
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 426

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rapid growth in the popularity of social media sites has meant that social media has become an important communication channel for brands. Brands create brand pages on social media to cultivate positive and strong relationships with consumers. This study seeks to enhance our understanding of how fashion brand pages in social media foster consumer-brand relationships by exploring the factors that affect the development of consumer-brand relationships. Drawing on the parasocial interaction theory, this study proposes parasocial interaction as a key factor of this process. Specifically, this study proposes four antecedents (vividness, interactivity, social presence, and focused attention) of consumers’ parasocial interaction with brand pages, which further affects consumer responses in terms of affective engagement and brand loyalty. An online survey was administered with consumers who have followed and visited at least one fashion brand page via a social networking site (SNS). Structural equation modeling revealed that consumers’ perceptions of vividness, interactivity, social presence, and focused attention on a fashion brand page positively affected their feelings towards parasocial interaction with the brand page, which in turn led to their affective engagement with the brand page and consequent brand loyalty. These findings suggest that consumers build relationships of varying degrees with brand pages in a similar manner to that with people, which leads to their development of a positive relationship with the brand. This study concludes with discussions and practical implications.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기업이 보유한 브랜드 강화역량, 최고경영자 역량, 글로벌 학습역량이 수출규모에 어떤 영향을 미치 는지를 한국패션의류기업들을 대상으로 분석하고 있다. 2007년부터 2014년까지 한국 패션기업들의 기업-연도 패널 데이터를 대상으로 연구한 결과, 브랜드 강화 역량 측면에서 디자인특허 역량이 높고 해외 제품상 수상 경 험이 있으면 기업의 수출규모가 높게 나타났다. 또한 최고경영자 역량 측면에서 최고경영자가 패션관련 전공자이 거나, 해외경험이 있는 경우 수출규모가 높게 나타났고, 글로벌 학습역량 측면에서 해외 제휴 수가 많은 경우 수 출규모가 높게 나타났다. 본 연구는 패션의류산업의 산업적 특성을 고려하여 성공적인 수출규모증대 전략을 도출 하기 위해 필요한 기업 내부역량을 중점으로 의미 있는 이론적, 실무적 시사점을 제시하고 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As social media are emerging as essential communication channels for corporates in all areas, luxury jewelry brands have implemented enhanced strategies for brand story videos by creating brand channels on YouTube. In this study, a comparative analysis of the videos made available by Cartier and Tiffany&Co. on their YouTube Brand Channels was conducted, with the aim of identifying their strategic characteristics. The research method encompassed, both literature review and empirical investigations. A quantitative analysis was conducted by means of the ‘HEART’ model, a type of luxury jewelry brand story, and the following common strategic elements were identified. First, in their brand story videos both brands focus primarily on ‘theme’. Second, ‘relationship’ and ‘artisanship’ are emphasized in addition to ‘theme’. Third, the videos incorporate high level aesthetics to stimulate the fantasies and dreams of their audiences. The strategic differences between the brands are as follows. : First, ‘artisanship’ is given the greatest significance along with ‘theme’ in Cartier videos, while ‘relationship’ has prime significance in Tiffany&Co. videos. Second, a difference between a European approach and an American approach towards luxury brand building is evident, with Cartier hosting exhibitions while Tiffany&Co. provides gala videos instead.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fashion product image preference changes depending on one’s lifestyle and personal inclination. Women want to show the fashion product image preference, often through their clothing and makeup choices. Brand image includes those elements related to the brand. Advertising is the primary method for introducing brands. