L2 에세이 쓰기 과정에 나타난 쓰기 계획의 성격: 브레인스토밍과 아웃라인을 중심으로 Nature of planning in the writing process of L2 English essay: Focusing on brainstorming and outlining

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/370355
제26권 제1호 (2019.03)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study is to describe the nature of planning as a cognitive writing process in L2 writing. It aims to examine how Korean EFL learners generate ideas and organize them. It also investigates the relationship between planning and the final product. Given a worksheet for planning, 39 university students were asked to write an argumentative essay during class. Based on their planning notes, five brainstorming types were identified: using the prompt/writing the position, mini-outlining, listing, mind mapping and free writing (in the order of frequency). In addition, the dominant use of L1 was found both in the brainstorming and the outlining. It was found that there was no statistically significant correlation between the amount of brainstorming and the quantity and quality of L2 writing. Only the amount of brainstorming in L2 had a statically significant correlation with the quantity of L2 writing (but not with the quality of L2 writing). In the case of outlining, a statistically significant correlation was found between its amount and the quantity of L2 writing. However, no statistically significant correlation was found between the amount of outlining and the L2 writing quality.

I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경 및 선행 연구
  1. 쓰기 하위과정으로서의 쓰기계획의 성격
  2. L2 쓰기 과정 중 쓰기계획에서의 L1의 사용
  3. 쓰기계획과 작문의 관계
 III. 연구 방법
  1. 연구 참여자
  2. 연구 절차
  3. 연구 분석
 IV. 연구 결과 및 논의
  1. 브레인스토밍의 성격
  2. 아웃라인의 성격
 V. 결론 및 제언
  • 문영인(서울시립대학교 인문대학 영어영문학과) | Young-in Moon