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        검색결과 661

        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Epizootic HPAIV, H5N6, and H5N8 infections produced severe loss in poultry and wild birds in the Republic of Korea from 2016 to 2017. But pathological lesions and antigen distribution of the novel HPAIV H5N6 clade in natural cases have been rarely reported. Herein, we describe the pathological lesions and antigen localization in chickens (layer and Korean native), ducks, and Japanese quail naturally infected by HPAIV H5N6. Grossly, severe reddening, swelling, and some necrotic foci, which were similar to septicemia or viremia, were observed in skin and many visceral organs including trachea, lung, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Histopathologically, pulmonary congestion and edema, as well as necrotizing hepatitis, splenitis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, and encephalitis were observed. Immunohistochemically, numerous HPAIV antigens were detected in necrotic parenchymal cells and in blood vessels of the respiratory, lymphoid, digestive, urinary, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. The results indicate that HPAIV H5N6 spread to the entire body via blood and caused severe damage throughout the entire body. The HPAI H5N6 clade virus was isolated from samples of all four cases.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소나무재선충병의 나무주사는 살선충제를 중심으로 실시되어 왔으며, 매개충인 솔수염하늘소와 북방수염하늘소의 방제는 주로 항공방제나 지상방제를 통하여 이루어졌다. 본 연구에서는 나무주사를 통하여 매개충 (솔수염하늘소)을 방제하기 위한 연구로 Abamectin+Acetamiprid ME, Thiamethoxam DC 약제의 나무주사시 솔수염하늘소의 약효발현농도, 처리 후 기간별 효과(2017년~2018년)를 검토하였다. 실내 발현농도 시험에서는 Acetamiprid, Thiamethoxam LC50 value는 각각 0.102ppm, 0.083ppm 으로 나타 났으며, 야산(포장)에서 Abamectin+Acetamiprid ME, Thiamethoxam DC 처리구의 100.0% 치사 소요일 수는 처리 90일 후 11.0일, 9.4일, 처리 360일 후 11.6일, 10.0일로 나타나서 두 약제 모두 3월 처리시 다음해에 발생하는 매개충 (솔수염하늘소) 방제까지 가능함을 확인 할 수 있었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Japanese pine bast scale, Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana, 1905), is a destructive pest of pine trees in America, East Asia and Northern Europe. The spread of damage to black pine trees, Pinus thunbergii, of M. matsumurae was reported from all southern, and some eastern and west costal regions in Korea, under the name of M. thunbergianae which was newly described by Miller & Park (1987) as a new species. Historically, M. thunbergianae was synonymized with M. matsumurae by Booth & Gullan (2006), on the basis of molecular sequence data. However, the supporting data for the synonym is unavailable in any DNA database, such as GenBank and BOLD. Moreover, M. thunbergianae have been still used to the resent scientific studies in Korea. Here, we performed morphological and molecular comparison to review the result of Booth & Gullan (2006), using M. matsumurae from Fukuoka, Japan and topotype materials of M. thunbergianae from Goheung, Korea. Our data supported the opinion of Booth & Gullan (2006) following results: The morphological features of adult female and male of M. thunbergianae are identical to those of M. matsumurae. Also, DNA sequences (COI, 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA) of M. thunbergianae showed identical or very low genetic distances with those of M. matsumurae. From the regional sampling in Korea, M. matsumurae was newly found in Jeju and Seoul.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도마뱀부치(Gekko japonicus) 성체와 유체의 주야간에 있어 서로 다른 은신처에 대한 선호 및 경쟁 양상을 알아보기 위하여 실내 사육장에서 성체 9개체(암컷 3, 수컷 6), 유체 4개체를 47일간 사육하면서 연구를 수행하였다. 실험결과, 사육장 내에 설치된 은신처 내부의 온도와 내부에서 발견된 도마뱀부치의 체온은 높은 양의 상관을 보였으며, 야간에 은신처 내부보다 외부에서 더 많은 성체와 유체가 관찰되었다. 성체와 유체 모두 특정 은신처에 대한 선호를 보였는데, 특별히 성체는 주간에 온도가 높은 은신처를 더 높은 비율로 선호하였다. 유체가 가장 선호한 은신처는 주야간에 동일한 은신처였다. 최대비율로 이용한 특정 은신처의 이용률은 성체의 경우 주야 간 차이가 유의한 반면, 유체는 차이가 없었다. 체온의 경우 성체와 유생 모두 야간에 은신처 외부에서 발견된 개체가 내부에서 발견된 개체들보다 더 높았다. 성체와 유생 사이의 체온 비교결과, 주간에 성체의 체온이 유체보다 높았으나, 야간에는 차이가 없었다. 이러한 결과는 도마뱀부치가 야행성으로 나은 온도조건을 가진 은신처를 선호하고 성체와 유체 간에는 은신처 이용경쟁이 있음을 보여주며, 더불어 도마뱀부치의 체온과 활동성에 관한 기초정보를 제공해 준다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although milk, which is a representative western food, has a more than 100-year history in Korea, the preference is controversial. This study examined the milk history of Choseon in 1884~1938. This period was divided into 4 periods regarding the westerner’s records and advertisements. Westerners who visited Choseon in 1884~1895 (1st period) recorded the eating habits of Choseon,i.e., no milk consumed, even in insufficient food situation. Among the westerners, medical missionaries began to show or/and recommend condensed milk for sick children. In 1896~1909 (2nd period) newspapers, general shops in Hanseong for westerners showed advertisements of dairy products. In the 1900s, condensed and raw milk were advertised through newspapers. Domestic ranching systems to produce raw milk were established at that time mainly by Japanese. In the 1910s (3rd period), raw milk and condensed milk were advertised in newspapers. Since the mid-1920s (4th period), dairy products were bisected into condensed and powdered (dried) milk. Moreover, many Japanese manufacturers appeared in the advertisement in the 1920s. These results suggest that milk has been recognized as a symbol of an enlightenment food in Korea since the late 1900s, but the old negative wisdom, unfamiliar taste, and high price of milk at that time limited its appeal.