
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Geometric abstract art has been a persistent form since ancient times and is defined in modernity as a genre of abstract painting. According to previous studies, the geometric structure of traditional Korean costume possesses uniqueness based on Korean thought and philosophy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to first derive the characteristics of Wilhelm Worringer’s theory, a theorist of geometric abstraction, and then compare the spiritual similarities between the traditional Korean costume and geometric abstract art, with the aim of examining the artistic competitiveness of Hanbok. Photographic materials from domestic and international museums, as well as books published by museums and government agencies, were analyzed. Further, the characteristics of Worringer's theory of the abstract impulse were derived. The results are as follows. First, the external factors are characterized by a single geometric shape on a flat surface with restrained spatial expression. The internal factors include anxiety, comfort from religion or ideology, and the need for a visual refuge for rest. Second, traditional Korean costume and geometric abstraction share common spiritual contexts of artistry, transcendence, and stability according to Worringer's theory. Third, the study of the spiritual similarities between the traditional Korean costume and geometric abstract art through Worringer’s theory reveals that the artistry of traditional Korean costume is expressed in universal forms, transcendence as intrinsic origins, and stability as a unique aesthetic consciousness. These findings provide a framework for reinterpreting the originality and universality of traditional Korean costume as Korean cultural content, infused with the characteristics of modern art.