From a conversation-analytic perspective, this paper examines the ways in which the Korean sentence-ending suffix (SES) -ketun is used in naturally occurnng sp아<en Korean 이 scourse. Focusing on the question of how the practice of informing implemented by the ketun-utterance provides a basis for the sequentially implemented action of account-giving (Kim & Suh 2뼈), it a n따yzes (i) the nature of the information marked by -ketun in terms of how it is grounded, (ii) the sequential contexts where the informing sequence that -ketun generates is embedded, and (iii) features of the ketun -marked account with reference to the practices of formulating non-negotiable upshot, evo싸 ng positionally relevant identities, unpackaging information geared to enlightening the address얹. and stance-shifting. These practices are analyzed as being constitutive of the action-organizational features of the ketun-marked account, whose upshot is proposed to be that of evo써 ng and managing the information gap or disparity in knowledge asseπed by the speal<er to exist between the partlclpants.