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite the plethora of articles and research in marketing and retailing literatures focused on enhancing customer loyalty, the topic of how to best allocate resources to various loyalty-building efforts has always attracted interest from both academics and practitioners (Kamran-Disfani, et al., 2017). Much research has examined that satisfaction is a strong relative factor of loyalty. However, Kumar, et al. (2012) and Kamran-Disfani, et al. (2017) stressed that the satisfaction-loyalty link could depend on various moderators and mediators. And they pointed out the difference between two types of loyalty—attitudinal and behavioral, and the mediating effect of attitudinal loyalty within the satisfaction-behavioral loyalty link. Thus, there is a need for more studies empirically investigating the satisfaction-loyalty link and how satisfaction effects loyalty in different contexts. On the other hand, many companies have recently been building a greater variety of store formats and attempting to provide a superior shopping experience through their stores in order to increase the possibility of customer revisitation and customer loyalty. Also, consumers not only switch to different retailers in the same product categories but also change to different store formats for the same product purchasing (Anand and Sinha, 2009). The reasons can be considered as customers’ attitudes toward stores and preference of store atmosphere and environment (Wakefield and Baker, 1998). However, few research pays attention to the issue of how, and to what extent, the different store formats have on impacting customer satisfaction and loyalty building. This is especially true of retailers having entered a new overseas market, and how its loyalty building is effected by its store format choice during its developing stages. This study adopts a conceptual model from Kamran-Disfani, et al. (2017) and aims to examine the satisfaction-loyalty link and test if attitudinal loyalty could be a mediator between satisfaction and behavioral loyalty. And if so, do store formats matter to the satisfaction-loyalty link. In short, we develop hypotheses of how store atmosphere, customer satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, behavioral loyalty are related, and how store format moderates these relationships. In order to improve the understanding of the satisfaction-loyalty link in the context of retail internationalization, we survey a Japanese fashion company — Nice Claup who segmented the Chinese market by operating multiple retail stores, and each retail store plays a discrete role of cultivating customer loyalty. In our analysis, we compare two store formats of Nice Claup, which are the single brand specialty store and the multi-brand store (defined as ―house brand store‖ in this paper). House brand stores aim to offer novel shopping experiences by gathering several Japanese fashion brands into one large store, with each brand having their own detached areas for keeping each brand’s identity separate and recognizable, but are connected to each other by an integrated store design. Both of these two types of stores are named ―Nice Claup‖, and operated by the same retailer. We choose a 388-customer survey data as our sample. All of these customers have purchased clothes at Nice Claup’s stores over 5 times per year and have been given special member’s card by Nice Claup in Shanghai, China. This 388-customer data obtains 180 consumers who always purchase at house brand stores, and 208 consumers who always purchase at single-brand specialty stores. Hypotheses are tested using an ordinary least squares regression model with a cross-store format comparative analysis. The results suggest that while attitudinal loyalty positively and directly influences behavioral loyalty, satisfaction indirectly drives behavioral loyalty through the mediating effects of attitudinal loyalty. This implies that we should focus on the process of building loyalty and there might be a potential stage before gaining customers’ behavioral loyalty. We also find that there are some important differences between the two store formats, i.e., (1) the effect of store atmosphere (ambience cue, design cue, social cue (Kumar and Kim, 2014)) on satisfaction; (2) the moderating effect of store formats on the relationship between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. The findings explore different perception of the two types of stores and influencing factor on building loyalty from an emerging market perspective. By extension, it also shows an application of implementing retail internationalization with adopting multiple store formats on different developing stages, and customer loyalty can be enhanced by offering store novelty in the Chinese market.