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        검색결과 260

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 프로그램 운영기준을 확인하기 위해 2018년부터 국내외에서 발표된 치유농업 관련 분야의 실험연구 동향을 분석하기 위해 수행되었다. 식물자원 및 치유농업과 관련된 논문은 총 103편으로, 치유농업 프로그램에 참여하는 연구대상자 규모는 31명 이상, 총회기는 11~20회, 단위 활동당 시간은 60분 이내, 단위 활동간 간격은 주 1회, 기간은 2개월이 가장 많았다. 데이터 정보 변인간 관계를 알아보기 위해 논문기초정보와 그에 따른 데이터 정보 변인인 대상자 정보, 프로그램 정보의 유의한 연관성이나 차별성이 있는지 확인하기 위하여 카이제곱 검정을 실시한 결과, 저자전공과 대상자정보·프로그램 정보는 대부분 항목에서 관계가 있었으나 저자소속, 발행연도, 논문구분, 치유유형 등은 1 또는 2개의 항목에서만 관계가 있었고, 종속변수 치유문제-중분류는 저자소속을 제외한 저자전공, 발행연도, 논문구분, 치유유형 항목 모두에서 유의미한 관계를 보였으며, 치유문제-대분류는 저자소속과 발행연도를 제외한 저자전공, 논문구분, 치유유형 3개의 변인과의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 향후 치유농업 연구에 기초자료로 제공하고 현장에서의 활용도를 높여 치유농업의 신뢰도를 높이는 데 기여하고자 한다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 절화류 표준규격은 장미, 카네이션, 국화 등 17개 품 목에 대하여 고시되어 있으나 이에 대한 생산자들의 인지도 및 활용도가 낮을 뿐만 아니라, 공영도매시장별 품질등급의 결정기준이 서로 달라 표준규격 운영의 실효성도 낮은 수준이 다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 도매시장의 화훼류 출하 실태를 조사하고 국내 시장 환경에 적합한 절화류 표준규격 개선 방 안을 모색하고자 하였다. 지난 10년간 국내 공영도매시장에서 거래된 절화류 품목의 수는 평균 228개 품목으로 꾸준히 증 가하는 추세이며, 주요 거래품목의 종류도 해마다 변화되고 있어 현재 절화류 표준규격에 고시된 품목만으로는 빠르게 변 화하는 화훼 시장에 대응하는데 한계가 있다. 2022년 기준 20대 절화류 가운데 라넌큘러스와 루스커스를 포함한 7개 품 목의 표준규격이 고시되어 있지 않다. 따라서 주요 거래품목 들을 대상으로 표준규격 고시 품목의 확대가 필요하며 품목별 표준규격 이외에 절화류 전체에 공통적으로 적용 가능한 절화 (공통) 표준규격 제정이 필요하다. 또한 현행 화훼류 표준규격 에서 품질평가 지표가 주관적 기준에 따라 평가될 수 있는 항 목들로 구성됨에 따라 aT화훼공판장에 상장된 절화의 68.1% 가 ‘특’으로 거래되는 등 실제 품질보다 높게 평가되고 있다. 이에 절화의 무게나 줄기의 굵기 등 절화의 내적 품질을 객관 적으로 평가할 수 있는 지표를 도입하고 개화정도나 결점 등 외적 품질을 판단할 수 있는 등급도감의 도입도 필요하다. 크 기구분 역시 aT화훼공판장에 상장된 절화의 18.5%만이 ‘1급’ 으로 출하되는 등 국내 생산환경에 적합한 수준으로 설정되어 있지 못할 뿐만 아니라, 온라인 유통 확대 등 절화 유통환경의 변화에 맞춰 실제 특성값을 표기할 수 있도록 표시방법을 변 경하고 절화의 길이 이외에도 꽃의 크기, 꽃 수 등 다양한 항 목의 정보를 제공할 수 있도록 개선할 필요가 있다.
