
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 278

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The small intestine plays a crucial role in animals in maintaining homeostasis as well as a series of physiological events such as nutrient uptake and immune function to improve productivity. Research on intestinal organoids has recently garnered interest, aiming to study various functions of the intestinal epithelium as a potential alternative to an in vivo system. These technologies have created new possibilities and opportunities for substituting animals for testing with an in vitro model. Methods: Here, we report the establishment and characterisation of intestinal organoids derived from jejunum tissues of adult pigs. Intestinal crypts, including intestinal stem cells from the jejunum tissue of adult pigs (10 months old), were sequentially isolated and cultivated over several passages without losing their proliferation and differentiation using the scaffold-based and three-dimensional method, which indicated the recapitulating capacity. Results: Porcine jejunum-derived intestinal organoids showed the specific expression of several genes related to intestinal stem cells and the epithelium. Furthermore, they showed high permeability when exposed to FITC-dextran 4 kDa, representing a barrier function similar to that of in vivo tissues. Collectively, these results demonstrate the efficient cultivation and characteristics of porcine jejunum-derived intestinal organoids. Conclusions: In this study, using a 3D culture system, we successfully established porcine jejunum-derived intestinal organoids. They show potential for various applications, such as for nutrient absorption as an in vitro model of the intestinal epithelium fused with organ-on-a-chip technology to improve productivity in animal biotechnology in future studies.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        MEPC 80차 회의에서 IMO는 더욱 강화된 온실가스 감축 전략을 제시하였다. 기존의 72차 회의에서 제시하였던 초기전략보다 구체적이고 강화된 감축 전략이다. IMO는 2050년 무렵까지 국제 해운으로부터 온실가스 배출을 ‘Net Zero’에 도달하도록 전략을 세웠다. 이 논문에서는 대표적인 친환경 연료로 구분되는 LNG, 수소, 메탄올, 암모니아의 위험도 평가를 진행하였다. 전문가들의 설문조사를 통한 결과를 퍼지 기법을 적용하여 주관적인 모호성을 해결하였다. 또한 TOPSIS 기법을 통해서 퍼지의 긍정적인 해와 부정적인 해를 도출하였 다. 이를 통해서 Vertex 방법을 이용하여 대체 연료의 근접계수 값을 최종적으로 구하여 결정하였다. 그 결과, 메탄올, LNG, 수소, 암모니 아 순으로 선호하였다. 이 연구는 제안된 접근 방식이 대체 연료를 결정을 위한 집단 의사결정 방법으로 이용할 수 있음을 보여준다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        부동산 시장은 침체되고 전월세 가격은 안정화되었지만, 주택 임대차에 대한 부동산 정책의 입안은 잠자고 있는 상황이다. 한시적으로 시행된 계약갱신권 은 2024년 말이면 계속 유지할지, 새롭게 개정해야 할지에 대한 제도적인 대 안을 모색하여 법 개정의 시점이 다가오고 있다. 과거에 갑작스러운 입법 예 고와 시행으로 전월세 가격의 급등했던 사례를 감안한다면 지금이 바로 제도 적 대안을 제시하여 미리 준비하고 주택임대차에 대한 안정화하는 대책이 요 구된다. 우리의 주택 보급은 가구 수 대비하여 결코 부족하지 않으나, 주택에 대한 인 식이 소유에서 이용으로 변화하는 기로에서 사회 환경과 경제 활동의 다변화 로 가구 분화가 시작되어 1~2인 가구의 급증하고 인구의 도심 집중 현상이 심화되면서 수도권을 중심으로 임차 가구는 서서히 증가하는 추세이다. 이에 따라 임차 주택은 수요 대비 공급이 부족하여 주택의 전월세 가격이 급등할 것으로 예상된다. 이에 따라 지난 정부에서는 임차인이 원하는 주택에 거주 할 수 없고, 주거 환경이 열악한 주택이나 외곽지역으로 내몰리는 현상이 지 속되어 주택가격의 안정화와 사회적 약자인 임차인의 주거 안정을 보장하기 위해 초강수를 두고 ‘임대차 3법’을 강력하게 시행하였다. 처음 시행된 ‘임대 차 3법’ 중 하나인 계약갱신권은 한시적으로 1회에 한하여 2년을 연장하여 최대 4년까지 존속 기간을 유지하여 임차인보호에 획기적인 전기를 마련하였 지만, 입법 예고 단계부터 시행까지 소급하여 입법을 적용하고 임대인의 사 유 재산권을 침해하는 문제와 갱신 거절에 대한 분쟁과 소송에 대한 비판과 지적도 적지 않았다. 이렇게 시행된 계약갱신권의 제도적으로 대안이 시급한 이유는 시행된 지 3년이 지났고 1년 후에는 계약갱신권의 실효성에 대한 혼란이 예상되어 계약갱신권의 유지와 새로운 제도를 개선할지에 대한 제도적 대안이 시급하게 요구되기 때문이다. 이제 1년도 남지 않은 계약갱신권을 계 속 유지하면 계약갱신권만 혜택을 제공하고 전월세가격은 안정화되어 사회적 약자인 임차인의 보호를 위해 큰 도움이 되지만, 반대로 임대인의 사유재산 권을 침해하고 임차 계약의 순환 속도가 저하되면서 부동산 가격의 하락으로 경제의 큰 비중을 차지하는 부동산이 침체되어 경제에 악영향을 줄 것으로 우려하는 목소리도 만만치 않다. 또한 부동산 거래와 관련한 직종 종사자의 사업상 피해와 계약갱신권만 차임 5% 상한제를 유지한다면 다양한 계약 유 형은 전월세 상한제에 적용받지 못하는 문제를 안고 있다. 따라서 계약갱신 권 제도에 대한 시행여부는 법의 형평성을 고려하여 당사자의 입장과 차임 5%의 상한 제한의 대상및 적용범위, 부동산 관련 종사자의 피해 등을 고려하 여 신중한 검토가 요구된다. 그럼 우리와 다른 제도를 적용하고 있는 외국의 주택임대차는 우리와 다르게 보증금이 작고 차임이 상당히 많은 특징이 있 다. 이런 외국의 계약 갱신에 대한 입법례는 주택임대차로 담보된 자금이 소 액이어서 계약 갱신에 대한 별 문제는 없다고 하지만, 우리의 임대인은 차임 인상 없이 장기간 채무자의 역할과 부동산 가격 상승으로 얻는 수익이 제한 되는 문제가 있다고 주장하고 있다. 이제 계약갱신을 유지할지에 대한 문제의식을 가지고 현행 계약갱신권의 긍 정적인 면과 부정적인 면을 분석해 보고, 장기 거주여건을 보장하고 있는 외 국의 계약 갱신과 해지를 검토함으로써 주택임대차의 존속보호와 주거 안정 을 위한 제도적 대안을 모색해 보고자 한다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Protein is an essential nutrient for humans to sustain life, but it is predicted that it will be challenging to secure protein through the traditional livestock industry in the future. Microalgae has high future value as an alternative protein food source due to resource utilization and sustainability advantages. In order to increase productivity, the culture conditions of microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, and Scenedesmus obliquus were examined in this study. The optimal culture conditions of C. vulgaris were mixotrophic culture, 25oC culture temperature, 7.