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Retail competition in Japan has become more intense because of multiple reasons. The income and population composition are changing, and many international retailers have entered the Japanese market. It is important for Japanese retailers to differentiate from competitors and maintain a competitive advantage in the long run. To do so, Japanese retailers focus on increasing customer value by controlling their value chains. Therefore, market orientation and supply chain orientation have become very important for Japanese retailers who try to expand their market shares in the Japanese retail market. This study develops and empirically tests a model of the impact of market orientation and supply chain orientation on business performance in Japanese retailing. Theoretical Development Previous literature provides evidence on the positive impact of market orientation on business performance (e.g. Cano et al., 2004; Murray et al., 2011; Morgan, 2012; Ngo & O’Cass, 2012). There are also a few studies in the context of retailing (e.g. Griffith et al., 2006; Kajalo & Lindblom, 2015; Moore & Fairhurst, 2003; Yu et al., 2014). However, only a few studies are focusing on the relationship between supply chain orientation and marketing orientation and the impact of their interplay on business performance (e.g. Martin & Grbac, 2003; Min et al., 2007). Market orientation can be seen as the foundation for customer relationship management. The effectiveness of customer relationship management depends heavily on market intelligence. To attract new customers and retain old customers firms have to satisfy not only existing needs but also latent needs. In retailing, market orientation is very important because the organization of retailing is based on the multi-unit organization where sales staff in stores is in close contact with customers and can get direct information from the customers. Supply chain orientation (SCO) is separated into two concepts: strategic supply chain orientation and structural supply chain orientation (Patel et al., 2013). Strategic SCO is defined as the supply chain directed motivation and objectives arising from executive strategic plans and decisions. Structural SCO is defined as the behaviors and actions related to supply chain management in the implementation of its strategic plan. Therefore, strategic SCO is the antecedent of structural SCO. In retailing, many retail buyers search and negotiate with the suppliers who have the ownership of strong brands and distribution networks. In the buying process, retail buyers can get market information from suppliers. Thus, a retailer can collect market information from internal and external sources. This information is useful for the retailer to not only make marketing plan but also to revise marketing plan during its implementation process. To sum up, customer relationship management and supply chain orientation have a positive impact on marketing capabilities. Similarly, marketing capabilities have a positive impact on business performance. The theoretical framework of the study is presented in Figure 1. Data and Measurement To test the framework, we conducted a mail survey (N=243) among Japanese retailers in 2017. The scales were adapted or developed from existing literature. Market orientation (MO) was based on questions adapted from Narver and Slater (1990). Strategic SCO (STRACO) and structural SCO (STRUSCO) scales were based on Patel et al. (2013). Customer relationship management (CRM) was based on Vorhies et al. (2011), marketing capabilities (MKGCAP) was based on Morgan et al. (2003) and Vorhies and Morgan (2005). Business performance was based on Hooley et al. (2005). The measurement model was assessed using Mplus 8. The measurement model specification allows each construct to covariate with all others. The fit indexes of the measurement model were satisfactory (CFI: 0.95; TLI: 0.94; RMSEA: 0.05; SRMR: 0.05). Next, we tested the reliability and validity of measurements. The convergent and discriminate validity of the latent variables were tested by confirmatory factor analysis where all constructs are correlated (Table 1). Also, we tested the common methods variance using two methods: Harman’s single factor test and the common latent method. The results of these methods suggest that common method variance is not a problem in this study. Results and Conclusions We tested the hypotheses by applying structural equation modeling (SEM) using Mplus 8. The results are presented in Figure 1. The proposed model provides a good fit to the data (χ2= 517.1, d.f.