
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        차 (Tea)는 네팔을 포함한 남아시아의 주요 농산물 수출품목 중에 하나이다. 네팔의 차 생산은 150년 전에 시작되었지만, 상업적인 생산 규모는 발전 가능성이 있음에도 불구하고초창기 모습 그대로이다. 차 생산에서 우위를 차지하고 있는인도, 스리랑카, 방글라데시와 같이 네팔은 좋은 품질의 차를생산할 수 있는 큰 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 그리고 현재 차 산업의 선도자로 남아시아 국가의 잠재력을 강화하기 위해 남아시아지역협력연합 (South Asian Association for the RegionalCooperation, SAARC)은 각 회원국의 National Tea board가차 산업을 육성할 수 있도록 지원하기 위하여 차 위원회를 설립할 예정이다. 이러한 남아시아지역협력연합의 차 위원회 설립에 맞추어 본 연구는 남아시아 차 산업에서 부각되고 있는네팔의 차 생산과 소비, 그리고 수출 경향을 다른 남아시아국가와 비교하여 분석하였다. 남아시아는 전세계 차 생산량의약 1/3를 생산하고 있으며, 대표적인 차 생산국가는 인도, 스리랑카, 방글라데시, 네팔이다. 남아시아 중에서 네팔은 연간약 1만8천톤의 차를 생산하고 있으며, 최근 20여년간(1994~2012) 차 생산량이 약 100배(196톤→18,309톤) 가까이 급증하고 있다. 네팔의 차 산업은 수출증대를 통해 외화획득과 경제발전에 기여할 뿐만 아니라 차 생산과 가공산업에참여하는 농가와 농촌여성의 고용창출 측면에서 매우 중요한역할을 담당하고 있다.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국민의 건강과 웰빙에 대한 관심 증대 및 소득 증가로 한약재 소비를 비롯한 식품과 화장품 원료로서의 산업적 가치가 커지면서 약용작물의 수요는 점차 증가할 것으로 예상하며 한, 중 FTA 체결로 인해 약용작물 시장개방의 수입증가는 위협요인으로 작용할 것이다. 그러한 측면에 서 약용작물을 포함한 농식품산업을 미래 성장 동력산업 으로 육성하기 위해서는 종자품종육성과 생산유통기반의 정비와 확충, 산지이용규제 완화 등의 다양한 대책이 마련되어야 한다. 본 연구 결과의 활용방안을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국가의 약용산업 육성 중장기 전략과 종자관리 체계의 구축에 필요한 약용작물의 데이터베이스를 구축 하고 향후 개발해야 할 중점기술을 제시해야 한다. 둘째, 우수한 약용작물 품종 개발 및 보급으로 농업생산성을 높여야 한다. 셋째, 약용작물 종자생산 및 보급에 필요한 제도정비가 필요하다. 넷째, 우량종자의 표준화 및 규격화 로 약용작물의 생산유통체계를 확립해야 한다. 현재 약용 작물의 소비행태는 직접적인 섭취보다 화장품, 의약품, 식품의 형태로 소비되는 패턴으로 바뀌고 있으며 규모가 점점 확대될 것으로 전망된다. 그러므로 향후 약용작물의 생산에서는 이러한 산업화 추세와 변화에 대응한 정책개 발과 제도적인 개선이 뒷받침되어야 한다.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is a classification of farm typology and an analysis of characteristic e-commerce type of farm enterprises. The classification of sample farm enterprises thus results in six distinctively agribusiness type. The six identified types can be characteristic as follows: production type, processing type and distribution type, e-commerce type, export-agricultural type, amenity-tourism type. This article attempted to come up with workable strategies to solve these problems affecting e-commerce type farm enterprises. The main results this paper are as follows: 1) to make organization of e-commerce type farm enterprises to accomplish business goals 2) to find out solution for urgent problems and subjects of farm management 3) to practice profitable business model for e-commerce type. E-commerce type farm enterprises needs are not only technology transference but also farm management.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effects of essential oils on pH, pathogens, and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in two poultry litters were investigated through a lab study. Essential oil-added poultry litters were randomly divided to two groups: control (200 g poultry litter) and Treatment (50 g thymol/Briefly, 200 g broiler litter was treated with or without 50 g thymol (Control and T1, respectively; 1 groups) and 200 g duck litter was treated with or without 50 g carvacrol (Control and T2, respectively; 2 group). Adding thymol to broiler litter increased the pH, reduced pathogens, and did not affect VFA. Interestingly, adding carvacrol slightly reduced the pH of duck litter, but had no significant effect on reducing pathogens and VFA. This difference is probably because the essential oil used and the properties of the two litters are different. In addition, pH was thought to control the odor generated from the litter, but this has not been proven. Further field studies should focus on clarifying this point.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the structure and composition (i.e., pH, moisture, total-N, pathogens, and volatile fatty acids) of broiler and duck manure treated with larvae of three insect larvae, namely, Tenebrio molitor, Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis, and Ptecticus tenebrifer. Hatched Tenebrio molitor (n=300), Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (n=60), and Ptecticus tenebrifer (n=300) were used in this study; specially, the larvae were divided into six treatments with three replicates. The treatments were as follows: T1: 110 g broiler manure + Tenebrio molitor larvae (n=50), T2: 110 g duck manure + Tenebrio molitor larvae (n=50), T3: 125 g broiler manure + Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis larvae (n=10), T4: 125 g duck manure + Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis larvae (n=10), T5: 105 g broiler manure + Ptecticus tenebrifer larvae (n=50), and T6: 105 g duck manure + Ptecticus tenebrifer larvae (n=50). For all the larval treatments, the following results were observed: The moisture content of the duck manure treat with three insect larvae was higher than that of the broiler manure (p<0.05), whereas broiler manure had a higher pH (p<0.05). In addition, the total nitrogen content of broiler manure was higher than that of duck manure (p<0.05). However, the insect larvae did not significantly affect pathogens (E.coli and Salmonella) and the volatile fatty acids (p>0.05). In conclusion, the use of the three insect larvae to create organic nitrogen compost using poultry manure is feasible.