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 3000 Lux light intensity, and 24L:0D light/dark cycle period with red LED. For D. salina, the optimal culture conditions were mixotrophic culture, 20oC culture temperature, 8.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 6000 Lux light intensity, and 12L:12D light/dark cycle period with white LED. For S. obliquus, the optimal culture conditions were mixotrophic culture, 30oC culture temperature, 8.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 4500 Lux light intensity, and 14L:10D light/dark cycle period with fluorescent light. These findings can be used as important information for increasing the production of microalgae as an alternative protein material resource in the future.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aimed to explore the practical experience of nursing graduates through a clinical practicum alternative program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Participants in this study comprised sixteen students who had gone through clinical field practice and clinical alternative programs during 4 semesters at nursing college. Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews and analyzed via the phenomenological research method developed by Colaizzi. Results: From the meaningful statements offered by the participants, six theme clusters emerged: (a) interest in new experiences, (b) practice that doesn’t feel like practice, (c) limits on yourself, (d) ambivalence about alternative programs, (e) longing for vivid clinical settings, and (f) choice in an unavoidable situation. Conclusion: This study provides a profound understanding of the practical experiences of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic situation about the clinical practicum alternative program. Based on this study, it is necessary to determine how students who have participated in the implementation of the clinical practice alternative program are adapting to the actual field as nurses. It is also necessary to develop various programs that reflect the needs of students and utilize technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and metaverse along with current teaching methods.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In 2012, POSIVA selected a bentonite-based (montmorillonite) block/pellet as the backfilling solution for the deposition tunnel in the application for a construction license for the deep geological repository of high-level radioactive waste in Finland. However, in the license application (i.e. SC-OLA) for the operation submitted to the Finnish Government in 2021, the design for backfilling was changed to a granular mixture consisting of bentonite (smectite) pellets crushed to various sizes, based on NAGRA’s buffer solution. In this study, as part of the preliminary design of the deep geological repository system in Korea, we reviewed history and its rationale for the design change of Finland’s deposition tunnel backfilling solution. After the construction license was granted by the Finnish Government in 2015, POSIVA conducted various lab- and full-scale in-situ tests to evaluate the producibility and performance of two design alternatives (i.e. block/pellet type and granular type) for backfilling. Principal demonstration tests and their results are summarized as follows: (a) Manufacturing of blocks using three types of materials (Friedland, IBeco RWC, and MX-80): Cracking and jointing under higher pressing loads were found. Despite adjusting the pressing process, similar phenomena were observed. (b) 1:6 scale experiment: Confirmation of density difference inhomogeneity due to the swelling of block/pellet backfill and void filling due to swelling behavior into the mass loss area of block/pellet. (c) FISST (Full-Scale In situ system Test): Identification of technical unfeasibility due to the inefficient (too manual) installation process of blocks/pellets and development of an efficient granular in-situ backfilling solution to resolve the disadvantage. (d) LUCOEX-FE (Large Underground Concept Experiments – Full-scale Emplacement) experiment: Confirmation of dense/homogeneous constructability and performance of granular backfilling solution. In conclusion, the simplified granular backfill system is more feasible compared to the block/ pellet system from the perspective of handling, production, installation, performance, and quality control. It is presumed that various experimental and engineering researches should be preceded reflecting specific disposal conditions even though