PURPOSES : This study is to construct the regression models of drainage asphalt concrete specimens and to provide the appropriate coefficients of hydraulic conductivity prediction models. METHODS: In terms of easy calculation of the hydraulic conductivity from porosity of asphalt concrete pavement, the estimation model of hydraulic conductivity was proposed using regression analysis. 10 specimens of drainage asphalt concrete pavement were made for measurement of the hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity model proposed in this study was calculated by empirical model based on porosity and the grain size. In this study, it shows the compared results from permeability measured test and empirical equation, and the suitability of proposed model, using regression analysis. RESULTS: As the result of the regression analysis, the hydraulic conductivity calculated from the proposal model was similar to that resulted from permeability measured test. Also result of RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) analysis, a proposed regression model is resulted in more accurate model. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model can be used in case of estimating the hydraulic conductivity at drainage asphalt concrete pavements in fields.
본 연구는 배수성 아스팔트 포장의 표면을 아크릴 수지로 코팅 처리할 경우 내구성 측면 및 기능적 측면에서 어떠한 효과가 있는가를 실내시험을 통해 평가하는 기초적인 연구이다. 포장의 내구성 측면에서는 칸타브로 및 휠트래킹, 수분손상 간접 인장 피로 시험 등을 실시하였다. 시험결과 시편을 수지로 코팅을 한 경우 칸타브로 손실률이 3배 정도 감소되었고 균열에 대한 저항성도 대폭 향상되었으나 수분손상 및 소성변형의 저항성은 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 기능적인 측면에서는 코팅 전 후의 투수계수 및 공극률 BPT(British Pendulum Tester)를 사용한 미끄럼 저항성의 변화를 측정하였다. 시험결과 공극률 및 투수계수는 약간 저하되나 기능상의 문제는 없을 것으로 판단되며, 미끄럼 저항성은 규사를 살포하지 않을 경우 미끄럼 저항성이 감소되나 규사를 살포할 경우 코팅 전 수준 이상의 미끄럼 저항성을 확보하는 것으로 나타났다.
Improving traffic capacity and vehicle speed is no longer the main focus in transportation because of developments of technology and awareness of the citizens. Therefore, transportation's focus has been changing to solve social and environmental phenomena, such as noise and accident reduction and disaster prevention. One of new solutions that solves transportation problems is porous asphalt concrete pavement that can reduce highway noise and accident in wet condition. This research evaluated the economic characteristics of porous asphalt pavements by selecting associated safe and environmental variables. Also, The research conducted economic analysis between porous pavements and traditional pavements. The results show economic benefits of porous pavements.