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        검색결과 121

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the use of machine translation by Uzbek-speaking Korean learners, focusing on their usage patterns, attitudes, perceptions, and expectations, as well as identifying the educational implications of using machine translation. An online survey, lasting two weeks, involved 85 Korean language learners from universities in Korea and Uzbekistan. The main findings indicated a high reliance on machine translation for Korean language learning, with the majority of respondents using machine translations to find accurate vocabulary and expressions. Regarding their attitudes towards machine translation, learners mainly utilized it for literal communication, reading, and writing, and were generally satisfied with them, especially as tools for learning spellings and pronunciations. The use of machine translation significantly influenced learners’ confidence, interest in learning, and anxiety reduction. In terms of perception, learners found machine translation effective for learning Korean vocabulary, expressions, and writing, but also perceived machine translators as sources of stress and anxiety. Expectations for using machine translation were high for completing tasks in vocabulary, expression, and writing, but low for improving grammar skills and producing error-free Korean expressions.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In light of the expanding use of technology in education, we attempted to analyze how Korean college students perceived the use of Machine Translation (MT) tools in the classroom. Specifically, this study attempted to explore students’ perceptions of their ability to use MT tools and to measure the reliability of the MT-generated output, along with measuring students’ general sense of confidence in English learning. This research analyzed 183 EFL college students’ responses to an online survey, and a one-way ANOVA was used to test for the differences in the averages of three groups. The results of data analysis revealed that 1) Among beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced learners, those self-identifying as advanced had the highest scores on all the factors measured.; 2) There was a significant mean difference in students’ perceptions of the ability to use MT tools, their beliefs regarding MT’s effectiveness as a learning tool, and affective attitudes towards the use of MT tools between beginner and advanced groups. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications for the effective use of MT tools in the Korean EFL classrooms, and suggestions for future research were presented.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고에서는 K-POP 가사의 인도네시아어 팬번역 실태와 품질을 분석 하였다. K-POP 아이돌 그룹인 방탄소년단의 노래 가사가 팬들을 통해 인도네시 아어로 어떻게 번역이 되고 있는지 그 번역물의 품질은 어떠한지에 대해 살펴보았 다. 본고의 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 팬번역물의 품질이 높다고 할 수는 없지만 전문 번역과는 차별화되는 부분이 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 두 번째, 팬번역의 번역 품질이 높지 않은 요인으로 팬들이 팬번역에 대해 요구하는 수준이 높지 않다는 것과 일반적인 번역물과는 생산 및 소비되는 속도가 빠르다는 것을 꼽 을 수 있다. 세 번째로는 팬번역의 완성도를 높이고 발전 및 활성화를 위한 방안의 필요성을 제시하였다.
        2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article explores the different meanings of the number ‘three’ in proverbs. According to the analysis of this article, the number ‘three’ in proverbs, while carrying the basic meaning of quantity, has more expanded meanings in Korean, Chinese and Japanese proverbs, where it may mean ‘many’, ‘all (whole)’, ‘part’, ‘small’, and even more abstracted concepts. In contrast, the number ‘three’ in the English proverbs is largely biased towards negative meanings. At the end of this study, the analysis of the number ‘three’ in proverbs through machine translation shows that machine translation has many limitations on the translation of the many meanings of the number ‘three’.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the convergence of content and language integrated learning, translanguaging, and global citizenship education in an EFL tertiary English class. Conceptualized within translanguaging as an assemblage for meaning-making, machine translation was incorporated into the course in a way that EFL bilinguals could fully avail themselves of their linguistic repertoire for the learning of global citizenship and language. The analyses of thirty-three students’ response essays and survey results demonstrate the success of MT as both a scaffold for bridging language-content gaps and a tool for language acquisition. Design features, perceived as important, were a careful introduction and training on MT use and teacher feedback on MT-assisted writing. Survey results emphasize the crucial role of the students’ L1 in meaning-making. The study offers a practical guide for educators interested in using MT in L2 writing instruction and encourages further research on the theoretical and pedagogical applications of translanguaging in diverse EFL contexts.