=290, p < 0.000; CFI = 0.94; TLI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.06, SRMR = 0.08). In addition, we assessed the mediating role of marketing capabilities by employing a bootstrapping routine (Table 2). Figure 1 presents the results of the SEM. Most hypotheses were supported, and overall the study provides evidence of the importance of market orientation and strategic SCO on business performance. The most interesting findings are related to the role of marketing capabilities and structural SCO. First, the results show that marketing capabilities serve as a mediator between business performance and customer relationship management (H7). The main aim of CRM is to establish and keep the relationship with target customers. CRM contributes to increasing the marketing capabilities by helping retailer achieve marketing objectives more effectively and efficiently (Chang et al., 2010). Second, marketing capabilities is not a mediator between business performance and structural SCO (H8). The structural SCO has a negative direct impact on business performance, while structural SCO has a positive impact on marketing capabilities which in turn has a positive impact on business performance. Japanese retailer-supplier relationships are different from that in the western economy (Chung et al., 2006). The channel members in Japan have a long-term orientation when they establish a relationship with each other. The findings of our study reflect this cultural aspect of Japanese retailing environment. Japanese retailers purchase products and services from suppliers on long-term. Economic performance is not a single decision making criteria. Instead, relationships with suppliers who do not contribute fully to economic performance continue. The result of H8 refers to this character of Japanese retailing environment.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the mechanisms and the determinants of cross-border partnerships formed by Japanese companies and their foreign partners. The result of the analysis suggested that four key variables, equality, fit, trust and commitment, empirically influence the outcomes of the partnerships. The research sheds additional light on the mechanism and the determinants for materializing successful cross-border partnerships.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The trade-off between cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy is of importance and presents a key challenge to exporters because it is intrinsically related to innovation (Gebauer, 2008; O’Cass et al., 2014). Nevertheless, resources are limited, and firms must make choices in their allocation and determine the extent to which they will emphasize one strategy over another (Danneels, 2007; Lant, Milliken, & Batra, 1992). Although the individual roles of product strategies or innovation capabilities on export performance have attracted considerable attention (e.g., Hortinha, Lages, & Lages, 2011; Lages, Silva, & Styles, 2009), few studies have assessed their integrating impact - that is, the difference in the strengths of the relationships between cost leadership or differentiation strategy and innovation. Drawing on resource based view, we examine how innovation capabilities related with the relationship between cost leadership and differentiation strategies and exporters’ performance. Thus, we consider the moderating role of two distinct capabilities - exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation - on the relationships between product strategies and export performance. Exploratory innovation includes activities aimed to enter new product-market domains, while exploitative innovation activities improve existing product-market domains (He & Wong, 2004). The objectives of this study are to explore (1) impacts of cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy on export performance, (2) moderating effects of exploitative and exploratory innovation capability on the relationship between product strategy and export performance, and (3) these relationships in the context of a comparison of Korean and Japanese exporters. Most empirical research about product strategy and innovation capability has been conducted in Western-based context. This means that managers operating in non-Western business environments have only Western-based empirical evidence to help them develop strategies for managing levels of market orientation in their international businesses. However, non-Western business cultures may be different from those found in Western firms, and therefore generalizing studies of exporting behavior from Western to non-Western business contexts may be misleading. Indeed, it is noted that there is a need for more studies into the transferability of Western research to the Asian business setting (Ambler, Styles, & Xiucun, 1999). Thus, in order to fill this imbalance, the purpose of this study is to attempt to investigate product strategy and innovation capability of Korean and Japanese firms in international markets. Conceptual background Porter (1980) argues that a firm can achieve a higher level of performance over a rival in one of two ways: either it can supply an identical product or service at a lower cost, or it can supply a product or service that is differentiated in such a way that the customer is willing to pay a price premium that exceeds the additional cost of the differentiation. A cost leadership strategy is designed to produce goods or services more cheaply than competitors by stressing efficient scale of operation. When a firm designs, produces, and sells a comparable product more efficiently than its competitors as well as its market scope is industry-wide, it means that the firm is carrying out the cost leadership strategy successfully (Campbell-Hunt, 2000). Thus, the primary thing for a firm seeking competitively valuable way by reducing cost is to concentrate on maintaining efficiency through all activities in order to effectively control every expense and find