
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Daily deals sites function as an effective promotional tool for low-budget offline retailers. In particular, social interaction helps increasing sales because it not only clarifies product information but also increase product awareness. This study investigates two forms of social interaction, public discussion (posting on the within-platform deal board) and social sharing (sharing the deal information on an external SNS platform). In addition to the innate attractiveness of the deal, we hypothesize that the online and offline contexts affect the amount of social interaction. That is, (1) number of deals that are present along with the focal deal in the online platform and (2) the retail environment of the service offered in the deal affect the degree to which users participate in social interaction. An empirical analysis of deal-level data shows that the contextual factors, along with the deal attractiveness, affect the amount of social interaction. However, the effects are distinct for public discussion and social sharing. When there is a larger number of similar deals on the platform, less public discussion takes place while social sharing proliferates. Offline retail environment only affects public discussion; larger retailer revenue in the area that the deal provider is located results in greater social interaction. The innate attractiveness of the deal, defined as the past performance of deals of the same category in the same region, has contrasting effect on the two types; high attractiveness results in more public discussion but less social share. The results suggest that small offline retailers can better manage social interaction by understanding the influence of contextual factors when promoting their service products on an online platform.
        2009.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 인터넷 게시판의 댓글관계를 분석하여 그 공론장적 성격을 밝히는 논문이다. 하버마스의 공론장의 공공성, 개방성, 숙의성 등 주요성격을 살펴보고, 5개의 게시판의 댓글관계와 그 상호성을 네트워크분석하여 특히 개방적이고 공정한 참여의 특징을 살펴본다. 분석결과, 인터넷 게시판이 수많은 일회적 참여자들을 주변화하고 중심적 참여자들이 댓글 토론을 주도하고 있는 한계를 지니지만 중심적 참여자들이 다시 논의주도형뿐만 아니라 카리스마형, 하이에나형으로 나뉘어 논의를 활성화시키고 또한 논의그룹이 분화되는 등 공론장으로의 성격을 지닌다.