
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 495

        2018.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study attempts to make a link between eye movement measures and reading comprehension (RC) to further examine how reading span (RS) differences contribute to differences in L2 reading performance. The variability of text processing was measured by duration and frequency of fixations using an eye tracker. Thus, it investigates the effects of RS in terms of processing as well as RC performance. To this end, forty-five Korean undergraduate students at an intermediate level participated in the experiment. Four types of eye movements were tracked: first-fixation time (FFT), total-fixation time (TFT), secondfixation time (SFT), and fixation count (FC). The results showed that the high-RS group received higher scores than the low-RS group on the RC test, suggesting a significant role of RS in RC performance. In addition, significant differences between the RS groups were found in TFT and SFT. RC performance is negatively correlated with the TFT and SFT. Due to their limited RS, the low-RS group needed more time for comprehension and left few resources available for integration of meaning in the text. The findings suggest that fast and efficient EMs are closely associated with a better RC performance. The present study shed light on how RS affects the students’ text processing and that, in turn, leads them to different outcomes from the L2 reading comprehension tests.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the structure and meaning of the landscape expressed in the Sangrimshipgyeong poem composed by King Jeongjo, which describes the Donggwol back garden in the Joseon Dynasty. The study conclusions are as follows: the landscape contents of Sangrimshipgyeong were evenly distributed in the Donggwol back garden, and jeongs, gaks, and dangs are set as view points. The landscape objects of Sangrimshipgyeong consisted of behaviors and the natural phenomena of four seasons. The poem primarily depicted daytime scene. The landscapes were distributed over the four seasons, with four spring landscapes, four autumn landscapes, one summer landscape, and one snowy landscape. The landscape structure expressed in Sangrimshipgyeong appeared to be formed around a limited view point of the building. However, the objects did not intermittently exist, but maintained organic relations in one context. It is organic and harmonious in that interplay was visualized as the pavilion extends to nature, and nature comes into the pavilion. The depiction of Sangrimshipgyeong was not only very suggestive in terms of showing the hopes and dreams of the royal culture of the Joseon Dynasty, but also interesting because they were based on the condensed ideological symbolism of a specific cultural group. Sangrimshipgyeong expresses amusement and responsiveness to the scene based on the understanding of nature in the limited space of a palace back garden. It was also full of dynamic poetic language, such as encouragement of agriculture, sericulture, rain-calling, and highest- level state examination. Sangrimshipgyeong is interpreted as a symbol of ideology and a desired landscape reflecting the cosmic resonance of political affairs and moral cultivation of a king or an heir to the throne.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By examining two low-proficiency EFL students’ experiences of reading literature, and of writing about what they have read during a semester-long reading/writing course, we investigate literature’s place in EFL writing classes. We also observe whether using literature in EFL writing classes lead to successful synergies among LW (learning-to-write), WLL (writing-to-learn language), and WLC (writing-tolearn content). We adopt a case study methodology. The participants, Mia and Sun, are first-year students who attend a private university in Seoul. Both students favor the inclusion of literature in the reading-writing classroom. Mia experiences the literature-reading-writing connection mainly as language knowledge, with the strong appreciation for WLL perspective. By comparison, Sun concerns for LW dimensions of writing, together with the WLL perspective. This study provides evidence that literature-reading-writing connection serves as a vehicle not only for a rich reading experience but also for the synergistic learning of writing, content, and language.