
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to develope efficient vermicomposting using of different mixture ratios of cow manure and rice hull by feeding these to earthworm and then by studying the growth and reproductive efficiency of earthworm, and the chemical composition of worm cast and its production. The results are summarized as follows. C/N ratio of feed was 20.43~31.16 and it increased according to the higher proportion of rice hull, and survival of earthworm was 97.6~98.4%. Number of young worms were significantly higher in 10~40% addition of rice hull(number of 824~844) than number of 769 of real cow manure treatment(P<0.05). Fresh weight of young worms was 8.00~11.8g and it was significantly higher in 40% addition of rice hull than for other treatments(P<0.05). The cast production of earthworm was significantly lower in the 40% addition of rice hull than for other treatments(P<0.05). But digested matters were showed in the tendency of becoming higher in the 40% addition of rice hull than in 10~30% addition of that. C/N ratio of worm cast was significantly higher in 40% addition of rice hull than for other treatments(P<0.05). Heavy metal concentrations of worm cast were showed in the tendency of becoming lower in the 40% addition of rice hull than in 10~30% addition of that.