new sources of potential cost reduction (Dess & Davis, 1984). The differentiation strategy provides value to customers with the unique attributes or perceptions of uniqueness, and characteristics of a firm’s product other than cost. The firm pursuing differentiation seeks to be unique in its industry along some dimension that is valued by customers, which means investing in product R&D and marketing (Porter, 1980). Rather than cost reduction, a firm using the differentiation needs to concentrate on investing in and developing such things that are distinguishable and customers will perceive (Gebauer, 2008). Overall, the essential success factor of differentiation in terms of strategy implementation is to develop and maintain innovativeness, creativeness, and organizational learning within a firm (Dess & Davis, 1984; O’Cass et al., 2014; Porter, 1985). A firm’s ability to compete in the long term may lie in its ability to integrate product strategy and its existing capabilities, while at the same time developing fundamentally new ones (Lavie & Rosenkopf, 2006). Simultaneous investments in the exploitation of existing product innovation capabilities and the exploration of new ones may help create a competitive advantage (Soosay & Hyland, 2008). Organizational learning represents the development of knowledge that influences behavioral changes and leads to enhanced performance (Crossan, Lane, & White, 1999; Fiol & Lyles, 1985). Product innovation is a tool for organizational learning and, thus, a primary means of achieving its strategic renewal (Danneels, 2002; Dougherty, 1992; O’Cass et al., 2014). Exploration pertains more to new knowledge - such as the search for new products, ideas, markets, or relationships; experimentation; risk taking; and discovery - while exploitation pertains more to using the existing knowledge and refining what already exists; it includes adaptation, efficiency, and execution (March, 1991). Exploration and exploitation compete for the same resources and efforts in the firm. With a focus on exploring potentially valuable future opportunities, the firm decreases activities linked to improving existing competences (Levinthal & March, 1993; March, 1991). In contrast, with a focus on exploiting existing products and processes, the firm reduces development of new opportunities. However, firms must develop both exploratory and exploitative capabilities because returns from exploration are uncertain, often negative, and attained over the long run, while exploitation generates more positive, proximate, and predictable returns (Levinthal & March, 1993; March, 1991; Özsomer & Gençtürk, 2003). Researchers haveshown that both types of learning are essential to enhancing firm performance (Leonard-Barton, 1992; March, 1991). In this study, we use exploration and exploitation to describe two innovation-related capabilities that are critical elements on the relationship between product strategies and export performance. Hypotheses A firm that successfully pursues a cost leadership strategy emphasizes “aggressive construction of efficient-scale facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like R&D, service, sales force, advertising, and so on” (Porter, 1980: 35). In addition, with a cost leadership strategy, firms focus on reducing costs through operational efficiency. The associated positional advantage is a cost advantage pertaining to the firms’ value offering and is based on the product’s price–perceived value proposition in the export market. On the other hand, a firm that pursues a differentiation strategy may attempt to create a unique image in the minds of customers that its products are superior to those of its competitors (Miller, 1988). Moreover, a firm may pursue a differentiation strategy by creating a perception in the minds of customers that its products possess characteristics that are unique from those of its competitors in terms of differences in design, physical attributes/features, and durability (Gebauer, 2008). Differentiation strategy aims to generate more outwardly focused product innovations that offer customers product differences that shape a distinctive value offering that is more responsive to their needs (Hughes, Martin, Morgan, & Robson, 2010; O’Cass et al., 2014). The associated positional advantage is a product or market differentiation advantage pertaining to the superior brand, quality, design, and product features that differentiate the firms’ value proposition from its competitors in the export market. Firms that position their products in a manner that co-aligns with their “home country competitive advantages” will, on average, tend to perform better than those that do not. The impact of home-country advantages is lessening over time as firms develop firm-specific global core competencies to replace home-country advantages. The corporate climate in Japanese firms is characterized by worker participation and long term employment. These factors not only tend to increase costs, but also may have a positive effect on product quality through better employee motivation and more knowledgeable workers. Japanese firms have the highest labor and taxation costs and a demand base that is more quality than