
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        汉语“何况”与韩语“하물며”是较典型的表递进语义的词汇表达形式,两者在语义 上基本可以对应,但在具体的句法、语义、语用平面上仍存在一些差异。本文主要借助语 言学“梯阶”的概念,对两者进行对比分析初步可得出如下小结:首先,在语义层面上, 汉语“何况”有两个较典型语义,皆可借助梯阶概念进行解释说明,且汉语“何况2”的 独立性、语法化程度逐渐增强,有逐渐超越“何况1”典型用法的倾向,对于汉韩语相关 呈现不同的语法特点有较重要的影响;韩语“하물며”的词典义尽管只有一种典型语义, 但在具体语料中也有类似“何况2”的补充说明语义,但现阶段并没有超越典型义的倾 向。其次,在句法方面,我们主要从句法位置、句型、共现成分三方面进行对比,可以发 现,在句法位置上,“何况”用于句首、句中皆较为常见,“하물며”多用于句中;句型 上,“何况”用于陈述句的情况多于“하물며”,韩语“하물며”用于疑问句的情况多于 何况”;共现成分上,两者的常用表达呈现镜像分布的倾向。再次,在语用方面,我们主 要从信息焦点的角度进行了初步分析,认为两者不局限于提示后置对比焦点,也可以提示 前置焦点,但“何况”提示前置焦点的用法已较典型,“하물며”提示前置焦点的用法尚 不典型。相关特点与两者在语义方面的差异以及对句法、语用层面进行投射有较大关联。 本文希望通过对汉韩语相近语言表达的对比,来寻找些许差异,以便为外语学习者提供些 许参考。
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When ’Ju(巨)’ works as a degree adverbs, the decategorization of the X appeared in the the structure of ’Ju(巨)X’ and the decategorization happends in 'Ju(巨)+AP', 'Ju(巨)+VP' and 'Ju(巨)+N'. According to statistics, we can find that there are 6 kinds of X which includes 'Hao(好)V', 'Nan(难)V', 'You(有)N', 'Mei (没)N', 'Neng(能)V'and the N in the 'Ju(巨)+N'. Therefore, based on the analysis on linguistic data of corpus, we found out the grammatical features of the X, including the syntactic functions of the X and semanic features of the X. The features of X's syntactic function includes possessing the basic functions and propety of a propety adjective, the degree of the decategorization is unbalanced inside the X and there were some continuum phenomenon appeared in the decategorization. And we also found out three features of the semantic of X. First, except the the N of the 'Ju(巨)+N2', most of the X have the sematic shift and the main way of the sematic shift is the content shift. Second, except the N of 'Ju(巨)+N1'and 'Ju(巨)+N2', X possesses the degree of meaning and subjectivity without the degree adverbs. Lastly, the subjectivity of the X comes from the speaker's evaluation while the subjectivity of the X of 'Ju(巨)+N1 comes from the speaker's judgment of the propety of the N.