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Teaching Thoughts and Suggestions for Foreign Students in Learning Chinese New Words

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/409236
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.18369/WACCS.2021.1.85
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세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

With the rapid development of China's social economy, new words are emerging endlessly. Neologisms are not only an important way for foreign students to understand Chinese society and culture, but also an important way for them to learn Chinese. Therefore, they should be seen as important content that cannot be ignored in Chinese teaching. Most middle and advanced-level students still keep a positive attitude towards the use of new words. They are eager to learn new words, but they often have problems using them. This paper will explain the necessity for foreign students to learn new words and the position and role of new words in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions for the selection and teaching methods of new words in Chinese teaching.

隨著中國社會政治經濟、科學技術、文化觀念的飛速發展,大量漢語新興詞匯 也隨之應運而生。在此背景下,對外文化交流與漢語教學都不可避免地會涉及到大 量新詞的使用。然而,在對外漢語詞匯的教學中,卻很少涉及新詞的講解,更註重 於一般詞匯的講解,新詞在教學中也常被忽略。筆者希望通過對留學生新詞使用現 狀的分析,發現使用過程中存在的一些問題。並基於調查結果,針對留學生學習新 詞的現狀提出幾點教學思考和建議,同時希望能引起對外漢語教學界對新詞教學的 關註和重視。 本文對新詞的生成機製、構成形式和特點做出簡單的論述。留學生在使用新詞時 需充分了解新詞,掌握基本語法規則的同時還要符合語義規則和結合語境,才能正 確的使用新詞,使對話變得有趣、詼諧和幽默。同時還要避免母語文化給留學生使 用新詞時帶來的幹擾。在對外漢語新詞教學中,需結合不同的課程進行講解,利用 多媒體,結合語境等多種教學方法,達到更好的教學效果。

1. Introduction
2. The Necessity for International Students to Learn New Chinese Words
3. The Position and Function of New Chinese Words in Chinese Teaching
4. Suggestions on the Selection of New Words in Chinese Teaching
5. Suggestions for Teaching Methods of New Words in Chinese Teaching
6. Conclusion
  • KIM Jeong-hoon(Busan Universityof Foreign Studies) | 金正勛