        2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고에서는 한자라는 계열에서 서체라는 개념을 어떻게 분석에 이용하면 좋을지를 이시즈카 하루미치(石塚晴通)의 한자자체론(漢字字體論)을 중심으로 검토하였다. 이시즈카의 한자자체 론은 서체를 글자를 아우르는 표준으로서 상위에 둔다. 이것은 자료 연구의 장에서 탄생한 실지 적인 것임을 학설의 발전 과정을 통해 알 수 있다. 또한 이시즈카가 일컫는 서체는 실질적으로는 문자 체계로서의 차이에 가까운 측면이 있으며, 오늘날 동일한 글자에 대한 서기 방식의 차이로 인식하는 것과는 이질적이라는 점을 지적하고, 그러한 현대적인 감각에 기인하는 오독 사례를 지적하였다. 그런 다음 역사적인 서체와 인쇄 서체를 구별하여 논의할 필요가 있다는 점, 이시즈 카 한자자체론을 화용론적 문헌학 pragmaphilology (Smith, 2020)의 방법으로 자리매김할 수 있음을 논하였다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The National R&D Innovation Act emphasizes the improvement of the quality of R&D activities. The research institute is making efforts to improve the quality of research and effectively manage research implementation. KINAC has conducted various R&D projects regarding nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security, and their scope and scale have been gradually more widened and increased. It consequently becomes important how to successfully manage research projects and ensure their qualification with the growth and complexity of research in KINAC. Unfortunately, no attempt was made to introduce and apply project management methodologies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to introduce project management standards and guidelines as an initial step towards improving the overall research quality of the institute. Project management is the well-organized application of knowledge and techniques to efficiently and effectively initiate, plan, control, and close projects, in order to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria. There are some guidelines regarding project management, including PMBOK (the Project Management Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments), ISO 21500 (Guidance on Project Management), and PMP (Project Management Professionals), etc. They are international standards that consist of processes, guidelines, and best practices for project management. They provide structured processes and approaches to plan, execute, monitor, control, and complete projects. By reviewing the guidelines, the commonly important factors, including schedule, cost, quality, resources, communication, and risk management were introduced to apply to KINAC R&D project implementation. In addition to the management standards, systematic efforts are also continued to enhance the R&D qualities of the institute. These efforts include the implementation of a quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), development of an integrated research achievements management system, regulation development, and distribution of guidebooks for project managers and researchers. These efforts have been evaluated as improving the quality of the research.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the EMP-related standards and test methods used by the civilian and military have been introduced. The incoming EMP signal for seven military RF antennas which are the first to face EMP threats among military weapon systems have been also measured and analyzed. Overall, as the applied signal strength increased, the strength of the EMP signal entering in the antenna also showed an upward trend. The highest level of entering was observed at the peak value of the applied EMP signal, 50 kV/m. And at the peak value, all antennas received threatening signals. In particular, antennas in low frequency bands such as AM and FM were getting high voltage signals as high as thousands of volts. This means that the weapon systems linked to the antennas could suffer severe damage. Therefore, based on this paper, systematic research for EMP threat should be conducted to identify EMP vulnerabilities of major weapons systems and to devise practical protective measures.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라 식물방역법은 검역병해충으로부터 국내 농업 및 자연환경을 보호하고자 규제병해충(검역병해충, 잠정규제병해충, 규제비검역병해충) 관련 위험평가, 식물검역기술개발계획, 식물검역 절차 및 방법, 검역결과 에 따른 처분, 규제병해충 예찰 및 방제 등에 관한 다양한 법적 절차 등을 규정하고 있다. 하지만, 식물검역병해충 을 어떻게 취급하여야 할 지에 관한 내용은 없다. 따라서 식물방역법이 추구하는 목적을 달성하기 위하여서는 ① 검역병해충을 어떻게 취급하여야 할 지를 규정하여야 하며, ② 검역병해충을 취급하는 시설(검사, 연구, 운송, 보관 등) 기준을 설정하고, ③ 검역병해충 취급 시설을 인증하고, 주기적인 재인증 기준을 설정하여야 한다. 이를 위하여 먼저 식물방역법에 검역병해충 취급시설 등에 관한 규정을 신설하고, 시행령, 시행규칙에 반영한 후에 ① 검역병해충 취급요령 ② 검역병해충 취급시설 기준 ③ 검역병해충 취급시설 인증기준 등의 고시를 제정하여 야 한다. 