도심형 양식시스템을 바이오플락 양식기술과 아쿠아포 닉스 배양대로 구성하여 사육수를 교체하지 않고 메기를(사육조 3.3톤 2개) 양성한 결과 151일의 사육 후 2.8 g의 종묘가 평균 무게 171.3 g (총중량 56.53 kg)과 235.5 g (총 중량 71.1 kg)로 성장하였다. 입식에서 수확까지의 누적 생존율은 65% 보였고, 성장 구간별로 입식에서 1차 성장 후 분조 이전까지 77.7%, 분조 이후 생존율은 수조에 따라 차이를 보여 각각 92.9%와 78.0%로 나타났다. 초기 바이오플 락 사육수가 만들어지는 과정에서 일부 폐사가 발생하였고, 수질이 안정된 이후에는 폐사가 감소하였다. 메기의 혈액분석결과 사육초기 BFT 사육수가 안정화 이전인 4월에 간 손상 지표인 AST의 농도가 유의적으로 높은 값을 보였으며 ALT, triglyceride는 전 사육기간 내에 차이가 없었 다. Glucose, cholesterol, total protein은 7월에 유의적으로 높은 값을 보이고 다른 기간에는 차이가 없었다. 메기 사육수를 이용한 아쿠아포닉스 가동 시 생산된 식물은 상추, 바질, 적근대, 적치커리 등이 원활한 성장을 보여 5개월간 총 148.85 kg의 식물을 수확하였다. 또한 아쿠아포닉스 시스템에서 식물재배에 따른 사육수 내의 질산 제거능력과, 질산이 제거된 사육수는 메기 사육수로 재사용이 가능한 것으로 확인되었다. 결론적으로, 본 연구에서는 도심형 양식시스템으로 물을 교환하지 않고 어류를 양식할 때 사육 수에 축적된 질산을 제거하고 재사용이 가능한가를 아쿠아포닉스 기술을 결합하여 연구하였으며, 양식생물 (메기) 수용량에 따른 적정 식물량을 유지하면 농수산 복합양식이 가능하다는 것을 보여주었다.
As the interest in urban agriculture and people’s demand for eco-friendly food grow, the number of urban gardeners who directly grow and harvest will increase. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of conventional fertilizer with the effluent water from the biofloc technology inland aquaculture in the concept of resource circulation as a substitute for fertilizer used in urban agriculture. In order to verify the effect of fertilizer on the cultivation of cherry tomato, tomato seedlings were transplanted on the horticultural soil without nutrients and treated for 8 weeks. Experimental treatment was carried out in five treatments: control, hyponex solution (HS), slow-released fertilizer (SF), effluent water daily treatment (DE), and effluent water treatment once a week (WE). The growth characteristics of the cherry tomatoes showed significant differences among the treatments except for root length. In the case of plant length was shown HS=WE›DE=SF›control, and stem diameter was shown DE=SF ›WE=HS›control. It was found that HS and WE were not significantly different in shoot length and diameter, and DE and SF showed no difference. In the case of number of leaves, HS, DE, and WE showed a significantly higher level than SF and control. In other growth characteristics, DE and SF showed higher growth. As for the growth of cherry tomato fruit, the sugar content did not show any significant difference among the treatments except control. Weight per fruit and yield were significantly higher in HS and WE than DE and SF. Based on these results, it is considered that the use of effluent water is comparable to the use of urban agricultural fertilizer as compared with chemical fertilizers in cultivating crops.
The objective of this study is to find a useful method of utilizing effluent water from the BFT inland water culture. Recently Sludge and effluent water have been noted to cause water pollution. Therefore, this progressive study of recycling method will replace the use of chemical fertilization. Effluent water from inland water culture contains many fertilization ingredients. This study used different using methods of fertilization. As a result, effluent water that isn't matured and diluted had positive effects on the growth of lettuce. Effluent water of undiluted involved many mineral elements and proper pH concentration for plants growth but which are involved many concentrations of Na + ion. High concentrations of Na + ions are harmful for the growth of plants. This experiment did not show plants adversely affected by Na + ions. Potentially Na + ions can cause physiological disturbances of the plant. Effluent water smells because effluent waters using is need to additional pre-treatment for removal its high concentration Na + ions and bad smell.