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of fashion product image preference on emphasis of brand image and advertising factor evaluation targeting working women in their 20s and 30s. The fashion product image preference was s sophisticated image. Preference for a sophisticated image has a significant effect on emphasis of brand image when selecting fashion products. Emphasis of brand image has a notable effect on the brand direct advertising factor evaluation. Fashion product image preference has a significant effect on both brand’s direct and indirect advertising factor evaluation. When selecting a fashion product (clothing and cosmetics), brand image importance was found to have a positive effect on a brand’s direct advertising factor evaluation. Therefore, fashion companies should take advantage of their brand logo. Companies should also pay attention to clothing and product containers used in advertising to show the brand. In addition, every company should create an advertising image that represents their overall brand, by using a combination of detailed advertising factor evaluation.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the gender differences in the relationships between knowledge of, attachment with, and attitude toward a parent brand and perceived risk of, attitude toward, and purchase intension of an extended product in the case of brand extension. A total of 300 survey questionnaires were distributed to 150 male and 150 female college students, and 275 responses were used for the final analysis. The results showed that for male college students, knowledge of the parent brand had a positive relationship with brand attachment with the parent brand, which in turn had a positive relationship with brand attitude toward the parent brand. Knowledge of the parent brand had a negative relationship with perceived risk of the extended product, which again had a negative relationship with attitude toward the extended product. In addition, for male college students, knowledge of the parent brand had a positive relationship with attitude toward the extended product, which also had a positive relationship with purchase intension of the extended product. For female college students, brand attachment with the parent brand had a positive relationship with brand attitude toward the parent brand, which also had a positive relationship with attitude toward the extended product. Brand attachment with the parent brand showed a negative relationship with perceived risk of the extended product, which also had a negative relationship with attitude toward the extended product.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the increased importance of design creativity in global fashion marketplaces, there have arisen numerous promotional strategies for new fashion designers in Korea, yet little research has been done on this subject. This study examines the new fashion design promotion policies in Korea and their effects from the designer's perspective. First, we analyzed the contents of twenty-one strategies from thirteen organizations regarding the types of support from the strategies. As a result, four distinct types are identified: new designer recognition; information and consulting support; brand incubating; and marketing support. Next, we performed in-depth one-on-one interviews with eleven designers who had been awarded from one or more of the fashion design incubation policies. The results reveal that the incubating policies' cash rewards and space support are found to be most effective. In terms of the revised fashion and brand consulting policy, “brand operation” had an influence. In addition, fashion the new brand advertisement and marketing policy had positively influenced the “brand development.” However, throughout the interview, designers note that the quality of education and information provisions need some improvement. Furthermore, the designers indicate the lack of supervision and professionalism from the marketing departments. Based on this content, this study emphasizes the necessity of an effective fashion design promotion policy, and strategic and consistent support for the whole fashion promotion team. At the minimum, an integrated and united supervision by the organization is necessary and should be taken into consideration.