Miridae show remarkable diversity (>11,700 spp.), accounting for a quarter of all Heteroptera. However, their phylogeny and evolutional history is still remain unclear. In this work, we provide new suggestions for the phylogeny of Miridae using a larger dataset than previous studies. In addition, we suggest an alternative evolutionary history based on newly calibrated divergence dates for Miridae and its subordinate groups, and present probable factors of the family’s success in terms of species diversity. The entire dataset comprises 16 outgroups and 188 ingroup taxa including all seven known subfamilies and 37 out of 45 known tribes. Each species is aligned as 3,577 bp with six molecular loci (COI, 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA D3 region, H2A, and H3A).
We present the first comprehensive cladistic analysis of Miridae, the plant bugs, based on analysis of 3935 base pairs of mitochondrial (16S, COI) and nuclear (18S, 28SD3) DNA for 91 taxa in seven subfamilies. We analyzed the data using maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenetic frameworks. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock was used to examine divergence times, and ancestral feeding habits were reconstructed using parsimony and a Bayesian approach. Clades recovered in all analyses are as follows: Cimicomorpha, Miroidea, and Miridae; Bryocorinae: Bryocorini; Stenodemini; Mirinae; Deraeocorinae (Clevinemini + Deraeocorini); Cylapinae; Isometopinae; Bryocorinae: Dicyphini; Orthotylini; Phylinae (Phylini + Pilophorini), and Phylinae is sister-group to all the remaining mirid taxa. These results are largely congruent with former hypotheses based on morphological data with respect to the monophyly of various subfamilies and tribes however, our results indicate that the subfamily Bryocorinae is not a monophyletic group as the two tribes, Dicypini and Bryocorini, were separated in our phylogeny. Ancestral feeding state reconstructions based on Bayesian and parsimony inference were largely congruent and both reconstructed phytophagy at the root of the Miridae.
In phyline plant bugs, four genus each with one species are recognized new to Korea: Atractotomoidea castanea Yasunaga, 1999; Moissonia befui Yasunaga, 1999; Monosynamma bohemanni (Fallen, 1829) and Pseudophylus stundjuki (Kulik, 1973). Diagnosis and keys to species are provided with the clear dorsal images and the illustrations of male genitalia. Also the brief biology is discussed.
The first comprehensive cladistic analysis of Miridae, the plant bugs, based on ~3000 base pairs of mitochondrial (COI, 16S) and nuclear (18S, 28SD3) genes, is presented. For 105 taxa (101 Mirid species in 7 subfamilies and 11 tribes, and 4 outgroups) in 7 subfamilies and 11 tribes of Miridae, the combined dataset was analyzed using ML (maximum likelihood), BC (bayesian criteria) and MP (maximum parsimony). Clades recovered in all analyses, comprise 6 main groups: Cimicomorpha and Miridae; Phylinae; Mirinae (Eurystylus + Polymerus + Proboscidocoris + Taylorilygus + Stenodemini); Orthotylinae; Mirini (Adelphocoris group except “Apolygus complex”); Apolygus complex; Deraecorinae; Bryocorinae + Isometopinae + Cylapinae. Our results indicate 1) the monophyletic relationships of two subfamilies Phylinae and Deraeocorinae within the family Miridae; 2) the paraphyly of subfamily Mirinae. Phylogenetic relationships at the tribal or subfamily level are provided in comparison with the prior studies based on morphological data.