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유사 이래 인간은 생존을 위해 주변 사물에 대한 읽기에 몰두하여 왔으며, 그 권리가 왕, 마술사, 시인, 비평가, 학자에서 민중으로 넘어왔다. 이제 사물에 대 한 읽기의 주체는 정치체제의 변천에 불구하고 어디까지나 독자임에 틀림없다. 그러므 로 본고에서는 학자, 비평가의 일방적인 읽기를 탈피하여 4차 산업시대를 맞이하여 다양한 매체를 통한 예이츠 시작품 읽기를 시도한다. 전자매체이든 문자매체이든 양자 모두 매체임에는 불변이고, 마찬가지로 아무리 세상이 바뀌더라도 사물에 대한 읽기는 세상의 종말이 올 때까지 끊임없이 지속될 것이다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 폭주부족안과 정상안의 컬러렌즈 착용 전과 후의 시기능과 읽기능력을 측정하여 컬러렌즈 착용이 폭주부족안에게 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 색각이상이 없고 안질환이 없는 39명을 대상으로 CISS 설문을 실시하여 폭주부족군과 대조군을 분 류하였다. 굴절검사를 실시하여 최대교정시력이 1.0 이상으로 완전교정을 한 후, 시기능 검사와 Intuitive Colorimeter Mk.3을 이용하여 근거리 독서 시 선호하는 컬러렌즈 색상을 선택한 후, 읽기능력을 검사하였다. 분석 방법은 SPSS 18.0 통계프로그램을 사용하였으며, 통계적으로 유의수준은 p<0.05을 기준으로 하였다. 결과 : CISS 점수는 폭주부족안이 정상안 보다 높았다. 폭주부족안의 근거리 외사위량이 더 크게 나타났 으며, 폭주근점도 더 길게 나타났다. 양성상대조절력과 조절래그값은 폭주부족안이 정상안보다 더 큰 값을 보였으며, 조절용이성은 정상안보다 속도가 느렸다. 폭주부족안은 컬러렌즈를 사용했을 때의 맞은 단어의 개수와 읽기 속도가 증가하였다. 반면, 정상안에서는 컬러렌즈의 사용 전과 후의 읽기 능력 변화에 큰 차이 를 나타내지 않았다. 결론 : 본 연구 결과, 컬러렌즈가 폭주부족안의 근거리 읽기 능력에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것을 확인하였 다. 추후 컬러렌즈 착용 후의 자각증상에 대한 설문과 폭주 및 조절 검사의 결과를 추가적으로 진행한다면 더 다양한 결과로 분석할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study designs an interactive serious game for children with ADHD to sustain attention concentration and improve their reading comprehension skill. This serious game enables to read fairy tale interactively. The fairy tale consists of 6 sequences and the game assigns tasks for concentration training to 2, 4, 5, and 6 sequences. Executing concentration task, MindWave BCI is used to measure brain waves and to judge success of failure of the task with that measurement. Game play data and concentration data were stored in a sever real time. As the experiment progressed, the concentration levels of the participants are sustained stable. The results of paired t-test on pre- and post- reading ability, short reading comprehension, and story understanding are significant. It is expected that this study will help game design for children with ADHD as well as reading disability.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 예이츠와 엘리엇의 시에 나타난 중심 사상의 차이점을 살펴 본 것이다. 이 두 시인은 이 세계의 현 상태에 대한 불만을 분명히 가지고 있으며 여 기에서 탈출하고자하는 욕구가 그대로 나타난다는 것이 공통점이라 할 수 있다. 그러 나 흥미로운 점은 예이츠는 주로 마음/심령의 정화를 통한 이상세계를 갈구한 반면에 엘리엇은 마음의 정화를 통한 하나님과의 교감을 원한다는 점에 차이가 있다는 것이 다. 결국 현세계 존재 그대로에서 벗어나 더 높은 이상을 추구한다는 것은 두 시인 모두에게 유사하다고 볼 수 있다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aims to investigate the direct and indirect contributions of Korean EFL college students’ L2 receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge to their L2 writing performances by using a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with a goal to explore the pathways of vocabulary knowledge to writing. Data from 178 students were collected through tests of receptive and productive vocabulary breadth and depth, a writing test and a reading test. In testing a hypothesized model on the roles of receptive and productive vocabulary in writing, the results of the SEM analysis reveal the direct role of productive vocabulary in writing. The indirect role of receptive vocabulary on writing was observed through the mediating role of productive vocabulary or reading ability due to the direct contribution of receptive vocabulary to both productive vocabulary and reading and that of productive vocabulary and reading to writing. Findings from the study shed light on the relations of L2 receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge with L2 writing abilities, suggesting potential benefits of both receptive and productive vocabulary learning for L2 writing.