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 외식시장에서 패스트푸드로 대표되는 햄버 거 브랜드들의 이미지가 현재 소비자들에게 어떻게 인지되 고 있으며, 향후 어떠한 이미지로 변화하는 것이 경쟁이 치 열한 시장에서 효과적인 마케팅전략이 될 것인가를 분석하 고자 하였다. 즉, 브랜드 개성을 적용하여 지각도 구축을 통 한 재포지셔닝 전략을 제시하고자 하였다. 실증분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 패스트푸드 브랜드 개 성은 ‘친숙함’, ‘활발함’, ‘전문성’, ‘신뢰성’, ‘세련성’ 등 다 섯 가지 요인으로 도출되었다. 둘째, 다섯 가지 브랜드 개성 요인을 기초로 바이플롯(Biplot)을 이용하여 전체집단의 지 각도를 도출한 결과 ‘맥도날도’와 ‘롯데리아’가 가장 서로 가 깝게 위치하고 있으며, 이는 소비자의 인지 상에 서로 경쟁 관계에 놓여있음을 파악할 수 있었다. 그리고 ‘KFC’와 ‘버거킹’이 비교적 독립된 위상을 차지하고 있으며, ‘맥도날드’ 와 ‘롯데리아’는 ‘친숙성’, ‘맘스터치’는 ‘열정’과 ‘신뢰성’ 및 ‘세련성’이라는 브랜드 개성을 지니고 있는 것으로 나타났 다. 이에 반해 ‘버거킹’은 여타 다른 브랜드 속성들과는 다 소 거리가 떨어져 있음을 파악하였다. 이는 소비자들에게 다 른 브랜드와 차별화된 독특한 브랜드 개성 이미지가 부족하 다는 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 셋째, 성별, 브랜드 신뢰도, 브랜드 만족도 등에 따른 세분 집단 간 지각도를 도출한 결과 서로 집단 간 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 남성의 경우 가장 차별화 된 브랜드 개성 속성으로 ‘세련성’과 ‘친숙성’이며, ‘맥도날 드’와 ‘롯데리아’가 서로 유사 이미지로 인지되고 있는 것으 로 나타났다. 여성의 경우는 ‘신뢰성’이 가장 차별화된 브랜 드 개성 이미지로 나타났으며, ‘맘스터치’가 ‘신뢰성’, ‘KFC’ 가 ‘전문성’을 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 브랜드 신뢰도가 낮은 세분집단에서는 ‘전문성’과 ‘세련성’이 가장 차별환 된 속성 으로 나타났으며 ‘맥도날드’가 ‘친숙성’과 ‘열정’ 이미지를 지닌 브랜드로 인지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 브랜드 신뢰 도가 높은 세분집단의 경우는 ‘친숙성’이 최대속성으로 나타 나며 ‘롯데리아’가 그러한 브랜드 개성 이미지를 가장 많이 지닌 것으로 나타났다. ‘BBQ’가 ‘열정’과 ‘신뢰성’, ‘KFC’가 ‘전문성’을 지닌 것으로 나타나고 있다. 브랜드 저만족도 집 단에서는 ‘세련성’이 가장 차별화된 최대속성으로 나타나며, ‘전문성’이 최소속성으로 나타나고 있다. ‘KFC’가 ‘세련성’, ‘맘스터치’가 ‘신뢰성’과 ‘열정’을 지닌 브랜드로 인지되고 있 는 것으로 나타났다. 브랜드 고만족도 집단에서는 ‘열정’이 가장 차별화된 속성으로 나타나며 여기에는 ‘BBQ’가 가장 가까운 브랜드로 인지되고 있으며, ‘전문성’이 최소 속성으 로 ‘맘스터치’가 가장 가까이 위치하고 있다. 그리고 ‘롯데리 아’가 ‘친숙함’에 가장 가까우며 그리고 유사 이미지 브랜드 로는 ‘맥도날드’와 경쟁관계에 있는 것으로 나타났다. ‘버거 킹’은 ‘신뢰성’ 이미지요인에 가장 가까이 하고 있음을 살펴 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 소비자들이 어떤 브랜드 개성 이미지를 가장 선호하는지와 그 이상점이 무엇인지를 파악하기 위해 비교 대상 브랜드 여섯 개의 선호도를 조사하여 각 브랜드의 선호집단과 이상점 벡터를 구하였다. 그 결과 전체집단은 ‘맘 스터치’를 가장 선호하며, 이의 브랜드 개성 이미지요인으로 는 ‘열정’, ‘신뢰성’, ‘세련성’을 지닌 것으로 평가받고 있었 다. 그리고 전체집단의 최대속성은 ‘친숙성’으로 향후 시장 에서 ‘친숙성’이미지를 좀 더 보완하는 전략을 구축할 필요 가 있다. 남성들은 ‘맥도날드’를 가장 선호하며 ‘친숙성’을 지닌 브랜드로 인지하고 있다. ‘맥도날드’는 향후 시장에서 ‘세련성’과 ‘전문성’을 좀 더 보완하는 재포지셔닝전략을 구 축할 필요가 있다. 여성들은 ‘KFC’와 ‘맘스터치’를 가장 선 호하며 이들 브랜드에 대해 ‘전문성’과 ‘신뢰성’을 지닌 것으 로 인지하고 있다. 앞으로 경쟁시장에서 ‘열정’ 이미지요인 을 더 보완하는 전략이 필요하다. 브랜드 신뢰도와 만족도가 낮은 집단은 ‘KFC’를 가장 선호하며 각각 ‘신뢰성’과 ‘세련 성’을 지닌 것으로 평가하고 있으며 추가적으로 ‘전문성’과 ‘열정’을 보완하는 전략이 필요하다. 마지막으로 브랜드신뢰 도와 만족도가 높은 집단에서는 ‘맥도날드’를 가장 선호하며 ‘전문성’과 ‘친숙성’을 지닌 브랜드로 인지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. ‘맥도날드’와 ‘롯데리아’는 현재 시장에서 시장점 유율 우위에 있으나 후발 브랜드 ‘맘스터치’의 ‘신뢰성’과 ‘KFC’의 ‘전문성’에는 다소 부족한 브랜드 개성 이미지를 지 니고 있음을 파악할 수가 있었다. 따라서 이에 대한 보완전 략이 수립되어야 할 것이다. 기존의 선행연구에서도 패스트푸드 햄버거의 브랜드 개성 은 종종 도출하였다. 그러나 지각도상에서 비교대상 브랜드 의 경쟁관계와 그 이상점은 구체적으로 제시하지 못하였다. 시장에서 서로 경쟁관계에 있는 패스트푸드 햄버거 브랜드 이미지를 공간 지각도상에 도출하여 재포지셔닝 전략을 개 발한 것에 본 연구의 차별성이 존재한다고 볼 수 있다. 하지만 본 연구는 다음과 같은 한계점을 내포하고 있다. 브랜드 개성을 평가하는 속성변수들이 선행연구들을 참고로 그대로 적용한 것으로 향후에는 급변하고 있는 시장의 변화 를 적용한 다양한 속성변수들이 추가적으로 개발되어야 할 것이다. 또한 표본의 대표성문제가 있다. 부산지역 대학생들 을 대상으로 자료를 수집한 데 그 한계점이 있다. 