이를 위하여 식물병해충 관련 학계의 의견 반영이 가장 중요하다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study is designed to assess the ethical-moral effectiveness of three levels of AI implementations in the hospitality industry, which include mechanical AI for transactional services (automated service), thinking AI for functional services (algorithms search), and feeling AI for hedonic services (biometric sensors) when compared to consumers’ interactions with human. AI service robots are ethically challenging in use and morally controversial in its acceptance of labor replacement in hospitality contexts. In the hospitality industry, service robots have been rapidly adopted replacing frontline human services (Park et al., 2021). Service robots refer to “system-based autonomous and adaptable interfaces that interact, communicate and deliver service to an organization’s customers” (Wirtz et al., 2018, p.909). On the one hand, the applications of artificial intelligence (AI)-based service robots are promising in this field owing to remarkable accuracy in error reduction, portion control, and cost control in service operation and delivery (Berezina et al., 2019). However, on the other hand, there has been a debate on ethical and moral principles and values regarding service robots replacing human labor (Cowls et al., 2021). Nevertheless, restaurants’ adoption of service robots seems inevitable in the current marketplace as labor shortages and rising wages have challenged them to invest in automation (Tanzi, 2021). While prior research focused on the benefits of AI-based service offerings (e.g., Cristou et al., 2023; Huang & Rust, 2021; Park et al., 2021), this study explored the extent to which AI-based service robots are accepted by consumers without rising concern about service robots replacing human labors. To this end, we adopted Huang and Rust’s framework that identifies three levels of AI applications: mechanical, thinking, and feeling AIs. Mechanical AIs refer to the automation of repetitive and routine tasks (e.g., self-service technologies); thinking AIs facilitate rational decision-making based on data processing (e.g., conversational intelligent systems such as Siri); feeling AIs are able to interact with human emotions (e.g., humanlike robots that respond to human emotions such as Sophia). Further, we adopted the construal level theory (Trope & Liberman, 2003) to examine how different levels of AIs’ service capabilities influence the way that people think about AI-based service robots. In brief, this study demonstrated how different levels of AI benefits influence consumers’ moral concerns about AI-based service robotization’s replacement of human labor and social acceptance.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Smart AtoN(Aids to Navigation) project aims to upgrade the facilities of AtoN to provide new additional information to nearby ships and unmanned ships. This paper deals with methods for collecting various sensor data through standardized interfaces; the NMEA-0183(serial line), the NMEA-2000(CAN), and the NMEA OneNet(IPv6). The AIS(Automatic Identification System) and the AIS-ASM(Application Specific Message) are considered as communication means for providing sensor information to nearby ships. In this paper, we summarize existing NMEA sentences for collecting sensor data and AIS-ASM messages that can be used to deliver sensor data to ships. Information provided from the smart AtoN through AIS, ASM, etc. may be presented on the shipborne displays that complies with the IEC62288:2021 standard.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Natural radionuclides-containing substances (NORM) contain natural radionuclides and cause radiation exposure. In Korea, safety management measures were needed to deal with and dispose of radon mattresses containing monazite in relation to such NORM. However, there is no clear safety management system related to NORM waste in Korea. In order to manage this reasonably and systematically, it is necessary to investigate and analyze standards and management measures related to the treatment and disposal of NORM waste. Therefore, this study investigated and analyzed the exemption and clearance level of NORM waste regulations in international organizations and foreign countries. IAEA GSR Part 3, 2013/59/Euratom, ANSI/HPS N13.53, CRCPD SSRCR Part N, and ARPANSA Publications 15 safety management regulations were analyzed to investigate safety management standards for NORM waste. The exemption and clearance level in international organizations and foreign countries were compared and analyzed based on radioactive concentration and dose. In addition, the management measures proposed for each literature were also investigated. As a result of the analysis, IAEA GSR Part 3 applied 1 mSv as a regulatory exemption level, 1 Bq/g for uranium and thorium series as a clearance level, and 10 Bq/g for K-40 nuclides. The IAEA recommends a differential approach to the potential and scale of exposure. The EU applied 1 Bq/g to uranium and thorium families and 10 Bq/g to K-40 nuclides for both regulatory exemption and clearance levels. The EU recommended that it be managed in proportion to the scale and likelihood of exposure as a result of the action. It is analyzed that this is similar