
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seismic qualification of instruments and devices mounted on electrical cabinets in a nuclear power plant is performed in this study by means of the in-cabinet response spectrum (ICRS). A simple method and two rigorous methods are proposed in the EPRI NP-7146-SL guidelines for generating the ICRS. The simple method of EPRI can give unrealistic spectra that are excessively conservative in many cases. In the past, the time domain analysis (TDA) methods have been mostly used to analyze a structure. However, the TDA requires the generation of an artificial earthquake input motion compatible to the target response spectrum. The process of generating an artificial earthquake may involve a great deal of uncertainty. In addition, many time history analyses should be performed to increase the accuracy of the results. This study developed a numerical analysis program for generating the ICRS by frequency domain analysis (FDA) method. The developed program was validated by the numerical study. The ICRS calculated by FDA thoroughly matched with those obtained from TDA. This study then confirms that the method it proposes can simply and efficiently generate the ICRS compared to the time domain method.
        1996.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The defects occurred in knitted fabrics have several types due to some trouble sources. In particular, the defects caused by knitting machine troubles give a serious damage to the whole webs. It is, therefore, necessary to discriminate the kind of defects. The method to discriminate the type and size of defects has been proposed, which is used a pair of narrow band eliminating spatial filters. This method is based upon an isotropic signal processing in time domain. This paper is to confirm that the proposed method can be useful in the discrimination of defects, having analyzed in spatial frequency domain.