추가연구 에서는 다양한 연령층, 지역 및 직업군 등을 고려한 연구가 진행되기를 기대한다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Study objectives are: 1) to investigate the difference in consumer perceptions of the model’s image and physical attractiveness according to advertising model types; 2) to explore the effect of the difference between the model’s image and the consumer’s self image, the difference between the model’s image and the brand’s image, and the physical attractiveness of the model on attitude toward the advertising model; and 3) to explore the effect of attitude toward the advertising model on attitude toward the advertisement. A total of 306 female consumers over the age of 45 participated in experiments with advertisement stimuli for a senior apparel brand. Results showed a significant difference in the model’s images and physical attractiveness according to each model type. The consumer’s attitude toward the advertising model was determined by physical attractiveness of the model, not by the difference between model’s image and the consumers’ self-image, nor by the difference between the model’s image and brand image. Attitude toward advertisements was determined by attitude toward the advertising model. The findings imply that advertising models of a senior apparel brand can be selected based on the physical attractiveness of the model. Consumers do not consider whether the model’s image fits well with their self-images or the brand’s image when building an attitude toward the advertising model, and this precedes the consumer’s attitude toward the advertisement. These results can be used as guidelines to select appropriate models for advertisements of senior apparel brands.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Indonesian population is estimated at 250 million and ranked as the world's fourth-largest. It is also one of the world's largest Muslim nations. Seventy percent of the population of Indonesia is young consumers in their 20s and 30s. In additions, Indonesian consumers have recently developed a great interest in fashion in general and Korean fashion in particular. This paper addresses issues related to young Indonesian consumers' clothing behavior in terms of clothing image, clothing style, body image, clothing and attitudes toward Korean fashion brands. The survey method was used as a primary research instrument. All measurements were adapted from the existing scales from previous studies. A total of 172 questionnaires were used for the final statistical analysis. Empirical results showed that Indonesian consumers' preferences regarding clothing image were new, casual, humorous, futuristic, soft, interesting and active. In terms of style, Indonesian consumers scored high in their preferences of casual and classic styles. With regard to body image, Indonesian consumers have significant concern for their appearance and body, but at the same time they are more satisfied with their body shape. More than half of the respondents had experience in purchasing Korean fashion products. Indonesian consumers recognized the clothing image of Korean fashion brands as new, futuristic, and hi-tech. Furthermore, they perceive the clothing style of Korean fashion brands as casual, feminine, and sexy. Korean fashion brand purchase intension was significantly influenced by recognition and preference of Korean fashion brand.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify the antecedents of repurchase intention toward fast fashion brands. Perceived quality, perceived price, deindividuation, and overly trendy styles, which are product characteristic variables, and fashion innovativeness, which is a consumer characteristic variable, were considered as antecedents. It was hypothesized that product and consumer characteristics influence repurchase intention toward fast fashion brands not only directly, but also indirectly through cognitive dissonance. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul using convenience sampling. Three hundred and fifty-two questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. SPSS was used for exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS was used for confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The factor analysis of product characteristics revealed four dimensions: “perceived quality”, “perceived price”, “deindividuation”, and “overly trendy styles”, and the factor analysis of consumer characteristics revealed one dimension. The factor analysis of cognitive dissonance revealed two dimensions, “regrets” and “perceived uncertainty.” The hypothesized path test proved that perceived quality, deindividuation, overly trendy styles, and fashion innovativeness influence repurchase intention directly. Perceived price and deindividuation influence repurchase intention indirectly through the factor of cognitive dissonance, which is the perceived uncertainty, indicating the importance of cognitive dissonance. The results indicate effective marketing strategies should be used to decrease consumers’ cognitive dissonance, and suggestions for future study are provided.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between user satisfaction of mobile social network game and user preference of co-marketing brand with the game. We propose revised UTAUT model(i.e., mobile game effect model) and explore the influence of user habit with game in the model. Total 129 Korean mobile game users were surveyed. The data were analyzed using structural equation model(SEM). The result show that perceived usefulness and hedonic value influence user satisfaction for mobile social network game. Next, user satisfaction has a positive influence on users' brand preference placed on the game. We also identified the moderating effect of the habit on the relationship between user satisfaction and brand preference. This study provide a deeper understanding of Korean consumers' mobile game behavior and trend.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 국내 의류 시장에서 SPA 브랜드의 급격한 성장을 기반으로 관련 업체들이 기존 의류 이외에 다른 종류의 다양한 제품(SPA 브랜드 확장)을 출시하는 추세이다. 이와 같은 추세 이면의 심리적 기제를 알아보기 위해서 본 연구는 SPA 브랜드 확장에 대한 소비자 정보 처리 과정을 개념적으로 (1) SPA 브랜드 확장과 원 SPA 브랜드 간의 유사성 지각과 (2) 평가(태도와 구입의향)로 구분하였다. 이후 가상의 3종류 SPA 브랜드 확장(저, 중, 고 유사성 조건)에 대한 소비자의 유사성 지각 과정과 평가를 각각 아이트래커와 자기 보고식 설문지를 이용해 측정하였다. 통계 분석 결과, SPA 브랜드 확장의 유사성 지각 과정에서 외적 정보 탐색량과 정보 처리 수준은 ‘중>저>고 유사성 조건’ 순으로 차이를 보였다. 또한 SPA 브랜드 확장에 대한 태도와 구입의향은 ‘고=중>저 유사성 조건’ 순으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 SPA 브랜드 확장에 대한 평가가 유사성 지각 정도와 유사성 지각 과정에서 투입된 인지적 노력량에 영향을 받는다는 점을 제안한다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the effects of consumers’sense of community regarding outdoor brands on behavioral commitment, purchasing satisfaction, and repurchasing intention and analyzed the effects of behavioral commitment and purchasing satisfaction on repurchasing intention. Additionally, this study analyzed the differences in sense of community, behavioral commitment, purchasing satisfaction, and repurchasing intention according to the types of outdoor consumers’consumption values. A survey was conducted from July 20th to 30th, 2015, and 527 responses were used for the analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, consumers’sense of community regarding outdoor brands was classified into mutual influences, sufficiency necessity, emotional connectedness, and sense of belonging. Second, outdoor consumers’sense of community had positive impacts on behavioral commitment, purchasing satisfaction and repurchasing intention. Third, outdoor consumers’behavioral commitment and purchasing satisfaction had positive impacts on repurchasing intention. Fourth, there were differences in the outdoor consumers’sense of community, behavioral commitment, purchasing satisfaction, and repurchasing intention according to the types of consumption values. Therefore, outdoor brands can strengthen the relationship with customers considering values and behavior, suggesting the need for a strategy that promotes consumers’sense of community with sustainable management activities that save the environment and local community.