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the effect of adding poultry litter additive containing probiotics and amino acids to the litter on weight gain in ducks and ammonia content in poultry litter. Nine hundred 1-day-old ducks (Pekin) were randomly distributed into three groups (300 birds per treatment divided into three replicates) using a randomized block design. Treatments were top-dressed on the litter surface at rates of 2 kg poultry litter additives (T1) and 2 kg macsumsuk (T2) per m2, and untreated poultry litter was used as the control. Overall, a significant difference (p<0.05) in weight gains was observed at 3 and 4 weeks, but not at 5 and 6 weeks. After 4 weeks, when compared to other treatments, the addition of poultry litter additive tended to increase the average body weight gain (90-130 g). The ammonia content was affected by all treatments (p<0.05) over time except at 3 weeks, however, compared to other treatments, the poultry litter additive decreased the ammonia content. In particular, the rate of ammonia reduction by the poultry litter additives over time was approximately 20.2%-49.2%. Regarding temperature, a significant difference was observed in all treatment groups (p<0.05), except at 3 weeks. In conclusion, considering poultry litter additives and temperature, the increase in duck weight gain was associated with a decrease in ammonia content in the poultry litter.
        2022.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of manure additives mixed with probiotics and zeolite on harmful gas production generated by pig slurry. A total of 180 crossbred pigs ([Yorkshire x Land race] x Duroc, live weight 70±3.21 kg) were allotted to a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3 replications (20 heads per replicate). The treatments consisted of 0% (control), 0.05% (T1), or 1% (T2) of manure additives mixed with probiotics and zeolite. Manure additives were added weekly to pig slurry pits (2 m × 4.5 m × 1.2 m) on a volumetric basis. For ammonia measured at both 10 cm and 90 cm above the pig slurry pit, a statistical significance (p<0.05) was found in probiotics and zeolite-treated manure additives at weeks 1 – 3, except for week 0. In addition, hydrogen sulfide levels measured at 10 cm above the pig slurry pit were not affected by the manure additive at weeks 0 and 1, but showed a significant statistical difference at weeks 2 and 3 (p<0.05). Therefore, supplementing pig slurry with 0.05% and 0.1% manure additives mixed with probiotics and zeolite was found to be effective in reducing environmental pollution in pig facilities.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the egg freshness and eggshell characteristics of old laying hens by adding sea urchin shell powder to the feed of such hens to achieve the objectives continuously pursued by environmental management, such as business profitability and waste resource utilization. A total of 90 Hy-Line Brown layers (66 weeks of age) were randomly divided into 2 treatments with 3 replicates, each of which consisted of 15 older layers, for 4 weeks. These treatments included a control (i.e., 0%) and 2% sea urchin shell powder. The 2% supplementation of sea urchin shell powder increased the Haugh unit (HU) at 2 and 4 weeks and eggshell strength at 4 wks compared to the controls (p<0.05). The HU at 0 weeks, eggshell thickness from 0 through 3 weeks, and eggshell strength at 0 and 2 weeks were not different between treatments (p>0.05). These results suggest that the addition of 2% sea urchin powder to the feed of laying hens improves egg freshness and eggshell strength in old laying hens.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of insect feed powder on the growth performance and economic evaluation of ducks was investigated. One hundred and twenty-old Pekin ducks were randomly assigned to two dietary treatments (0% and 1% Hermetia illucens powder) with three replicates of 20 birds each for 14-42 d. No significant (p>0.05) difference in growth performance between the control and 1% H. illucens powder was observed, except the feed conversion ratio (p<0.05), for the experimental period. The treatments with 1% H. illucens powder improved the economic indicators in comparison with the controls. Therefore, a diet supplemented with 1% H. illucens powder could significantly improve the feed conversion ratios and increase the economic indicators.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The influence of various forms of Houttuynia cordata with fermented red koji as feed additives on the performance of duck livestock was evaluated through a field study. Two hundred and forty ducks (Pekins) aged 0–38 d were used. They were randomly assigned to four treatment groups (0%, 1% H. cordata powder with fermented red koji, 1% H. cordata pelleted with fermented red koji, and 1% H. cordata coated with fermented red koji) with four replicates (15 ducks per replication). Foreconomic evaluation, the data (a total of 240 duck) obtained from each treatment were applied to 10,000 ducks per treatment 38-d after the feeding trial. Overall, the results of economic evaluation were the highest in the treatment with 1% H. cordata coated with fermented red koji, followed by 1% H. cordatapelleted with fermented red koji, 1% H. cordatapowder with fermented red koji, and control. In conclusion, using 1% H. cordatawith fermented red koji as coating and pellet type duck diets might be of economic advantage for sustainable environmental management.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to analyze the policy impacts of the ‘2014 Rural Field Forum’. From 2013, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs implemented Rural Field Forum to push forward rural development of inhabitants′ initiative. In this study, we have evaluated that Rural Field Forum has crucial impacts on residents′ competence, region capability and driving force of project by targeting the 374 residents of 350 villages in 9 states who participated in 2014 Rural Field Forum. We also sought for the solution to institutional improvement. Futhermore we analyzed each of leader group and normal residents for departmentalization of policy effects. Taken together, the analysis reveals that: 1)Rural field forum is demonstrated to have a positive effect on the establishment and execution of village development plan and all of its necessary components. 