these results are expected to be applied as key data and/or insights for selecting the backfilling solution in the domestic deep geological repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to the second high-level radioactive waste management national basic plan announced in December 2021, the reference geological disposal concept for spent nuclear fuels (SNF) in Korea followed the Finnish concept based on KBS-3 type. Also, the basic plan required consideration of the development of the technical alternatives. Accordingly, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is conducting analyses of various alternative disposal concepts for spent nuclear fuels and is in the final selection stage of an alternative disposal concept. 10 disposal concepts including reference concept were considered for analysis in terms of disposal efficiency and safety. They were reference concept, mined deep borehole matrix, sub-seabed disposal, deep borehole disposal, multi-level disposal, space disposal, sub-sea bed disposal, long-term storage, deep horizontal borehole disposal, and ice-sheet disposal. Among them, first 4 concepts, mined deep borehole matrix, sub-seabed disposal, deep borehole disposal, multi-level disposal, were selected as candidate alternative disposal concepts by the evaluation of qualitative items. And then, by the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative items with specialists, multi-level disposal concept was being selected as a final alternative disposal concept. Design basis and performance requirements for designing alternative disposal systems were laid in the previous stage. Based on this, the design strategy and main design requirements were derived, and the engineered barrier system of a high-efficiency disposal concept was preliminary designed accordingly. In addition, as an alternative disposal concept, performance targets and related requirements were established to ensure that the high-efficiency repository system and its engineered barrier system components, such as disposal containers, buffer bentonites, and backfill perform the safety functions. Items that qualitatively describe safety functions, performance goals, and related requirements at this stage and items whose quantitative values are changed according to future test results will be determined and updated in the process of finalizing and specifically designing an alternative highefficiency disposal system.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Even though a huge amount of spent nuclear fuels are accumulated at each nuclear power plant site in Korea, our government has not yet started to select a final disposal site, which might require more than several km2 surface area. According to the second national plan for the management of high-level radioactive waste, the reference geological disposal concept followed the Finnish concept based on KBS-3 type. However, the second national plan also mentioned that it was necessary to develop the technical alternatives. Considering the limited area of the Korean peninsula, the authors had developed an alternative disposal concepts for spent nuclear fuels in order to enhance the disposal density since 2021. Among ten disposal concepts shown in the literature published in 2000’s, we narrowed them to four concepts by international experiences and expert judgements. Assuming 10,000 t of CANDU spent nuclear fuels (SNF), we designed the engineered barriers for each alternative disposal concept. That is, using a KURT geological conditions, the engineered barrier systems (EBS) for the following four alternative concepts were proposed: ① mined deep borehole matrix, ② sub-seabed disposal, ③ deep borehole disposal, and ④ multi-level dispoal. The quantitative data of each design such as foot prints, safety factors, economical factors are produced from the conceptual designs of the engineered barriers. Five evaluation criteria (public acceptance, safety, cost, technology readiness level, environmental friendliness) were chosen for the comparison of alternatives, and supporting indicators that can be evaluated quantitatively were derived. The AHP with domestic experts was applied to the comparison of alternatives. The twolevel disposal was proposed as the most appropriate alternative for the enhancement of disposal efficiency by the experts. If perspectives changes, the other alternatives would be preferred. Three kinds of the two-level disposal of CANDU SNF were compared. It was decided to dispose of all the CANDU spent nuclear fuels into the disposal holes in the lower-level disposal tunnels because total footprint of the disposal system for CANDU SNF was much smaller than that for PWR SNF. Currently, we reviewed the performance criteria related to the disposal canister and the buffer and designed the EBS for CANDU SNF. With the design, safety assessment and cost estimates for the alternative disposal system will be carried out next year.