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to the research, all the translations of Mathematical terms in the Chinese translation of the Ji He Yuan Ben in Ming and Qing Dynasty adopt Liberal translation. Some translation of mathematical terms exists the problem of multiple translations of a word, Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi’s collaborated on the translation of the mathematical terms most in use today. In the purely Liberal translation of the words translated by Matteo Ricci in collaboration with Xu Guangqi, borrowed and transplanted words are the most used today. In Literal translation words, two-syllable Literal translation words are the most used today. This was due to the impact of the principle of naturalization, influence of traditional systems theory thinking and the restriction of Chinese disyllabic law. The Mathematical terms translated by Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi had a significant impact on the choice and creation of mathematical translations for later generations: establishes a predominantly Liberal translation of mathematical terms, pay attention to the combination of traditional Chinese knowledge, according to the need to create three syllables and more than three syllable translation words and lay emphasis on the systematic translation of words, etc.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국어가 인도네시아어로 번역되었을 때 나타난 결속구조 전환을 연구하는데 목적이 있다. 번역과 결속구조는 서로 긴밀하게 연 결되어 있다. 번역 과정에서 결속구조를 적절하게 해석하고 전달하는 것은 번역의 일관성과 의미 전달에 영향을 미치기 때문이다. 결속 구조 를 분석하기 위해 원문과 번역문에서 100문장을 추출한 후 보그랑데와 드레슬러(Beaugrande & Dresseler, 2008)의 결속구조 모델을 사용하 여 한국어와 인도네시아어의 결속구조를 분석했다. 분석 결과 한국어와 인도네시아어 번역문에서 대용형, 접속 표현, 회기법 및 부분 회기법, 환언, 생략법의 순서로 결속구조가 전환되었음을 확인하였다. 이 연구 내용이 번역 교육의 예시로 활용하거나 번역자들의 실무에 도움이 되 기를 기대해 본다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아유르베다(Āyurveda)에서 장수는 단순히 오래 살기 위함이 아니라 건강한 몸 상태를 유 지하여 깨달음의 시간을 얻기 위함이다. 아유르베다는 노화과정을 이해하고 노화와 관련된 건강문제를 해결하여 몸의 활력을 유지하고 최적의 건강상태를 유지하고자 한다. 이에 대 한 구체적인 방법이 아유르베다의 내과학에 속한 『짜라까 상히따』(Caraka-Saṃhitā) 제6 치 유론(Cikitsā-sthāna)에서 나타난다. 아유르베다에서 ‘위대한 세 가지’(bṛhat-trayi)로 꼽히는 문헌 가운데 하나인 『짜라까 상히따』의 제 6치유론에서는 노화를 극복하는 방법으로 라사 야나(rasāyana)와 바지까라나(vājīkaraṇa)를 제시한다. 본 연구에서는 『짜라까 상히따』에 서 술된 회춘요법 가운데 제 1장에서 서술된 라사야나를 산스끄리뜨(sanskrit) 원어를 그대로 번역하여 아유르베다 연구자들에게 이 내용을 알리고자 제6 치유론의 1장의 내용과 라사야 나의 목적을 알리고자 한다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research was to investigate the characteristics of Korean college students’ writings, which have been produced without or with the help of machine translation tool in the classroom. Specifically, this research attempted to investigate the linguistic characteristics of the students’ writings, and types of errors identified in the writings. Twelve pieces of writings from three college students were collected for analysis. Two online word analysis programs, Word Counter (2023) and LIWC-22 (2023), were employed for data analysis. The findings of data analysis found out that 1) The students’ drafts consisted of 22.8 sentences including 303.9 words in 3.6 paragraphs on average. 2) In the students’ drafts, ‘unique’ words (46.8%) were included a lot more than ‘difficult’ words (27%), and students tended to write their essay writings in an unfiltered or impromptu way rather than an analytical way regardless of their English language proficiency levels. 3) The highest frequency of errors was seen in grammatical errors (41.7%) followed by lexical errors (31.6%). Based on the research findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for the effective use of machine translation in English writing classes were presented.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Translators of chemical translations in the late Qing Dynasty translated element terms in several ways: connected with Chinese natural object nouns and recorded new meanings with the same characters of the nouns, created translated names, used common words, borrowed from inherent Chinese characters, and created new character. Translators use or create characters according to different motivations, and the selected characters may accord with the components of the characters coincidentally, resulting in one character with multiple translations. As different translators translated the foreign names of the same element, different motivations for selecting/creating characters, or the same motivations with different components of the characters, resulting in different characters with the same usage. Because of the influence of the words used in the translation of Hua Xue Jian Yuan and the requirements for the systematic use of words, most of the words used for liberal translation that are related to the natural nouns have been retained, and the other words have been almost eliminated. The reasons for the elimination include: the selection of inherent Chinese characters leads to an imbalance in the Chinese character system, the inconvenience of the recognition/use of borrowed and created characters, the phenomenon of one character with multiple translations and different characters with the same usage, etc.
