
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to explore sustainable fashion design plans and directions by analyzing Marine Serre’s collection. Previous research was reviewed to derive classifications of the aesthetic characteristics of sustainable fashion design. This classification was then used to analyze the characteristics of the Marine Serre collection. Design analysis was conducted on Marine Serre’s 2018 FW to 2023 SS collections. Marine Serre’s sustainability characteristics are functionality, surprise, handicraft, and inclusion. The results are as follows. First, functionality is the highest among the four characteristics and includes the functionality of movement, the functionality of form, and futurism. This characteristic was observed in the use of all-in-one body suits, pockets, and workwear, showing the will and values of designers who value daily activity. Second, surprise includes the scarcity of materials and the unexpectedness of composition. The value of the clothing is enhanced by the use of scarce materials not typically used in clothing. In addition, Marine Serre is highly regarded for expanding clothing into life by incorporating material upcycling into the theme of the collection. Third, handcrafted features include exaggerated decorations, logo, retro designs, and natural properties, and intentional utilization is differentiated. Marine Serre’s signature pattern suggests a suitable expression for the fabric to use the crescent moon for the season. Fourth, the collection expresses themes of inclusivity and cultural diversity. The results indicate that Marine Serre wants to contribute to a better future characterized by global coexistence.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As mass production techniques developed in technological innovation due to the industrial revolution, the world started to face serious pollution problem and therefore ‘sustainable’ and ‘eco-friendly’ movement showed up in our societies. The fashion industry has emphasized the environmental design since the early 1960s. However, in the system engaged on trends and mass-production process, fashion designers and consumers could not pay more attention to the environment issues as expected. In these days, consumers not just in fashion products but also any other products started to care about ‘fair trades’, ‘environmental issues’, ‘human rights’, and ‘donations’ when they shop. Therefore, if fashion industries pay more attention to sustainable marketing and merchandising while selling their products, it will help consumers to build up a ‘sustainable thinking’. Usage of eco-friendly materials and recycling are well-known for practicing eco- friendly fashion but unfortunately, they are only limited in the process of making and disposal stage in fashion. Nowadays, there is an increasing concern and emphasis on fair trade, environmental awareness, human rights and other ethical consumerism practices, and is growing in tendency, which has prompted authentic and honest marketing strategies to become more effective as opposed to the existing one-shot events (Kim et al., 2013). If this trend of planning business strategies with authentic and sustainable tactics is implemented into the Fashion industry, then it will be able to establish a sustainable consumer culture. Until now, contemporary research on environmentally friendly and sustainable fashion are mostly centered on sustainable fashion ideas and studies on sustainable textiles (Fletcher, 2011). However, there was limited studies on sustainable design with various perspectives and design planning, which have much practical and real-world usage for designers or planners in the fashion industry. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more studies on fashion design planning methods and guidelines that fashion merchandisers and designers in the industry can use.