Systems such as database and socal network systems have been broadly used, and their unexpected failure, with great losses and sometimes a social confusion, has received attention in recent years. Therefore, it is an important issue to find optimal maintenance plans for such kind of systems from the points of system reliability and maintaining cost. However, it is difficult to maintain a system during its working cycle, since stopping works might incur users some troubles. From the above viewpoint, this paper discusses minimal repair maintenance policy with periodic replacement, while considering the random working cycles. The random working cycle and periodic replacement policies with minimal repair has been discussed in traditional literatures by usually analyzing cases for the nonstopping works. However, maintenance can be more conveniently done at discrete time and even during the working cycle in real applications. So, we propose that periodic replacement is planned at discrete times while considering the random working cycle, and moreover provide a model in which system, with a minimal repair at failures between replacements, is replaced at the minimum of discrete times KT and random cycles Y. The average cost rate model is used to determine the optimal number of periodic replacement.
본 논문에서는 대수-선형 파손율 모형(log-linear ROCOF)과 와이블 파솔율 모형(Weibull ROCOF)을 이용하여 상수도 주철 배수관로의 파손율을 모형화하고, '수정된 시간 척도'를 이용하여 최적교체시기를 산정할 수 있는 방법이 개발되었다. 두 ROCOF의 모형화를 위하여 개별 관로의 파손시간을 기록한 '파손 시간자료(failure-time data)'와 일정 시간간격 사이에서 발생하는 파손횟수를 기록한 '파손 횟수자료(failure-nu