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 패스트 패션 산업 내 브랜드들은 기획-생산-유통의 수직적 통합 프로세스를 통해 효과적으로 제 품을 생산하고, 판매함으로써 급격하게 성장하고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 이러한 패스트 패션 브랜드들 의 성장을 심층적으로 탐구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이전까지 패스트 패션 연구는 마케팅 측면과 운영관 리 측면으로 나누어졌다. 하지만 기존의 연구들은 패스트 패션 산업의 성공을 설명하는데 한계가 있었다. 왜냐하면 경쟁업체들은 선두 업체들의 전략을 쉽게 모방을 할 수 있었기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구는 기업 의 전략적인 측면으로 패스트 패션 브랜드들의 경쟁 전략을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 Porter(1996)의 활동체 계도 모형, Kim & Mauborgne(2005)의 전략 캔버스 모델을 바탕으로 경쟁전략을 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 글로벌 패스트 패션 브랜드들의 경쟁력은 높은 적합성을 가진 각 각의 활동들의 결합으로 이루어졌다. 이에 따라 쉽게 모방이 힘든 구조를 가지고 있는 것으로 관찰되어 진다. 활동체계도를 통해 경쟁기업들의 활동들을 파악하고, 국내 패스트 패션 브랜드들이 장기적인 시야를 가지고 경쟁우위를 가질 수 있는 전략 에 집중할 수 있다면 향후 국내 패스트 패션 브랜드도 좋은 성과를 거둘 수 있음을 시사한다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between sports commitment, sportswear brand satisfaction, and brand loyalty of female university students in their 20s. Two hundred surveys were distributed to female university students, and 185 responses were used for the final analysis. The SPSS program was used with a reliability test and factor, frequency, path analysis. Based on the literature review, the following five hypotheses were suggested. H1: Cognitive commitment will have a positive effect on the behavioral commitment of sports commitment factors. H2: The behavioral commitment of female university students will have a positive effect on brand satisfaction. H3: Sportswear brand satisfaction will have a positive effect on continuous brand loyalty. H4: Cognitive commitment will have a positive effect on habitual brand loyalty. H5: Continuous brand loyalty will have a positive effect on habitual brand loyalty. The results of this study showed that first, after the factor analysis, there were two factors of sports commitment (behavioral commitment and cognitive commitment). Second, the path analysis results revealed that there were significant relationships between sports commitment factors (cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment), sportswear brand satisfaction, and brand loyalty factors (continuous brand loyalty and habitual brand loyalty). The results revealed that cognitive commitment had a positive relationship with behavioral commitment, which had a positive relationship with sportswear brand satisfaction. Sportswear brand satisfaction had a positive relationship with continuous brand loyalty, which had a positive relationship with habitual brand loyalty. Cognitive commitment also had a positive relationship with habitual brand loyalty.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, some fashion retailers have initiated sustainable actions in the form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to address consumers’ social concerns. This study intends to combine the concept of CSR motivation attributions with brand extension literature in order to examine how consumers’ trust of a parent brand affects their CSR motivation attributions and ultimately their attitudes towards parent-brand CSR activities and sustainable extension lines. A self-administered online survey was conducted using scenarios describing a fast fashion retailer introducing a sustainable line. Data from 303 female U.S. consumers, aged between 18 and 34 years, were used for the statistical analysis. Data analyses were conducted using SPSS 21.0 for descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and regression analysis. The results revealed that all hypotheses were supported. The findings show that consumers’ trust of a parent brand has an indirect impact on positive attitudes towards the parent brand’s CSR activities as well as the sustainable extension product line, mediating positive evaluations of the brand’s social CSR motivations. In addition, this study suggests consumers’ prior trust of the parent brand is a variable that affects consumers’ evaluation of CSR motivation sincerity. Marketing suggestions and thoughts based on the findings of this study were provided.