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        검색결과 3

        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is an irreplaceable important issue in the artificial intelligence (AI) development of the 21st century to establish a database, to recover the related memory, and even to extract big data from written texts in the Chinese characters cultural circle. Theories about the “transitional forms” and “intermediary graphs” of Chinese characters provide theoretical basis for the big data excavation of the written texts in Chinese characters cultural circle. Chinese characters have been deconstructed twice during its long-time development history from the Warring States period to the Six Dynasties period. Experts tend to focus on the first time which is known as “libian” (transformation of the graphic shapes of the zhuanshu into clerical script forms) so there are lots of investigation and research on it. Regard to the second time, as the cursive scripts prevailed, the components of a graph can be reorganized or distorted and some strokes’ order can change the direction in hand-writing process, making a new distinguishing mechanism to produce batches of “transitional forms”. A very few of the “transitional forms” were evolved into “fixed standard scripts”, and a bulk of them were conversely developed as “intermediary graphs” gradually. The first priority for establishing a database for the written texts in the Chinese characters cultural circle is to exclave massive amounts of related information based on big data construction. It is imperative to collect and sort the ancient written letters which are of great value in Japan, Korea and China. This database acts as not only the foundation of the research on history of Chinese writing systems and new historical data, but also the “firsthand data” for revealing the rules of the development of cognitive behavior and intellectual inheritance of human being.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Park, Yong-han. 2015. “A Study on the occurrence motives and Socio-cultural Implications of Military-humor Texts”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(3). 113~ 145. Humor can be the main subject of sociolinguistic research since it indirectly reflects how people, who actually produce and enjoy humor, think about the main issues of their community. The military employs many forms of humor within its organization to relieve tensions in communication. As humor helps people to resolve the anxieties and rigid thoughts and become more flexible, various contents and forms of humor are produced and circulated within the military. With the subject of military-humor text consisting of contents relating to military society, this research looks into the motivation of humors that were produced and enjoyed as a narrative by current and previous military personnels and also the socio-cultural implication reflected in that humor text. Through this research we were able to verify various traits of the military using linguistical approaches. While military-humor texts do indirectly disclose the negative aspects of society, protects one's self-confidence and resolves repressed desires, it is also produced and enjoyed by a number of people simply for entertainment. These military-humor texts also include socio-cultural implications such as double perceptions towards military service, rank-orientedness, authoritarianism, de-individuation, isolationism, formalism, and thinking rigidity. I hope the results of this research is found useful in analyzing the socio-cultural characteristics of the military.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 무굴 아크바르 황제의 명으로 제롬 하비에르 선교사가 예수 의 생애에 관해 저술했던 『거룩함의 거울』의 텍스트와 이미지의 제작 의 도에 관한 문화 종교적 분석이다. 먼저 아크바르 황제는 예수의 생애에 대 해 다양한 종교에 관한 이성적 관심의 일환으로 예수의 기적과 신성에 관 해 왕권 강화적 측면에서 관심을 가졌다. 한편 제롬은 황제를 개종시킬 목 적으로 무굴의 문화와 종교를 이해하면서 예수의 생애와 접촉점이 될 만한 내용을 선택하여 저술했다. 또한 무굴 궁정의 화가들은 제롬의 텍스트에 대한 이해를 바탕으로, 이 슬람과 힌두교 종교예술 양식과 서양 기독교의 양식을 혼합하여 예수의 생 애에 관한 그림을 그렸다.『거룩함의 거울』에 나타난 이러한 문화적 종교 적 대화를 통해 직접적인 개종으로 이어지지는 않았지만, 일방적이고 강압 적이지 않았고 서로의 종교와 문화를 이해하려는 열린 마음이 있었다. 이 러한 무굴제국의 문화 적응적 예수회 선교의 예는 오늘날 여전히 어려움에 봉착한 인도의 모슬렘, 힌두교인의 선교방법에 대화를 통한 선교의 긍정적 선례를 제공한다.