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        검색결과 2

        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Bostrichidae contains 9 subfamily and about 580 species. Almost all have adapted to xylophagy, living mainly in sapwood rich in cellulose and many species are considered as serious and onerous technical pests - with increasing export of wooden articles and containers increases also the frequency of introduction of these beetles to various parts of the world, including those of temperate or cold climate (Borowski and Wegrzynowicz, 2007). In Korea, Up to days, 7 species of 5 genera of the family Bostrichidae have been recorded. We added two species, Dinoderus speculifer Lesne, 1895 and Xylothrips pekinensis (Lesne, 1902 - Comb. nov.). And Xylothrips cathaicus Reichardt, 1966 is synonymized with Xylothrips pekineisns (Lesne, 1902 - Syn. nov.). Borowski and Wegrzynowicz (2008) added Xylothrips pekinensis to the Japanese fauna with a photo and mentioned on the possibility of the distribution in the Korean peninsula, but this species had been already recorded to the Japanese fauna by Iwata and Kusakabe (2002).
        2001.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nine previously described forms of Asian Pheidole species are synomimized, based on the reexamination of the type materials: Pheidole attila Forel, 1913 is synonymized with P. capellinii Emergy, 1887; Pheidole exasperata var. concordia Santschi, 1916 and P. e. var. fusiformis Viehmeryer, 1914, with P. aglae Forel, 1913; P. multicoma Eguchi, 19999, with P. comata F. Smith, 1858; P. havilandi var. sapuana Foreal, 1911 and P. h. var. selangorensis Forel, 1913, with P. havilandi Forel, 1911; P. huberi var. perakensis Forel, 1911, with P. huberi Forel, 1911; P. nodgii r. maxwellensis Forel, 1913, with P. magrettii Emery, 1887; P. treubi Forel, 1905, with P. noda Fr. Smith, 1874. P. nodgii var. tjibodana Forel, 1905 and P. sauberi subsp. sarawakana Forel, 1911 are considered to the good biological species. Lectotypes are designated for 31 forms of Asian Pheidole. Either rediscription or taxonomic remarks are given for each species.