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리나라 소비자의 개인주의화에 따라 일본에 대한 적대감에 변화가 발생할 수 있다는 관점에서 접근하는 연구이다. 구체적으로 본 연구에서는 개인주의 성향이 높은 소비자는 상대적으로 일본에 대한 적대감이 낮으며, 일본 브랜드 평가에 있어서도 적대감에 영향을 받는 정도가 낮을 수 있다는 주장을 제기한다. 이를 위해서 본 연구는 304명의 성인 소비자를 대상으로 4개의 일본 브랜드에 관해 설문조사를 수행했다. 검증 결과, 소비자의 개인주의 성향이 일본에 대한 적대감 인식에 영향을 미치는 동시에 소비자 적대감 효과를 조절한다는 연구 가설이 확인되었다. 동시에 소비자의 브랜드 친숙도도 적대감 효과를 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 소비자의 사회심리적 요인과 특성에 따라 소비자 적대감과 그 영향력이 달라질 수 있다는 가능성을 제시하여 학술적으로 의미가 있는 것으로 평가된다. 동시에 우리나라 소비자가 개인주의화가 진행함에 따라 소비자 적대감과 같은 요인들에 영향을 받는 정도가 줄어들 수 있음을 시사해준다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines advertising images of fashion brands in vertical social network site (SNS) from the viewpoints of message strategies. Vertical social network sites are types of social curation systems applied to social networking, where information is selected, organized, and maintained. Fashion brands communicate with consumers by presenting images on vertical SNSs, anticipating improvements in brand image, popularity, and loyalty. Those images portray content for particular brands and seasonal concepts, thus creating paths for product sales information. Marketing via SNSs corresponds to relationship marketing, which refers to long-term interrelationship and value augmentation between the company and consumer, and viral advertising, which relies on word of mouth distribution via social network platforms. Taylor’s six-segment message strategy wheel, often used for analyzing viral ads, was applied to conduct a content analysis of the images. A total of 2,656 images of fashion brands advertised on Instagram were selected and analyzed. Results indicated that brand values were somewhat related to the number of followers. Follower rankings and comment rankings were also correlated. In general, fashion brands projected sensory messages most often. Acute need and rational messages were less common than other messages. Sports brands and luxury brands presented sensory messages, whereas fast fashion brands projected routine images most often. Fashion brands promoted on vertical SNSs should portray advertising images that combine message strategies.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fast fashion brand marketers should develop marketing strategies that effectively satisfy the values consumers seek when purchasing fast fashion brands. This study aimed to identify the consumption value factors of fast fashion brands and to reveal the value factors that influence attitudes toward purchasing fast fashion brands. Data were gathered by surveying university students in the Seoul metropolitan area using convenience sampling. Three hundred and five questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis, which consisted of exploratory factor analysis using SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis using AMOS. The factor analysis revealed the following six value factors: Emotional value, social value, price/value for money, durability value, eco-value, and consistency value. The fit statistic for the six-factor model was quite acceptable. Two of the six value factors, emotional value and price/value for money, positively influenced attitudes toward purchasing fast fashion brands. The overall fits of the revealed model suggested that the model fit the data well. The results suggested that fast fashion marketers need to understand the value factors that motivate consumers to purchase fast fashion brands. In addition, marketers should focus their efforts on satisfying emotional value and price/value for money in order to establish their brands in the increasingly competitive fast fashion industry.
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