
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Because a driving simulator typically focuses on analyzing a driver’s driving behavior, it is difficult to analyze the effect on the overall traffic flow. In contrast, traffic simulation can analyze traffic flow, that is, the interaction between vehicles; however, it has limitations in describing a driver’s driving behavior. Therefore, a method for integrating the simulator and traffic simulation was proposed. Information that could be controlled through driving experiments was used, and only the lane-change distance was considered so that a more natural driving behavior could be described in the traffic flow. METHODS : The simulated connection method proposed in this study was implemented under the assumption of specific traffic conditions. The driver’s lane-changing behavior (lane-changing distance, deceleration, and steering wheel) due to the occurrence of road debris was collected through a driving study. The lane-change distance was input as a parameter for the traffic simulation. Driving behavior and safety were compared between the basic traffic simulation setting, in which the driver's driving behavior information was not reflected, and the situation in which the driving simulator and traffic simulation were integrated. RESULTS : The number of conflicts between the traffic simulation default settings (Case 1) and the situation in which the driving simulator and traffic simulation were integrated (Case 2) was determined and compared for each analysis. The analysis revealed that the number of conflicts varied based on the level of service and road alignment of the analysis section. In addition, a statistical analysis was performed to verify the differences between the scenarios. There was a significant difference in the number of conflicts based on the level of service and road alignment. When analyzing a traffic simulation, it is necessary to replicate the driving behavior of the actual driver. CONCLUSIONS : We proposed an integration plan between the driving simulator and traffic simulation. This information can be used as fundamental data for the advancement of simulation integration methods.