        2023.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        모국어와 한국어를 번역하는 능력은 한국어 전공 외국인 학습자들에게 요구되는 핵심 역량이지만 지금까 지 다소 소홀하게 다루어진 경향이 있었다. 이에 본 연구는 외국인 학습자 대상 번역 수업의 내실을 기한다 는 목적에 따라 한국현대시 번역 활동의 한국어 교육적 의미를 확인하고 베트남 대학생의 번역 능력 향상을 위한 교육적 시사점을 도출한다. 번역이란 원문의 의미와 가치에 대한 폭넓은 ‘이해’를 바탕으로 번역문을 ‘집필’하는 작업으로 진행된다. 하지만 이 연구는 논의를 명확하게 하기 위하여 원문 텍스트의 이해가 번역 결과물에 주는 영향력을 확인하고 학습자가 정확하게 번역하게 도울 원문 이해 교육 내용을 도출하는 데에 초점을 맞추었다. 이 연구에서 제시한 시사점은 베트남인 학습자 80명이 <사평역에서>(곽 재구, 1983) 번역한 결과를 분석 고찰한 결과인바, 향후 대학에서 외국인 학습자 대상의 한국어 번역 강의 를 개설할 때 실질적으로 도움이 될 수업 내용을 안내할 것으로 기대한다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        James S. Gale (1863-1937), a Protestant missionary to Korea (1888~1927), was well-known for his extensive and profound influence on Korean studies and for his translation of the Cloud Dream of Nine (九雲夢), which was the first Korean classical novel translated into English by a Westerner. However, it is not well-known that Gale published a translation of the Great Learning (Daxue, 1924) and arranged for the publication of the Mean of the Doctrine, the Analects and Mencius. This is because it was known that Gale regarded Chinese characters and Confucian scriptures as obstacles to establishing the Christianity during his early period of mission in Korea. This paper examined the change of Gale’s perspective of Chinese characters and the characteristics of Gale’s Daxue. The analysis compares Gale and James Legg in their translations of the Chinese characters ‘命,’ ‘天,’ ‘明’ and ‘君子’ He employed the pure Korean word ‘Hananim’ for ‘God’ from a traditional Korean religion and its Korean etymology, while he rejected the use of Sino-Korean ‘Sangje上帝’, or ‘Chunju天主’ in the Korean Bible. Gale subsequently translated Daxue from a Korean point of view. However, his Korean perspective is mingled with Christianized concepts, which are illustrated in his translation of ‘命’ as ‘God’s command’ ‘天’ as ‘God’ ‘明’ as ‘glory,’ and ‘君子’ as ‘good man’ and ‘godly man.’
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate how the differences in expression caused by different ways of how to see and think affect the students learning Japanese at basic levels. The participants were 30 Korean students, learning translation into Japanese at basic levels. In the class, they read Japanese picture books and their Korean version ones and discussed the differences between them. A simple survey was conducted, and a m ini-exam w as g iven. The participants recognized the difference in how to see and how to think between the two languages, such as why particular expressions were used. The results showed an effect on enhancing their learning motivation and it also confirmed that there is an effect enhancing the learning motivation in the students who were interested in reading picture books while sitting in a circular fashion. In addition, the mini-exam results showed an improvement in the students' interest and concentration in class. As can be seen from these results, recognizing the difference between Korean and Japanese expressions in picture books can positively impact on raising students’ interest, motivation, and enthusiasm in beginner level of learners of Japanese.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate L2 adolescent learners’ use of machine translation (MT), an MT error correction (EC) test was developed, based on the analysis of MT errors arising from translating the learners’ L1 of middle school EFL textbooks. Learners were also asked to report on their use of MT EC strategies on the EC task. Results indicated that mistranslated sentence and verb tense are the most difficult types of MT errors to correct. Furthermore, to resolve MT errors, guessing from context and literal translations were the two most frequently employed EC strategies. When multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the contribution of EC strategies to the learners’ ability to correct errors, the mid proficiency learners’ reliance on literal translations and the low proficiency learners’ use of multiple EC strategies were positively associated with improved corrections of MT errors. The results of the study are discussed in light of how L2 learners need to develop competence for using MT in L2 writing.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to find out how EFL college learners utilized machine translation while writing their presentation scripts. Specifically, it attempted to examine the characteristics of the English translation outputs by MT and students’ self-edited drafts, and their perceptions toward the use of MT in English writing classes. Six college students were asked to submit one Korean draft, two machine translation drafts, and one self-edited draft, and two in-depth interviews were conducted with each of the participants during the course of the semester. Grammarly (2022), a free online grammar and spelling checker, was used to examine the characteristics of the collected writings, and Miles and Huberman’s (1994) three-step analytic method was employed to analyze the data from the in-depth interviews. The results of data analysis revealed that 1) there were more lexical errors than grammatical errors, and the number of the errors did not show a big difference between the different drafts; 2) Also, students viewed the use of MT in the English writing classes positively but found it difficult to properly use. Based on the research findings, pedagogical implications for the effective use of MT in English writing classes were suggested.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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