price sensitive. This creates a home-country environment that favors higher quality. Therefore, Japanese firms most easily achieved a strategic fit with their home country business environment by pursuing a differentiation strategy. On the other hand, Korean firms tend to focus innovation on small, incremental improvements in process and product development, exploiting experience effects. Over time, this focus results in higher quality for Korean products and lower costs, thus creating the potential for Korean firms to use a cost leadership strategy. Moreover, Korea’s capital markets (which offer inexpensive capital below short-term market rates), a demand base that is price sensitive, and the Korean corporate culture’s emphasis on low prices all contribute to an environment favoring lower cost and lower price strategy. Hypothesis 1: Cost leadership strategy pursued by Korean firms is positively associated with export performance, compared to Japanese firms. Hypothesis 2: Differentiation strategy pursued by Japanese firms is positively associated with export performance, compared to Korean firms. From the generation of new ideas through to the launch of a new product, exploration and exploitation play a vital role in product innovation (Rothaermel & Deeds, 2004). Organizations can decide to use existing organizational competences to realize short-term results, or create new competences that may foster the development of innovations in the longer term (Atuahene-Gima, 2005). Both types of capabilities are considered to be dynamic in nature (Winter, 2003), given that their purpose is to transform existing resources into new functional competences that provide a better match for the firm's environment (Voss, Sirdeshmukh, & Voss, 2008). Although both exploitative and exploratory capabilities related to cost leadership and differentiation strategies, because of those different roles of capabilities in innovation process, the effects of those innovation capabilities on the relationship between product strategy and export performance might be different. In case of cost leadership strategy, firms focus on using and developing existing capabilities, promoting improvements in existing components and building on existing technological elements (Benner & Tushman, 2003; Rust et al., 2002). Similarly, exploitative innovation is aimed at improving existing product-market domains. The cost leadership strategy creates value through existing competences or competences that have been slightly modified (Voss et al., 2008). It promotes a routine-based and repetitive approach to organizational changes (Rust et al., 2002). Because exploitative innovation builds on existing knowledge and extends existing products and services for existing customers (Soosay & Hyland, 2008), exploitative capabilities helps firms pursuing cost leadership strategy to reap the benefits of improvement they make to their products and to continue making incremental improvements (Brucks, Zeithaml, & Naylor, 2000), which are designed to allow the firm to continue its superior performance (Griffin, 1997). Compared to cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy is characterized by radical change, risk and experimentation and that allows for the creation of new methods, relationships, and products. Because exploration focuses mainly on trying to create variety, to adapt and hence exploit ever-decreasing windows of opportunity (Soosay & Hyland, 2008), this capability is more beneficial to the kind of product innovativeness to the firm (Augusto & Coelho, 2009). When exporters pursue differentiation strategy for acquiring new knowledge and developing new products and services, exploratory capability helps to engage new insight into the design of new features and benefits of a given product, that product is guaranteed to contain new ideas (Cho & Pucik, 2005; Yalcinkaya et al., 2007). In contrast with exploitation aimed at improving existing product-market domains, explorative innovation requires fundamental changes in the way an organization operates and represents a clear departure from existing practices (Menguc & Auh, 2006). Hypothesis 3: Exploitative innovation capability moderates the relationship between cost leadership strategy and export performance positively. Hypothesis 4: Exploratory innovation capability moderates the relationship between differentiation strategy and export performance positively. Results This study conducted survey data from Korean and Japanese exporters, regarding to product strategy, innovation capability, and export performance. 