The rapid development of biotechnology has increased the importance of microorganisms or their genetic information. Thus, the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization was established, and countries are working to secure industrially and academically useful bioresources to deal with the agreement. In the case of Korea, because 67% of bioresources are imported from abroad, we are required to secure domestic bioresources as well. The number of isolated foodborne illness-causing microorganisms is predicted to invrease based on the incresing number of outbreaks of foodborne illness each year. Consequently, appropriate long-term preservation methods are necessary to secure the isolated microorganisms for the purpose of research and resourcification. Therefore, the long-term preservation methods for bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa were investigated in this study, from domestic and international bioresource banks, and the functions of the cryoprotectants were reviewed and discussed. This review should be informative in the preservation of microorganisms and contribute to the development of biotechnology.
The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of drying, curing and freezing on the quality of beef. Three types of dried (without salt = T1, with salt = T2 and salt + spices = T3); three types of cured (salt curing = T4, sugar curing = T5 and brine curing = T6) and three types of frozen beef (0℃ = T7, -10℃ = T8 and -20℃ = T9) were analyzed at different time intervals up to the period of 180 d. Parameters studied were protein, fat, ash, color and cooking loss of beef. All the chemical constituents (protein, fat and ash) were decreased gradually up to 120 d. The decreasing trend was observed rapid after 120 d up to 180 d of preservation. Highest protein loss was found in T7 (11.1%) and the lowest protein loss was found in T6 (3.85%) in 180 d preservation and significant (p < 0.01) differences were observed among the different preservation methods. Highest fat loss was observed in T6 (7.62%) and the lowest fat loss was observed in T2 (3.18%) and the differences were also significant (p < 0.05) among different methods during the experimental period. Spices dried beef showed a brighter color than others and cured beef showed brown color and the intensity of color was reduced gradually with the increasing of storage period. T9 showed the lowest cooking loss among 3 treatments of frozen beef and the differences also significant (p < 0.01) up to 180 d. It might be stated that sugar curing (T5) and spices drying (T3) would be the useful technique of meat preservation in rural areas and freezing (T9) would be used in large scale preservation at urban areas.
왕귀뚜라미 대량 사육시 요구되는 실내 채란법 개발을 위하여 인공산란매트 선발과 알 저장조건을 조사하였다. 인공산란매트로서 수분 유지능력이 우수한 원예용 오아시스가 천연의 매트인 흙에 비해 산란선호성이 월등히 우수하였다. 한편 인공산란매트로서 원예용 오아시스는 흙에 비해 총산란수 및 부화율이 다소 저조하였으나 산란이 집중적으로 이루어지는 실용 산란기간(성충화 후 50일이내)의 산란수 및 부화율은 오히려 흙에 비해 우수하였다. 알의 저장조건은 산란 후 14일째, 에 40일간 냉장한 구가 부화율 로 세대단축 등을 고려할 때 단기저장으로 가장 적합한 것으로 판단되었으며, 산란 후 14일째, 에 90일 냉장했을 때 부화율 로 장기저장법으로 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났다.
Ihis experiment was carried out to select a carrier as rhizobium inoculant for alfalfa. The Rhizobium inoculants were produced in main materials(organic and inorganic materials) and submaterial(Ca, and sucrose), and than the changes of Rhizobium populatio