
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The influence of fluorophor, scatterer, absorber in turbid materials by light scattering were interpreted for the scattered fluorescence intensity and wavelength, it is studied the molecular property by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. It can be found that the effects of optical property are penentrated in scattering media by the optical parameters(μs, μa, μt, γ, σ). The value of scattering coefficient μs is large appeared by means of the increasing particles of scattering, it can be found that the slope appears exponentially as a function of distance from laser source to detector. It may also utilize in designing the best model for oil chemistry, laser medicine and application of medical engineering.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The propagation of light radiation in a turbid medium is an important problem that confronts dosimetry of therapeutic laser delivery and the development of diagnostic spectroscopy. Scattered light is measured as a function of the position(distance r, depth z) between the axis of the incident beam and the detection spot. Turbid sample yields a very forward-directed scattering pattern at short range of position from source to detector, whereas the thicker samples greatly attenuated the on-axis intensity at long range of position. The portions of scattered light reflected from or transmitted throughphantom depend upon internal reflectance and absorption properties of the phantom. Monte Carlo simulation method for modelling light transport in tissue is applied. It uses the photon is moved a distance where it may be scattered, absorbed, propagated, internally reflected, or transmitted out of tissue. The photon is repeatedly moved until it either escape from or is absorbed by the phantom. In order to obtain an optimum therapeutic ratio in phantom material, optimum control the light energy fluence rate is essential. This study is to discuss the physical mechanisms determining the actual light dose in phantom. Permitting a qualitative understanding of the measurements. It may also aid in designing the best model for laser medicine and application of medical engineering.
        1995.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The influences of fluorophor, scatterer, absorber in turbid material by light scattering were interpreted for the scattered fluorescence intensity and wavelength, it has been studied the molecular properties by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. It has been found that the effects of optical properties in scattering media by the optical parameters(μs, μa, μt). The value of scattering coefficient μs is large by means of the increasing particles of scatterer, it has been found that the slope decays exponentially as a function of distance from laser source to detector. It may also aid in designing the best model for oil chemistry, laser medicine and application of medical engineering.