
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2010.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A porous nickel-tin nano-dendritic electrode, for use as the anode in a rechargeable lithium battery, has been prepared by using an electrochemical deposition process. The adjustment of the complexing agent content in the deposition bath enabled the nickel-tin alloys to have specific stoichiometries while the amount of acid, as a dynamic template for micro-porous structure, was limited to a certain amount to prevent its undesirable side reaction with the complexing agent. The ratios of nickel to tin in the electro-deposits were nearly identical to the ratios of nickel ion to tin ion in the deposition bath; the particle changed from spherical to dendritic shape according to the tin content in the deposits. The nickel to tin ratio and the dendritic structure were quite uniform throughout the thickness of the deposits. The resulting nickel-tin alloy was reversibly lithiated and delithiated as an anode in rechargeable lithium battery. Furthermore, the resulting anode showed much more stable cycling performance up to 50 cycles, as compared to that resulting from dense electro-deposit with the same atomic composition and from tin electrodeposit with a similar porous structure. From the results, it is expected that highly-porous nickel-tin alloys presented in this work could provide a promising option for the high performance anode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries.