从≪朝鮮王朝實錄≫看朝鮮的汉語口語敎學 The teaching of Chinese speech under the Chosun Dynasty based on the Chosun Imperial Records 종≪조선왕조실록≫간조선적한어구어교학

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/282476
제12권 제2호 (2005.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

Because of the close ties between Chosun and China, almost Chosun kings set great store by Chinese language teaching and the cultivation of talents in the language. Some of the kings themselves were fluent speakers of Chinese, and tried to make their sons acquire the same ability. A few even took part in the official assessment of their ministers’ abilities in the language. Chinese learning institutes were established; and Chinese learning manuals, complied in large quantity. Yet despite their efforts, the results were sadly disappointing, at least to most of the kings, who lamented constantly of the low language standards. This paper is an exploration of the causes of the failure of the imperial efforts. Based largely on the Chosun Imperial Records, it examines the Chinese language teaching under the imperial auspices (with special focus on speech training), the measures upholding the prestige of Chinese learning, and the ultimate failure. It is hoped that by learning from the past, we can find directions to improve the Chinese teaching of today.

Ⅰ. 序論 Ⅱ. 句讀表達訓練的途徑 Ⅲ. 朝鮮王朝保障漢語學習的擧措 Ⅳ. 派留學生赴中國學習的周折 Ⅴ. 朝鮮漢語敎學的效果不佳的原因 Ⅵ. 結語 參考文獻 필자소개
  • 유기수(韓神大學校) | Ryu Geesoo