to the IAEA’s management plan. In the United States, there was no single federal government radioactive concentration and dose for NORM management. The management plan differed in management status and level from state to state, and K-40 was excluded from regulation unless it was intentionally enriched. In the case of Australia, the radioactive concentration of uranium and thorium was 1 Bq/g as a standard for regulatory exemption and 1 mSv as a dose. As a management plan, it was suggested to dispose of waste by means of accumulation, dilution/dispersion, and reclamation. It was also suggested that the scale of exposure, like international organizations, take into account the possibility. The results of this study are believed to be used as basic data for presenting domestic NORM waste treatment and disposal methods in the future.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The types of waste generated in radiation controlled areas of nuclear facilities are very diverse. Among them, the waste containing hazardous materials such as electrical equipment and fire safety equipment that do not directly handle radioactive materials is also primarily classified as radioactive waste because it was used and stored in the radiation controlled area. Such wastes include periodic consumables such as fluorescent lamps, fire extinguishers, batteries, and gas containers after use. The waste is ambiguous and cannot be easily treated as radioactive waste or waste subject to clearance, and has been stored in a radiation controlled area for a long time, and the amount is continuously increasing. The storage space is saturated and has difficulty in management. IAEA ISO-7503-2016 clearly states that surface contamination measurement can be applied to surface contamination substrates (impermeable, non-activated) instead of volume contamination measurement. In order to solve these concerns, some facilities within the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute were selected to explore self-disposal methods based on surface contamination in consideration of the characteristics of waste and facility contamination. The surface contamination degree and qualitative gamma spectroscopic analysis were carried out by the method. First, we examined the characteristics of the facility, the history of the air pollution level of the usage/storage space, and periodic inspection records. Second, we measured the physical properties (area/weight) of the waste in the same treatment way as the existing waste. Third, gamma dose rate and surface contamination (direct/indirect method) are measured for the entire area to confirm contamination is possible. It was confirmed that the concentration standard was satisfied. In order to clarify the presence of contamination, a qualitative method of gamma nuclide analysis was also performed. All surveys/measurements of 4 types of waste at 7 facilities were performed and it was confirmed that all waste satisfies the permissible concentration standard for clearance which conservatively set at 0.1 Bq/g as the permissible concentration standard. In the future, We hope that you will use this as a reference to search for easier disposal methods for regulatory bodies and specified waste disposal methods, and contribute to reducing the amount of radioactive waste generated.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the National R&D Innovation Act was enacted in 2022, it became a crucial issue how to qualify or improve R&D activities and disseminate their outcomes. Many organizations have referred to various quality management standards such as the American National Standards Institute/American Society for Quality (ANSI/ASQ) Z1.13, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Nuclear Quality Assurance-1 (ASME NQA-1), as a means to set up their own quality system. ISO is the international standard for implementing a quality management system (QMS), which provides a framework and principles for managing an organization’s QMS, with the aim of ensuring that the organization consistently provide products or services that meet regulatory requirements. ISO 9001 can cover all aspects of an organization’s operations, and it can also be expanded to include R&D areas. The introduction of ISO 9001 to R&D aims to improve R&D practices and establish a standardized process framework for conducting R&D. ANSI/ASQ Z1.13 provides quality guidelines for research and consists of 10 sections covering various aspects of research quality, emphasizing ethical conduct, clear objectives, reliable data collection, and analysis. ASME NQA-1 is one of quality assurance standards for nuclear facility applications, but it has been extended and applied to R&D activities in the nuclear fields. It just focuses on