본문은 성악 공연의 시각에 기반하여 운남 미도산가(弥渡山歌)를 언어특징, 수사예술 및 언어형태의 표현방식을 연구하였다.
먼저 미도산가 언어의 문화적 특징을 설명하기 위해 운남 미도지 역의 특수한 문화가 미도산가에 미친 영향과 미도지역의 생산방식이 미도산가의 언어 표현 방식에 미친 영향을 서술하였다. 여기서는 주로 차마고도(茶马古道)의 음악문화 및 타지역과 다른 민속풍습을 담 은 미도산가 언어의 완곡하고 함축적인 특징을 간략하게 소개하였다.
그 다음으로 미도산가의 언어적인 특징과 수사(修辭)의 예술적 측면을 연구하였다. 지방 방언의 언어 특징이 미도산가의 스타일에 미치는 영향과 미도산가의 수사 수법이 미도산가의 의사 전달에 미치는 영향을 포함하였다.
마지막으로 구체적인 작품을 예로 들어 미도산가 언어 형태의 표현방식을 논의하였다.
This article is based on the observation of <Braille Painting·Munja(Character) Painting>, an educational program for the culturally underprivileged people for the first half of 2013 by the National Folk Museum of Korea, and provides observation and analysis of the process how the visually challenged people experience and apprehend traditional art through the museum’s education program that focuses on Hyoje Munjado(character painting), traditional Korean folk painting. The <Braille Painting·Munja(Character) Painting> program helped the attendees with visual disability to learn about the folk painting, Hyoje Munjado, exhibited in the museum, and re-interpret and visualize the meaning of eight characters of Hyo Je Choong Shin Ye Ui Yeom Chi (filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty, sincerity, etiquette, fidelity, integrity, and shame) based on one’s unique experience, and create an art work of their own. This program was distinct as it allowed those with visual disability to learn about the ethics and culture of the Chosun society through the contents of Hyoje Munjado, while at the same time helped them experience the process of art creation by making an art work of one’s own. Hyoje Munjado is a special type of painting in which eight Chinese characters of Hyo Je Choong Shin Ye Ui Yeom Chi, the key ethical virtues of the Chosun society, were written and old sayings and figures are symbolized and drawn into the strokes in the eight Chinese characters. The ethical virtues expressed in the painting are still considered socially important and the program attendees can understand the meaning of the Hyoje Munjado reflected in their life and create their own munjado based on such contextual understanding. The program demonstrates how suitable a contextual understanding from constructivism perspective is in the exhibition and education of museums for the museum visitors with diverse cultural background, knowledge, and environment as well as the visually challenged. Furthermore, the program clearly indicates the effects of a constructivism education that creates a new meaning through a contextual interpretation of experiences in the education for the visually challenged. Although the program started out of an exploration into how to enable those with visual disability experience art, it also appears to be effective in allowing people with rare access to art and history of art experience art in their daily life experience.