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 최근 새로운 융합교육 제도의 하나로 주목받고 있는 마이크로 디그리의 기본 개념과 의미에 대해 살펴보고, 국내외 마이크로디그리 교 육과정의 적용사례를 통해 향후 마이크로디그리 교육과정이 대안적 융합 교육으로 정착하기 위한 조건과 고려해야 할 점들에 대해 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 최근 정부의 소단위 학위과정 인정의 근거를 살펴보고, 국내외 마이크로디그리 도입 사례에 대한 비교·분석을 실시했 다. 교육기관의 규모와 적용범위, 교육목표, 운영주체 등을 중심으로 해 외와 국내 사례를 각각 비교했다. 해외의 경우, 대학보다는 주로 기업 및 연구기관이 운영 주체가 되는 대안학교의 형태로 운영되는 반면, 국내에 서는 마이크로디그리가 대학의 전공 및 교양교육과정을 보완하는 형태로 받아들여졌다는 점에서 상이점을 찾을 수 있다. 하지만 급변하는 사회 수요를 교육과정에 바로바로 적용할 수 있다는 장점을 가진 마이크로디 그리의 본질을 고려한다면, 사회 수요를 신속히 교육과정에 반영해 산업 현장과 대학 교육의 거리를 근거리로 유지·지속시킬 수 있는 보다 명확 하고 독립적인 학내 전담 운영 조직의 마련도 고려될 필요가 있다. 또한 본고에서는 마이크로디그리의 도입단계와 운영단계 각각에서 고려될 필 요가 있는 네가지 지점들에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 대안적 융 합교육으로서 마이크로디그리의 도입과 정착에 필요한 조건은 무엇인지 가늠해 보았다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농가 현장에서는 미소 해충의 약제저항성 발달로 인하여 방제에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구는 약제저항성 수준을 효율적으로 진단하고, 화학적 방제 의사결정을 지원할 수 있는 약제저항성 관리 플랫폼을 구축하고자 수행하였다. 플랫폼은 크게 ⅰ) 농가 맞춤형 약제 추천, ⅱ) 지역별 약제저항성 지도로 구성되어 있다. 이용자는 잔류접촉법 기반의 생물검정법 RCVpW(Residual Contact Vial plus Water) 결과를 현장에서 입력하면 PLS에 부합 한 약제 정보를 제공받을 수 있다. 또한 생물검정 결과는 DB화를 통해 지역별 약제 저항성 정보 지도를 보여줌으 로써 해충별, 작물별, 연도별 저항성 패턴 결과를 확인할 수 있다. 본 플랫폼을 활용한다면 약제의 오남용을 줄임 은 물론 해충의 약제저항성 발달 지연 및 약제저항성 발달 양상을 확인할 수 있어 향후 방제전략 수립에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This qualitative case study explores multilingual learners’ linguistic practices and how they are interrelated with their identities in the context of a Korean alternative school. The learners are two Chosunjok, and one North Korean refugee child. The data were derived from the learners’ digital storytelling videos, semi-structured interviews, stimulated-recall interviews, and observation field notes. The data were thematically analyzed and organized using Rose’s (2007) sites of visual meaning-making structure. The findings revealed that the learners had different amounts of access to information regarding second language learning, and that they depended on the resources available within the communities they belonged to. Moreover, the participants’ levels of investment in language learning were constructed around their communities and identities. Their attitudes in language learning were also interrelated with the broader English language ideologies in South Korea. By sharing the stories of three multilingual learners, the study provides pedagogical implications on the influence of resources on multilingual learners’ language learning. We emphasize the importance of providing a space for multilingual learners to critically reflect on current and future resources, utilize their full communicative repertoire, and identify ways to increase their affordances of learning.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physicochemical properties and storage stability of plant-based alternative meat prepared with low-fat soybean powder (LPAM) treated by supercritical-CO2 and those of full-fat soybean powder (FPAM) were compared. Ash and crude protein contents were higher in LPAM than in FRAM. Water absorption capacity and oil absorption capacity were significantly higher in LPAM than in FPAM. Water binding capacity was higher in LPAM than in FPAM during a 20 days storage period at 5℃ and pH was significantly lower in LPAM than in FPAM after a 5~10 days storage period. Hardness, gumminess and chewiness significantly increased with the increase in the storage period, and the three were significantly higher in LPAM than in FPAM after 10 days and 20 days of storage. The acid value showed no remarkable difference according to the storage period in LPAM; however, it was significantly higher in FPAM than in LPAM after 20 days of storage. The peroxide value and TBA value were significantly increased according to the storage period, and were significantly lower iin LPAM than in FPAM during all the storage periods. Therefore, the use of low-fat soybean powder may be effective in improving oxidative stability during storage in the production of plant-based alternative meat.