
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Steel manufacturers in the Korean steel reinforcement market are facing increasing competition. Construction businesses are in a recession because demands have decreased, too many facilities have been built, and more imported materials are coming from Japan and China. Korean steel manufacturers focus on domestic sales as a result of these difficulties in the business environment. To overcome these difficulties, manufacturers must find strategies for producing high value products, minimizing distribution expenses, and reducing costs. However, such temporary expedients are insufficient. Accordingly, our study investigating steel manufacturer salespersons and agents that purchase supplies uncovered suggestions for remaining competitive. First, companies must outdo their competitors by offering more competitive prices. Second, they must be ahead of their competitors in announcing their prices. Companies can present their expected selling prices by analyzing their manufacturing costs, future market unit costs, and distribution unit costs of the present market. If they select prices for products they will sell in the next month, the data indicate that they can still expect to make profits. The lowest selling price is calculated by analyzing the manufacturing costs. By setting prices more rapidly than competitors, manufacturers should increase their market share by increasing sales volume.
        2014.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since 2008 the world financial crisis, implemented by the America government monetary payment policy has brought increased liquidity, but the decline in the dollar value of the decline of the export competitiveness of the countries all over the world, especially since 1980, Japan's economy is facing difficulties great, plus American monetary easing, the Japanese economy and more faded. Since 2012 October the Japanese far right parties, Liberal Democrat Andouble government came to power, the Japanese government yen devaluation, depreciation of the yen to Japanese economic recovery, but the Asian countries has been on the Japanese export oriented development mode, and the types of export commodities are more or less the same, therefore, the depreciation of the yen after Japan's exports have the great competitiveness, but at the same time the rest of Asia's export competitiveness has declined. The yen short-term the biggest damage country is South Korea, then China, but the total economic China than South Korea, namely the yen's depreciation on Chinese is very large, especially Chinese ships, iron and steel, auto parts and other heavy industry. Chinese are developing countries, the developing countries China heavy industry development is essential in its economic growth on the road, the developed countries of western countries and Japan have to rely on the development of heavy industry, heavy industry development level decides the development level of a country, RMB appreciation has lasted one and a half years, from a in the short term, has little effect on the Chinese economy. To observe effects of yen depreciation consequences, and through this thesis research the effect of the devaluation of the yen Chinese industry and explore the impact of future devaluation of the yen Chinese.