
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, algorithms for analyzing the torsion of buildings under earthquake excitation are developed. The algorithm and formulations to account for the torsional angle are verified by analyzing the seismic acceleration time history data. The method was applied to the reference buildings to examine their operation and usability. The reference application demonstrated that the noise-canceling scheme successfully overcame various obstacles in the field measurements. The developed method is expected to be used as a tool to support a loss assessment system for determining the direction and priority of disaster response in the event of an earthquake.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to consider application and evaluation of value and class of domestic wetland, we investigated 146 wetlands located Gyeongsangnam-do using Rapid Assessment Method (RAM). We utilized Self-Organizing-Map (SOM) to analysis relationship between evaluation index and land coverage ratio surrounding wetland. Among total 8 evaluation index, ‘Fish and herptile habitat’ and ‘Aesthetic value’ were higher, most of the wetlands evaluated as 2, 3 grade. Result of SOM analysis, ‘vegetation diversity and wild animals habitat’ is negatively related to the ‘Fish and herptile habitat’, because fishs were not prefer habitat excessively occupied by plant. However, high vegetation diversity can be support high score of ‘Aesthetic’ in wetland. Also, ‘Erosion control’ and ‘Flood storage and control’ were closely related, wetlands with high score of ‘Erosion control’ have high score of ‘Flood storage and control’. When applied RAM in domestic wetland, six out of 6 evaluation index induced biased results, the index of RAM need a little change as some new or modify evaluation index. Therefore, we consider to need adjustable, subdivide, and actualization of some evaluation index for application of RAM in domestic wetlands. Consequently, wetland assessment and class using RAM can be utilized as important indicate for conservation and management of wetland, and contributed greatly to maintain biodiversity include to endangered species by preserving remaining wetland.