223 usable questionnaires were obtained in Korea, and 124 usable questionnaires were obtained in Japan. With regard to number of years of international experience, international experience averaged 15 (S.D. = 23.54) for Korean samples and 37.95 (S.D. = 21.90) for Japanese samples. In addition, export intensity by total sales over exporting sales averaged 15 (S.D. = 23.54) for Korean samples and 36.91 (S.D. = 26.15) for Japanese samples. Using survey data from Korean and Japanese exporters, the findings indicate that cost leadership strategy enhance export performance for Korean firms. On the other hand, for Japanese firms, differentiation strategy is more related on export performance positively. Moreover, exploitative innovation capability strengthens the relationship between cost leadership strategy and export performance, while exploratory innovation capability enhances the link between differentiation strategy and export performance for both Korean and Japanese firms. Discussion Focusing on product strategy through the application of the RBV has provided theoretical insights as well as empirical evidence as to which capabilities are required to achieve these critical product strategy outcomes. The support from this study provides further evidence of the usefulness of applying the RBV to the export setting and should encourage researchers to examine the other aspects of export strategy. Based on organizational learning perspective, in addition, this study found that exploratory and exploitative innovation capability are essential to the firm because they act as vehicles for renewing product strategy to achieve superior export performance. By considering product strategy with exploration and exploitation simultaneously, we present a new perspective of the roles of these product strategies in the development of firms’ innovation capabilities. Our results indicate that cost leadership and differentiation strategy are pivotal in ensuring a proper balance between exploratory and exploitative innovations. Furthermore, this study found that different effects of product strategies on export performance in line with home country competitive advantages. Understanding the nature of marketing strategies employed by Korean and Japanese firms as well as its different effects may provide a useful reference point for exporters from other emerging countries in Asia. One of the main implications for managers is that both exploratory and exploitative product competences should consider in parallel when developing product strategy. The findings underscore the need for managers to invest in cost leadership and differentiation strategy to ensure the development of exploration and exploitation. Therefore, resource allocation decisions should, consider the firm's needs for innovation capabilities and, on the other hand, be guided by the firm’s product strategy. Exporters operate in highly complex environments, characterized by high levels of technological and market uncertainties and highly diverse and dispersed customers (Kleinschmidt et al., 2007; Mohr & Sarin, 2009). Therefore, in addition to the product strategy toward the development of innovations using state-of-the-art technologies, managers of these firms need a similarly strong focus on understanding both current and potential exporting markets. By acknowledging the need for product strategy, managers can ensure the balanced innovation capabilities.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Omotenashi is the Japanese term for a conception of service hospitality rooted in the Japanese tea ceremony. This research explores the ways in which contemporary hospitality executives have drawn on the historical tradition of omotenashi in the tea ceremony, as well as older Japanese cultural and spiritual traditions underlying omotenashi, to re-envision encounters between service employees and customers. In high context cultures like Japan, information is widely shared, which reduces the amount of information that must be shared verbally. The nature of Japan‟s high-context culture is manifested in two important principles of the philosophy of the tea ceremony. One important principle is mutual understanding, which arise from the process of “consideration,” which involves “putting oneself in the position of others to anticipate their desires” (Surak, 2012, p. 51). A second important principle involves ritualized social interactions. As Kondo explained (1985), “… the Japanese tea ceremony is a highly ritualized version of the host/guest interaction, and a heightened expression of the emphasis on etiquette in Japanese culture in general.” He continues: “The theory is that mere good intentions are insufficient; one must know the proper form in order to express one‟s feelings of hospitality effectively (Kondo 1985, p. 288). The importance of ritualized behavior also emerges in the kata of Kendo and other Japanese martial arts, where the term kata refers to a sequence of stylized movements that are designed to cultivate “speed of movement, dynamic execution, and realistic character” (Kiyota, 2002, p. 24). Similarly, Zen discussions of secular work emphasize the value of ritualized behavior. According to Musimi (1990, p. 821), “Deeply ingrained in the minds of the Japanese people is the belief that „work‟ makes for moral culture, and man‟s character is formed through the process of working.” Arai (2006, p. 110) observed that domestic work also can be viewed as “ritualized [Zen] activity done in accord with wisdom and compassion.” We argue that current attempts to implement the spirit of omotenashi in employee training have emphasized the spiritual, attitudinal, and behavioral dimensions of omotenashi. The meaning of these dimensions reflect the ways in which executives understand and interpret the high-context nature of Japanese culture and Zen Buddhism on the Tea Ceremony and Japanese martial arts such as Kendo.