2)Regarding the effect on the village capabilities, the understanding and recognition of village organization was shown to be improved. 3)About regional capabilities, the interest in village project was advanced. 4)In terms of the project execution, Rural field forum turned out to affect the village council processes positively. 5)lastly, between the leader and the residents, the difference effectiveness between them revealed, with the same directivity and considerably bigger effect felt by the leader than by the residents overall.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a rise in national income has resulted in the growth in tourism demand, many studies on developing and managing tourism resources were publicized. In this context, this study was conducted to analyze the demand and willingness to pay(WTP) using contingent valuation method for agricultural experience of Daegu Urban Agriculture Park and to suggest a proper participation fee. The survey targeting Daegu citizens was performed, and we obtained 346 valid samples. We carried out the logistic analysis and figured out that sex, age, education and alienation area for urban agriculture affected to probability of agricultural experience participation. As the result of estimating willingness to pay(WTP), the measured range with this samples was from 6,052 to 16,436won. Finally, we also attained 25,000won as the proper participation fee which enables maximum revenue by conducting the scenario analysis. These findings are important in setting up the construction plan and pricing the appropriate participation fee for Daegu Urban Agriculture Park.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of heating hatching eggs on the number of day-old chicks, egg temperature and egg weight during extended storage, and to provide basic information for improving hatchability to livestock producers. Eggs (Hy-line) were subjected to the following treatments: "control": eggs were maintained in an incubator after storage for 8 days; "T1": eggs were preheated for 8 hours at 23.9°C after storage for 8 days in a hatchery; "T2": eggs were initially heated for 8 hours at 37.8°C in an incubator and then preheated for 8 hours at 23.9°C in a hatchery after storage for 8 days. The results were as follows: First, at the end of the experiment, the total number of day-old chicks was higher in T1, followed by T2 and then the control. This indicated that chick hatchability may be improved when eggs are preheated. Second, compared with the control, the number of day-old female chicks was expected to be higher in treatments with pre-heating; however, the results indicated the opposite effect. Third, as storage time lengthened, the factor that influenced preheating (the main effect and interactions) was not egg weight but egg temperature measured in the upper, middle and bottom parts of incubator. The temperatures recorded in all treatments ranged from 37.97 to 38.40°C in the upper parts of incubator, 37.80 to 38.26°C in the middle parts of incubator, and 37.94 to 38.59°C in the bottom parts of incubator over storage. In conclusion, preheating was very effective in improving hatchability, and egg temperature was the main factor affecting preheating and hatchability.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to survey on parents' preference and estimate parents' Willingness to pay(WTP) for after-school rural experience program in daegu city by choice experiment(CE). The results of this study are as follows; First, we divided after-school rural experience program into three types, namely: nature seeing, play exercise and learning experience. Second, the study has shown that parents prefer learning experience among those after-school rural experience programs. Among attributes which form a experience program, instructor certificates, consuming time and expense for participant are statistically effecting significant impact. Third, the result of estimation on willingness to pay for development of after-school rural experience program is as follow. The willingness to pay for learning experience is 6,337won, willingness to pay for instructor certificates is 14,102won and it for consuming time is 2,926won. Therefore, composition centering learning experience is better and instructor who has expert certificate is required. It is much better to compose that the consuming time is longer and the expense for experience is lower. But there is limitation because this survey was conducted based on an assumption, so it could read over estimation problem. The result of this study may provide useful information to develop after-school rural experience program using rural resources and to improve rural tourism policy.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research targets housewives residing in Daegu among whole consumers. The first step is to divide housewives into two groups, group 1 which has experience of purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products and group 2 which has no experience. Then in the next step, research proceeds to investigate perception, present behavior and future intention of purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products. Based on this, it intends to provide both basic information which is needed for producers and distributors to set their systemic marketing strategy to increase consumption of environment-friendly agricultural products and effective way to vitalize the consumption.