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new high-tech product - lab grown meat (LGM), has been gaining media attention while initiating public discourse on social media (SM) platforms. This netnographic study is based on a dataset of selected SM public posts, comments and discussions collected during 30 days in early 2023. The findings indicate that LGM is highly contradictory, while not being fully understood how it is produced or when it will become commercially available. The findings indicate that this novel food requires carefully designed marketing strategies: when naming a new product category; must allow transparency and sensibly explain all product’s attributes; and invest time and efforts to educate consumers, leading to higher adoption rates when launched on mass consumer markets, as an alternative to conventionally grown foods.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When decommissioning a nuclear power plant, a large amount of radioactive waste is generated simultaneously. Therefore, efficient treatment of radioactive waste is crucial to the success of the decommissioning process. An utility or decommissioning contractor of NPP often build separate radioactive waste treatment facilities (RWTF) to handle this waste. In Korea, RWTFs are planned to be built for the decommissioning of the Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Unit 1. In this study, we introduce an application case of using process simulation to derive the optimal layout design and investment plan for a radioactive waste treatment facility. In particular, the steam generator is the largest and most complex device processed in RWTF. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect the large equipment processing area that can treat steam generators in the design of RWTF. In this study, Siemens’ Plant Simulation® was used to derive an optimization plan for the dismantling area of large equipment in RWTF. First, a virtual facility was built by modeling based on the steam generator dismantling process and facilities developed by Doosan Enerbility. This was used to pre-validate the facility investment plan, discover wasteful factors in the logistics waste streams, and evaluate alternatives to derive, validate, and apply appropriate improvement alternatives. Through this, we designed a layout based on the optimal logistics waste streams, appropriate workstations, and the number of buffer places. In addition, we propose various optimization measures such as investment optimization based on optimal operation of facility resources such as facilities and manpower, and establishment of work standards.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is expected that around 576,000 bundles of CANDU spent nuclear fuels (SNF) will be generated from the four CANDU reactors located at the Wolsong site. The authors designed and proposed a reference disposal concept based on the KBS-3 type and KURT geological data in 2022. In addition, we have reviewed the literatures and selected four alternative disposal methods to develop the higherefficiency disposal concept than the reference concept since 2021. As known well, the most important safety functions of the geological disposal are containment and isolation, and the secondary function is retardation. A disposal canister covers the former, and buffer may do the latter. In this study, we design the engineered barrier systems for the four alternative concepts: (1) mined deep borehole matrix, (2) sub-seabed disposal, (3) deep borehole disposal, and (4) multi-level dispoal. Assuming total 10,000 tU of CANDU SNF, four different kinds of unit disposal module consisting of disposal canisters and compacted bentonite buffers are designed based on the technique currently available. Two alternative concepts, sub-seabed disposal and multi-level disposal, share the same unit module design with the reference concept in 2022. For all the alternative concepts, we assume that the density of the compacted buffer is 1.6 g/cm3. For the mined deep borehole matrix disposal, we introduce a disposal canister slightly modified from the Canadian NWMO canister with a capacity of 48 bundles. The thickness of a copper layer is changed to be 10 mm considering the long-term corrosion resistance. The buffer thickness around a disposal canister is 20 cm, and the diameter of a borehole is 100 cm. Two different kinds of buffer blocks are proposed for the easy handling of them. For the deep borehole disposal, a SiC-stainless steel canister is designed, and 63 bundles of CANDU SNF is emplaced in the canister. We expect that the SiC ceramic canister shows very excellent corrosion resistance and has a high thermal conductivity under the geological conditions. The deep borehole will be plugged with four layered sealing materials consisting of granite blocks, compacted bentonite, SiC ceramic, and concrete plugs.
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