planning, procedures, documentation, competence, equipment, and material control. KINAC has conducted extensive research on verifying and regulating nuclear activities while providing support for national nonproliferation technologies and policies. In addition to the quantitative growth achieved so far, efforts are being made to establish a qualitative and integrated management system. As a first step to achieve this goal, this study reviewed international standards and methodologies for research quality and derived the key components for R&D quality management. Moreover, the appropriate outline of quality management system framework was proposed for R&D as a regulatory support process, based on the ISO 9001. The implementation of quality management standards and procedures for R&D in KINAC, which could lead to improved research practices, more reliable data collection and analysis and increased efficiency in conducting R&D activities.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A bilateral Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) should define what is subject to the agreement and when. Nuclear Materials (NM) are the subject of NCA with almost all countries, and the definition used in these agreements is borrowed from Article 20 of the IAEA Charter. The IAEA’s definition of NM as consisting of special fissionable material and source material and describes the types of material each contains. In order to control the export of NM under national laws and implement NCA, not only the types of NM but also quantitative criteria are required. This is because controlling small quantities of NM is impossible, unnecessary, and would create excessive administrative burdens. For this reason, the NSG guidelines establish a quantitative threshold of NM requiring control. Nevertheless, no quantitative thresholds have been agreed upon for NM subject to a NCA. Whether NM transferred is subject to the NCA is primarily a matter for the supplier states to determine. The supplier states make the decision based on quantitative criteria defined in their own export control laws. ROK identifies NM that require export licenses by reflecting the same criteria as the NSG guidelines in Foreign Trade Laws and its Notifications. Less than 500 kg of Natural Uranium, 1,000 kg of Depleted Uranium, 1,000 kg of Thorium, and 50 effective grams of special fissionable materials do not require an export license and is therefore not subject to NCA. In the US, the quantitative threshold for requiring an export license is different from that of ROK. For example, special fissionable materials that are not Pu are required if the individual shipment exceed 1 effective gram or 100 effective grams per year. The difference in the quantitative thresholds for NM between the two countries mean that the same item may be subject to NCA under US standards, but not under ROK’s. For example, the export of 8 grams of highly enriched uranium (93%) contained in a neutron detector would not be subject to the NCA in ROK, but would be considered NM subject to a NCA and required a special license in the US. Of course, in order to ensure the application of safeguards and physical protection to all NM transferred between the two countries, the agreement may not include a quantitative threshold for NM. However, the absence of such a threshold can lead to different conclusions by the two countries on the same item and make it challenging to control retransfers. The definition of quantitative standards will be necessary in the supplementary administrative arrangement for the practical control and management of NM subject to the NCA.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this paper, problems and improvements in pavement marking standards are proposed as a result of the analysis of domestic/foreign standards and field data. METHODS : In this study, the US FHWA and all state standards were analyzed and domestic pavement marking standards were compared and analyzed. In addition, national highway marking test data, namely the Yeoncheon Test-Bed data, and data from Hawkins et al. (2015) were analyzed. Based on this, problems and improvements in the Korean pavement marking standards are proposed. RESULTS : As a result of literature and field data analysis, various problems were found in the Road Traffic Act and National Police Agency manual. In this standard, there is no definition of Qd; the RD reference value is set too low; and the RW and RR reference values are difficult to be considered reasonable values. CONCLUSIONS : There is an aspect in which the standard items and values of pavement markings are set under some policy judgment. Therefore, it is necessary to properly revise the standards, considering technical and economic aspects.
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