
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2013.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the segmented-in-series solid-oxide fuel cells (SIS-SOFCs), fabrication techniques which use decalcomania paper have many advantages, i.e., an increased active area of the electrode; better interfacial adhesion property between the anode, electrolyte and cathode; and improved layer thickness uniformity. In this work, a cell-stack was fabricated on porous ceramic flattened tube supports using decalcomania paper, which consists of an anode, electrolyte, and a cathode. The anode layer was 40μm thick, and was porous. The electrolyte layers exhibited a uniform thickness of about 20μm with a dense structure. Interfacial adhesion was improved due to the dense structure. The cathode layers was 30μm thick with porous structure, good adhesion to the electrolyte. The ohmic resistance levels at 800, 750 and 700˚C were measured, showing values of 1.49, 1.58 and 1.65Ω·cm2, respectively. The polarization resistances at 800, 750 and 700˚C were measured to be 1.63, 2.61 and 4.17cm2, respectively. These lower resistance values originated from the excellent interfacial adhesion between the anode, electrolyte and cathode. In a two-cell-stack SOFC, open-circuit voltages(OCVs) of 1.915, 1.942 and 1.957 V and maximum power densities(MPD) of 289.9, 276.1 and 220.4mW/cm2 were measured at 800, 750 and 700˚C, respectively. The proposed fabrication technique using decalcomania paper was shown to be feasible for the easy fabrication of segmented-in-series flattened tube SOFCs.