disorders) evaluation based on working posture. A total of 50 jobs from 3 different types of industries(electronics, hospitals, automobiles) were used for MSDs evaluation study which was done by 6 observers. Two indexes were applied to identify the problem in this study which were percentage of agreement and counter-time-error rate. Specifically, ‘counter-time-error rate’ represented a degree of consistency in terms of selecting the posture to be analyzed time after time. Main results of the study were as follows; 1) The average percentage of agreement for representative posture for whole body was relatively higher than that for representative postures for individual body parts, 2) The counter-time-error rate(%) has been reduced as the evaluation process has repeated for the same job. 3) The counter-time-error rate(%) for electronics, hospitals, and automobiles were 63.4%, 61.2%, and 67.3% respectively. 4) The counter-time-error rate(%) for the job with the work cycle of 0.5 to 2 minutes were lower than that of the jobs with the work cycles less than 0.5 minute or greater than 2 minute. 5) The work cycles and the number of trials had significant effects on counter-time-error rate while the types of industries did not have significant effects on counter-time-error rate. Some guidelines could be prepared from the results of the study. Probably, there should have an extension in terms of form and matter for this study in order to have more practical output.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study conducted statistical analysis of survey on the 239 workers participating in national Tower Crane installation/dismantlement in order to identify work environment and health hazard exposure of Tower Crane workers. Consequently for work related safety status of Tower Crane workers, the number of installation/dismantlement work was the highest at 15-20 times per month, and safety equipments were not arranged at work and they felt highly anxious when boarding on the Tower Crane. Furthermore, it is found that they feel anxious working in the influence of the weather, noise, vibration, wind, the sun ray, and structure characteristic. They have very low satisfaction in the insecureness of workplace and the work environment, and recognizes that their work affect highly on the health. 81.6% of workers have experienced accident at work, the cause of accidents were mainly due to poor work environment, and the health abnormality they have experienced were mostly fatigue and concentration reduction. For job stress, job demand and conflict in relationship were the highest sections. Total 66.5% of workers complained of musculoskeletal disorder related subjective symptom, and back pain patients were the highest of all groups.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study tried to identify the effects of ergonomic risk factors for absence from work of fire fighters in Korea. A self-administered questionnaire was prepared for this study. The questionnaire consisted of several parts such as 'general information', 'work-related factors', 'physical & chemical risk factors', 'ergonomic risk factors', and 'absence information'. A total of 7,098 fire fighters participated in this study. The data obtained from the survey was mainly analyzed by logistic regression. A total of 856 out of 7,098 fire fighters experienced absence from work. The risk factors such as gender, age, marital status, education level, total work year, work area. position, job rotation, noise, dust, organic solvent, skin contact with chemical substance, toxic waste, regional vibration, manual material handling, continuous standing posture, awkward working posture were associated with absence from work. Specifically, awkward working posture and manual material handling from ergonomic risk factors were major risk factors for absence from work.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study tried to develop a basis for quantitative index of working postures associated with WMSDs (Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders) that could overcome realistic restriction during application of typical checklists for WMSDs evaluation. The baseline data(for a total of 603 jbs) for this study was obtained from automobile manufacturing company. Specifically, data for back posture was analyzed in this study to have a better and more objective method in terms of job relevance than typical methods such as OWAS, RULA, and REBA. Major statistical tools were clustering, logistic regression and so on. The main results in this study could be summarized as follows; 1) The relationship between working posture and WMSDs symptom at back was statistically significant based on the results from logistic regression, 2) Based on clustering analysis, three levels for WMSDs risk at back were produced for flexion as follows: low risk(< 18.5°), medium risk(18.5°~ 36.0°), high risk(> 36.0°), 3) The sensitivities on risk levels of back flexion was 93.8% while the specificities on risk levels of back flexion was 99.1%. The results showed that the data associated with back postures in this study could provide a good basis for job evaluation of WMSDs at back. Specifically, this evaluation methodology was different from the methods usually used at WMSDs study since it tried to be based on direct job relevance from real working situation. Further evaluation for other body parts as well as back would provide more stability and reliability in WMSDs evaluation study.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of smartphone usage and posture of users during using smartphone. A survey was conducted for 983 smartphone users to understand the association between smartphone usage and including subjective symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders. Main results from the survey were as follows; 1) 18.8% of the subjects experienced musculoskeletal symptoms at least at one of body parts. Specifically, 8.1%, 5.6%, 4.1%, and 11.3% of the subjects experienced musculoskeletal symptoms at neck, shoulder, elbow, and hand respectively, 2) The symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders were also associated with amount of text message and time for daily usage of smartphone. Specifically, relative risks of musculoskeletal disorders at hand/wrist/fingers in terms of "amount of text message" and "time for daily usage" for experienced user were 1.425 and 1.368 respectively to inexperienced user. This study identified 'amount of text message' and 'time for daily usage' as the major risk factors of smartphone usage in terms of musculoskeletal symptoms. The results of the study provided a good basis in order to remove or reduce the risks associated with musculoskeletal symptoms due to smartphone usage.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compared data regarding industrial accidents and awareness level for beauty product safety for four main parts of beauty industry such as hair-care, nail-care, skin-care, and make-up. Major risk factors in beauty industry are dust, musculoskeletal disorders, and organic solvent of beauty product in order of percentage. The specific types of industrial accidents in beauty industry are mainly associated with musculoskeletal system such as cuts, sprain, and varicose vein. They are mainly compensated by personal budget. The awareness levels of chemical and heavy metal containment for beauty product by beauty industry employee were 77.2% and 59.1% respectively. Most employee confirmed only important items of labelling requirement of beauty product. Also, most employee did not understand MSDS(Materila Safety Data) for chemicals used in beauty industry. Only 38.1% of beauty industry employee has had safety education while most employee (73.6%) realized that they needed safety education. Also, safety education supervised by KOSHA(Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency) was the most preferred. This study would be good basis for safe and healthy working environment of beauty industry employee.
