This paper attempts to measure the impact of non-financial factors including analyst practices and broker resources on performance of sell side research. Results reveal that these non-financial factors have a measurable impact on performance of target price forecasts. Number of pages written by an analyst (surrogate for analyst practice) is significantly and directly linked with target price accuracy indicating a more elaborate analyst produces better target price forecasts. Analyst compensation (surrogate for broker resource) is significantly and inversely linked with target price accuracy. Out performance by analysts working with lower paying firms is possibly associated with motivation to migrate to higher paying broking firms. The study finds that employing more number of analysts per research report has no significant impact on target price accuracy –negative coefficient indicates that team work may not result in better target price forecasts. Though insignificant, long term forecast horizon negatively affects target price accuracy while stock volatility improves target price accuracy.
GAP 인증제도 도입초기의 시기적 필요성을 반영하여 GAP 인증 수삼이 어떤 소비자를 대상으로 어떠한 방향의 마케팅전략을 수행해야하는지에 대한 방향성 제시를 위해 수삼 선택속성별 부분가치를 산출하였으며 GAP 인증 수삼의 시장예상점유율 시뮬레이션, 시장세분화(segmentation), 표적시장선정(targeting), 표적시장 소비자 특성 등에 대한 일련의 연구를 수행하였다. 수삼 선택의 주요 속성인 안전성, 크기, 가격에 대한 부분가치효용을 분