
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 마르쿠스 가브리엘의 신실재론(New Realism)을 통해 윌리엄 버틀러 예이츠(W.B. Yeats)의 시를 재조명하며, 그의 상징들이 지닌 자율성과 내재적 의미를 탐구한다. 가브리엘의 ‘의미의 장(fields of sense)’ 개념은 예이츠의 상징을 개 인적 혹은 문화적 맥락의 반영으로 제한하는 인간 중심적 해석을 넘어, 상징이 인간 인식과 무관하게 독립적 의미를 지닌 존재임을 보여준다. 이러한 관점은 예이츠의 상 징적 세계를 다차원적 실재로 위치시키며, 그의 역사적 현실과 신화적 상상력의 교차 를 조명할 수 있게 해준다. 가브리엘의 철학은 예이츠의 시에서 자율적 실재를 발견하 며, 시적 의미를 독립적이고 자율적인 존재와의 만남으로 재정의한다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Subgroups of sperm which share similar motility features documented in mammals indicate between-subject variations that might be related to fertilizing potential of the respective ejaculates. The objectives of this study were to define subpopulations of motile sperm in Gyr falcon semen using kinematic parameters driven by Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) and to investigate the subjectrelated variations in these subpopulations. A total of 24 fresh ejaculates from 6 falcons were used to assign each of the 20473 sperms into 3 subpopulations by a multivariate cluster analysis. The proportion of sperms in different sub-populations were compared among subjects by a generalized linear model and repeatability of sperm frequency in different subpopulations was investigated by corelation analysis. The resulting 3 categories of sperm indicated significant differences in all kinematic parameters (p < 0.05). Subpopulation 1 (15.91%) contained sperms with the highest velocity and progressiveness of movement trajectory while subpopulation 3 (6.4%) included the least progressively motile sperms. Proportion of rapid and medium progressive sperm were consistently higher in the ejaculate of three falcons compared to the two other birds which also had the highest proportion of slow non-progressive sperms (p < 0.05). Respective proportion of sperms in each subpopulations indicated significant repeatability over multiple measurements (p < 0.05). In conclusion, subpopulations of motile sperm in Gyr falcon can be identified using kinematic parameters generated by CASA. Individual differences in the proportion of these subpopulations might have potential application for identifying the males with higher fertilizing capacity.