        2012.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 미용업 분야를 헤어, 네일, 피부, 메이크업으로 나누어 사고재해 실태와 사용 제품에 대한 안전 인식도를 비교하기 위하여 수행되었다. 그 결과 근무하는 사업장의 작업 시 발생하는 유해요인으로는 분진, 근골격계, 화학 물질 함유 제품의 유기용제 순으로 높게 나타났으며, 지난 1년 동안의 사고 및 재해는 26.3%가 경험한 것으로 파악되었다. 사고나 재해의 종류로는 베임, 인대 늘어남, 하지 정맥류 등의 근골격계 이상이 가장 많았다. 미용업에서 사용되고 있는 제품의 화학물질 함유에 대한 인지도는 77.2%, 중금속 함 유에 대하여 인지도는 59.1%로 나타났으며, 미용업 관련 제품의 표시사항(성분, 주의 사항 등)에 대한 확인 여부는 ‘중요한 내용만 확인’한다는 응답이 가장 많았다. 화학물질에 대한 물질안전보건자료(MSDS)의 인지여부는 88.8%가 알지 못하는 것으 로 나타났으며, 물질안전보건자료(MSDS)에 대한 인식도 및 사업장의 비치 여부가 낮 은 것으로 파악되었다. 안전교육의 필요성은 73.6%로 높게 나타나 안전 교육에 대한 대책 마련이 요구되었다. 본 연구는 미용업 전반에 대한 사고재해 실태 및 안전의식에 관한 포괄적인 연구가 수행되어 미용업 근로자의 안전의식 고취와 정책적 안전관리 방안, 근로자 건강관리의 기초 자료로 활용되기를 기대한다.
        2012.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 소방대원의 화재진압 업무를 인간공학적 평가도구(RULA, REBA)를 이용 하여 분석하고 타업종(병원, 자동차업종)과의 비교를 수행하였다. 첫째, 소방대원들의 업무 중 화재진압 업무의 인간공학적 작업자세 분석 및 평가하여 극단적인 작업자세에 대해서 살펴보았다. 요구조자 1인 운반법은 RULA, REBA의 평가 결과에서 모두 정밀조사가 필요하고 즉시 개선․조치가 요구되는 4단계로 평가되었다. 둘째, 화재진압 업무와 타업종과(병원, 자동차업종)의 분석 결과를 비교 분석을 실시 하였다. RULA로 평가한 결과 3, 4단계가 차지하는 비율이 72%로 자동차 업종(74%) 에서의 평가결과 보다 낮게 나타났지만 병원업종(37%)보다는 높게 나타났다. REBA로 평가한 결과 3, 4단계가 차지하는 비율이 36%로 병원(9%)과 자동차 업종(24%)에서의 평가결과보다 높게 평가된 것으로 나타났다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The validity of the results from observational methods such as RULA, REBA, OWAS has been one of major concerns due to their subjective characteristics in determining the posture of interests. There have been many studies regarding validity of the results from each checklist. However, most studies provided only fragmentary rather than comprehensive results in nature. This study specifically tried to analyze consistency of novice user based on intra-observer consistency and sensitivity of industrial types during MSDs(Musculoskekltal Disorders) evaluation with major checklists. In this study, twenty two novice subjects were participated to conduct MSDs evaluation for the forty five jobs from three types of industries(automobile, electronics, hospital). The main results for this study were summarized as follows; 1) The action level based on RULA was always higher than that from REBA and OWAS for all three types of industries., 2) The order of consistency from novice users was OWAS(72.7%(kappa=0.57)) RULA(54.3%(kappa=0.41)), REBA(41.0%(kappa=0.34))., 3) The percentage of agreement between 2nd and 3rd trials was higher than those between 1st and 2nd trials and between 1st and 3rd trials irrespective of industrial types during using RULA and REBA., 4) The average score of automobile industry was higher than those of hospital and electronics industries., 5) The types of jobs associated with five body parts(A1(Front), A2(Interior), A3(Rear), A4(Lower), A5(Door)) in automobile industry showed statistically significant differences in terms of MSDs scores for the body parts considered in each checklists.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Main motivation for this study was to identify the relationship between high-risk hospital jobs and their symptoms associated. This study has three objectives; 1) Evaluate major jobs of hospital workers based on Criterion(Notification number 2003-24 from Ministry of Labor in Korea) for high-risk musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs), 2) Relate each jobs in criterion and the hospital jobs considered in this study, 3) Relate each jobs in criterion and MSDs symptoms of hospital workers. A total 141 hospital jobs was evaluated. Specifically, a total 688 hospital workers participated in the questionnaire survey in this study. There were two most jobs belonged to the numbers 2 and 4 from criterion. Most hospital workers participated in this study thought that the numbers 1 and 2 from criterion were associated with their jobs. In terms of MSDs symptoms, the numbers 1 and 2 from criterion were associated with their jobs as well. Further study for hospital jobs should be focused on breaking down quantification levels of each numbers in the criterion due to its atypical and non-repetitive job characteristics of hospital jobs.
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