Our research is aimed at predicting recent trend and leading technology for the future and providing optimal Nano technology trend information by analyzing Nano technology trend. Under recent global market situation, Users’ needs and the technology to meet these needs are changing in real time. At this point, Nano technology also needs measures to reduce cost and enhance efficiency in order not to fall behind the times. Therefore, research like trend analysis which uses search data to satisfy both aspects is required. This research consists of four steps. We collect data and select keywords in step 1, detect trends based on frequency and create visualization in step 2, and perform analysis using data mining in step 3. This research can be used to look for changes of trend from three perspectives. This research conducted analysis on changes of trend in terms of major classification, Nano technology of 30’s, and key words which consist of relevant Nano technology. Second, it is possible to provide real-time information. Trend analysis using search data can provide information depending on the continuously changing market situation due to the real-time information which search data includes. Third, through comparative analysis it is possible to establish a useful corporate policy and strategy by apprehending the trend of the United States which has relatively advanced Nano technology. Therefore, trend analysis using search data like this research can suggest proper direction of policy which respond to market change in a real time, can be used as reference material, and can help reduce cost.
This study suggests new approach to identify core technologies through patent analysis. Specially, the approach applied data mining technique and multi-criteria decision making method to the co-classification information of registered patents. First, technological interrelationship matrices of intensity, relatedness, and cross-impact perspectives are constructed with support, lift and confidence values calculated by conducting an association rule mining on the co-classification information of patent data. Second, the analytic network process is applied to the constructed technological interrelationship matrices in order to produce the importance values of technologies from each perspective. Finally, data envelopment analysis is employed to the derived importance values in order to identify priorities of technologies, putting three perspectives together. It is expected that suggested approach could help technology planners to formulate strategy and policy for technological innovation.
This paper presents a data-mining aided heuristic algorithm development. The developed algorithm includes three steps. The steps are a uniform selection, development of feature functions and clustering, and a decision tree making. The developed algorithm
This paper presents a data-mining aided heuristic algorithm development. The developed algorithm includes three steps. The steps are a uniform coverage selection, development of feature functions and clustering, and a decision tree making. The developed algorithm is employed in designing an optimal multi-station fixture layout. The objective is to minimize the sensitivity function subject to geometric constraints. Its benefit is presented by a comparison with currently available optimization methods.
Data mining technique is the exploration and analysis, by automatic or semiautomatic means, of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules. This paper uses a data mining technique for the prediction of defect types in manuf
Data mining technique is the exploration and analysis, by automatic or semiautomatic means, of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules. This paper uses a data mining technique for the prediction of defect types in manufacturing process. The purpose of this paper is to model the recognition of defect type patterns and prediction of each defect type before it occurs in manufacturing process. The proposed model consists of data handling, defect type analysis, and defect type prediction stages. The performance measurement shows that it is higher in prediction accuracy than logistic regression model.
Fog may have a significant impact on road conditions. In an attempt to improve fog predictability in Jeju, we conducted machine learning with various data mining techniques such as tree models, conditional inference tree, random forest, multinomial logistic regression, neural network and support vector machine. To validate machine learning models, the results from the simulation was compared with the fog data observed over Jeju(184 ASOS site) and Gosan(185 ASOS site). Predictive rates proposed by six data mining methods are all above 92% at two regions. Additionally, we validated the performance of machine learning models with WRF (weather research and forecasting) model meteorological outputs. We found that it is still not good enough for operational fog forecast. According to the model assesment by metrics from confusion matrix, it can be seen that the fog prediction using neural network is the most effective method.
본 연구에서는 홍수위 예경보를 위한 Data Mining기법에 대해 조사하고 예측시스템에 대해 연구하였다. 홍수예측의 모형 중 인공지능 기반의 신경망 모형을 이용하여 유사한 수문 사상을 유역내의 복잡한 물리적인 현상을 직접적으로 고려하지 않고 상·하류간 입력 자료를 사용하여 출력자료와의 관계로부터 학습을 통해 결론을 도출해내는 Data Mining기법 중 신경망 모형을 사용하였다.
본 연구에서는 중·소하천에서 홍수예경보를 위한 지능형 U-River 시스템의 실시간 모니터링 기술을 조사하고 예측 시스템에 대해 연구하였다. 기존의 홍수예경보의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 간단한 입력자료만으로 홍수예측이 가능한 인공지능 기반의 신경망 모형을 이용하였으며 예측 모형의 효율성과 적용성을 높이기 위해 유사한 수문 사상을 가지는 상·하류간 입력 자료를 동시에 사용하였다. 모델의 수행은 각 지점별 훈련성과를 토대로 최적의 은닉층 노드수를 선발하여 실시간 수위예측에 활용하였으며 수치적 기준을 적용하여 실측 수위와 모형에 의해 예측된 수위를 이용하여 평가하였다.