
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the quality characteristics of fermented wines using a selected strain to obtain basic data on sugarfree tomato wine production. Alcohol content of the tomato and commercial wine was 8.2~12.9%, whereas tomato wine showed a relatively low alcohol content of 8.2%. For total phenol content, Chile wine showed the highest value of 162.89 mg/100 g, followed by persimmon wine at 122.33 mg/100 g. Tomato wine showed a relatively high total phenol content of 96.57 mg/100 g. In all sections, xylose was not detected, although there were differences in free sugars depending on each product. Acetic and citric acid contents were highest in tomato wine, and the six kinds of commercial wine and tomato wine showed acetic acid content of 800.6 mg/100 g and citric acid content of 1,064.4 mg/100 g. The total free amino acid content was 100.63 mg/100 g in tomato wine, which was 2~3 times higher compared to that in commercial wine (26.33±52.15 mg/100 g).