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to understand the foreign language learner’s internal process while they are translating. To figure out invisible internal process of the learner, Key logging during translation process, short interview after translating and behavioral observation were used. For considering behavioral characteristics for internal process, Pause, Deletion, Moving and Mistranslation were chosen. In particular, Pause was chosen to work as criterion when analyzing other behaviors. By analyzing those behaviors, three internal processes were found: (1)Deliberatiing on words or phrases following the pauses, (2)Considering ill-matched words or phrases between source text and target text, (3)Continuous checks on what writers had written down. Deliberations were generally found before the long-term pause. Learners were deliberating what to write on next phrases, due to their scarce knowledge of grammatical collocation of the target language. Considering ill-matched words or phrases between source text and target text shows variety of behaviors such as moving, deletion after the long-term pauses. According to the learners’ interview and researcher’s observation, it was arisen when the learners are fail to find the acceptable expressions in target language. Continuous checks on what learners had written down were generally found after the translation was finished. Entire part of target text was examined in this type of process. Thus, long period of pause was required for reading source text and target text, also deletion and moving was required for correcting mistranslated words or phrases. It infers that learners’ behaviors are combined to suggest certain meanings of internal process. Thus, these behaviors do not suggest solid internal process. With more elaborated analysis, this
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일제 강점기의 국어는 근대후기 국어와 현대국어를 잇는 과도기로서, 두 시기의 표기상의 특징이 혼재하고 있다. 이 시기에 출판된 근대적 성격을 띤 한자 자전의 한글 뜻풀이 표기 방식은 현대국어 표기법이 점진적으로 형성되는 과정을 보여주고 있다. 본고는 일제강점기 자전의 한글 뜻풀이를 국어의 음운 현상과 연계시켜 그 표기 양상과 특징을 살펴봄으로써 당시의 한자 자전이 지닌 자료적 가치와 시대적 위상을 재조명하고자 한다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1929년 미국에서 시작된 대공황은 일제 강점기하의 한국 사회에도 영향을 미쳤다. 이 시기부터 일본의 독점자본세력이 한국에 본격적으로 상륙하였다. 그 결과 일본 정부와 조선총독부의 지원을 받은 일본의 대규모 공장이 건설되었고, 공업단지 건설과정에서 그 지역에 오랫동안 살아왔던 거주민들은 삶의 기반을 잃고 쫓겨나 노동자로 전락하였다. 또한, 한국인이 운영하던 가내수공업과 중소기업도 상당수가 도산하였다. 1930년대의 한국 노동소설은 당시의 노동 상황을 잘 보여주고 있다. 불경기로 인해 노동자들의 노동 환경도 악화하였다. 불경기로 인해 재고가 쌓이자 공장주는 공장의 생산 시설을 감축하여 운영할 수밖에 없었고, 이는 노동자들에게 감원의 위협으로 다가왔다. 감원에서 살아남더라도 임금을 삭감당하거나 노동시간이 증가하는 등 실질적 노동 강도는 더 세어졌다. 또한, 공장주들은 이윤을 극대화하기 위해 노동자들을 위한 안전시설에 대한 투자를 제대로 하지 않아 많은 노동자들이 사고로 다치거나 사망하기도 하였다. 한편 여성 노동자들은 남성 노동자들이 겪는 어려움 이외에도 여성이라는 이유로 상대적인 저임금과 성희롱에 시달려야 했다. 이러한 유형들이 1930년대 노동소설에서 찾아볼 수 있는 당대의 노동문제라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 노동 환경에 대응하여 KAPF 소속 작가들은 노동소설을 통해 노동자들이 다양한 노동자 단체를 활용하여 노동자 조직을 확대하고, 단결과 연대를 통해 회사 측의 부당한 처사에 대항하는 모습을 작품화했 다. 21세기의 한국은 신자유주의의 영향으로 다시 노동 상황이 악화하고 있다. 구조조정, 노조 사찰 및 노조 파괴 공작, 위험의 외주화, 정규직과 비정규직, 성희롱과 기업주의 갑질 등 노동자들의 삶이 힘들어지고 있는 상황에서 1930년대 노동소설에 대한 고찰은 시사점이 크다고 하겠다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese L2 learners of Japanese are identified as showing difficulties in the production of Japanese geminates. The idea of being difficult-to-listen is embodied in the concept Comprehensibility (Derwing & Munro 2015). This study first reviews the native pronunciation of Japanese singleton vs. geminate contrast. Then, we report findings based on the pronunciation by 20 Chinese learners of Japanese and discuss the issue of comprehensibility in geminate production. While the contrast in the closure duration between singleton and geminate consonants shows a similar pattern to reported Japanese speech, the learners show large differences in the vowel duration preceding and following consonants. We report findings from a linear mixed model that was run with speaker as a random effect. The results show that participants do not make differences in vowel duration, or the difference in vowel duration is reversed from L1 Japanese speakers. Identifying the locus of the source of an L2 accent should be accompanied with intelligibility and comprehensibility. Such identification is important in increasing comprehensibility in speech that is already intelligible.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to find out the process of changes concerning the cadastral records that consist of the cadastre, the cadastral map and various registers of land in Japanese Colonial Period. The cadastre and cadastral map were the most important part of them and became the basis of cadastral records. These two registers were first made out according to the Project of Colonial Land Survey in the year 1912. As the influx of foreign Weights and Measures was greatly influenced by the foreign concession since 1876, the traditional units of the Weights and Measures had abolished finally. The extortion of sovereignty led a rapid change to the Weights and Measures in 1910. Japan compelled us to change into Japanese System of Measurement. From that time on, Lot(筆地) and Pyeong(坪) were settled down on the registers of land.