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Picture book, a kind of artistic form which uses pictures and words to tell a story, it has exquisite pictures, concise statements, interesting stories, simple but profound themes and a tone could convey positive energy. It not only makes children engender resonance and a deep sense of identity but also improves children’s language abilities, mode of emotion and enhance their understanding of life and relationship. As a starting point of reading for the children, the picture book is the “first book” in their lives. Meanwhile, it provides a kind of “comprehensible input” corpus to foreign language learners. This article through picture book educational practices of Chinese children reading, analyzed the effect of picture books instruction and certificated this effect. Picture books have a great potential, Chinese teaching should pay attention to picture books instruction to make learners change “reading” to “enjoy reading”, stimulating their interest in learning Chinese and love Chinese.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        에베소서 6장 15절은 주로 ‘복음전도와 영혼구원’으로 환원되어진 교회의 선교 이해를 지탱하는 본문으로 여겨지는 경향이 있다. 하지만 구약성서의 11가지 용례에서 발견할 수 있듯이, 에베소서 6장 15절 ‘헤토이마시아’ 해석을 위해서는 (1) 하나님의 백성을 위해 제공하는 포괄적인 신적 예비라는 점, (2) 이 명사에 전제된 ‘하나님의 준비하심’이 근원적으로 고려되어야 하되, 그 ‘준비’의 의미는 능동이기보다는 수동 적 의미(what is prepared)로 제한되어야 한다는 점이 고려되어야 한다. 에베소서 6장 15절에 암시된 이사야 52장 7절은 ‘평화의 복음 선포자’ 모티프를 강조하는 듯 보이지만, (1) 에베소서 기자가 하나님의 전신갑주 모티프를 차용하게 하는 이사야서의 ‘신적-전사’로서의 야훼 모티프가 양 본문 사이의 진정한 평행이며, (2) ‘헤토이마시아’ 명사는 이 모티프의 내용/구조와 매우 유사한 본문인 나훔 2장 1-4절에 나타나 며 이 명사는 ‘신적예비하심의 결과물’로 해석된다는 점이 더욱 신중히 고려되어야 한다.이러한 고려점들은 에베소서 6장 15절의 ‘헤토이마시아’를 (1) ‘예수 그리스도 안에서, 평화의 복음을 통하여, 하나님이 친히 싸우신 싸움, 하나님이 이기신 그 승리가 하나님의 백성을 위해 가능하게 한 모든 ‘현실’(reality)을 지시하는 말이며, (2) 하나님께서 자기 백성을 그 남은 싸움에 참여하게 하심으로 그 백성들이 누리는 동일한 ‘현실’이 지속적으로 발생되기를 열망하시는 모든 ‘현장’을 지시하는 말로 읽을 것을 요청한다. 본문의 이러한 독법은 복음전도와 영혼구원으로 환원되 어진 교회의 선교이해를 교정하고 더 포괄적인 하나님의 선교를 위해 교회 안팎의 모든 현장으로 보냄 받은 영적전사들의 공동체라는 교회의 선교적 정체성에 대한 새로운 이해를 가질 수 있게 한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has propelled much research into how task type, condition, or demand affects L2 learners’ linguistic performance and language learning. To date, however, TBLT has mainly been researched in connection with learners’ production, while its applicability to L2 reading has largely been unattended to. To fill this gap, the present study explored whether and how cognitive complexity of L2 reading tasks would affect L2 English reading comprehension and learning of target L2 constructions contained in the texts. The study employed a pretest, posttest, delayed-posttest design with two treatment sessions. The target features were 17 English unaccusative verbs and ten pseudowords. Participants included 52 Korean college students learning L2 English who were randomly assigned to either – or + complex condition. Reading comprehension was measured with 14 multiple-choice items for each text, and learning of the target constructions was assessed with a grammaticality judgment test and word form and meaning recognition tests. The results of mixed-effects modeling indicated that increased task complexity had limited effects on reading comprehension scores as well as learning of the target unaccusative verbs. Also, task complexity had significant negative effects on vocabulary form recognition scores in the delayed posttest. The results are discussed in relation to models of task-based learning and L2 reading.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 정상인이 선호하는 칼라필터렌즈가 안구의 추적운동과 읽기능력에 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 정상시력과 색각이상이 발견되지 않는 20대 23명을 대상으로 크로마젠 렌즈의 칼라 8가지 중에서 선호하는 칼라와 선호하는 않는 칼라를 선택하게 한 후 칼라필터렌즈 착용을 통하여 안구 추적운동과 관련된 주시횟수, 안구운동역행과 읽기능력과 관련된 독서 이해력을 검사하였다. 결 과: 선호하는 칼라는 파란색이 전체 26.1%를 차지하였으며, 선호하는 칼라를 이용한 주시횟수는 평균 23.7±23.65회(p<0.01, t=-4.69) 증가하였으며, 안구운동의 역행은 평균 7.9±6.1회(p<0.01, t=-6.17) 증 가함을 보였으며 통계학적 유의성이 있었다. 독서이해력은 평균 8.2±14.3%(p=0.01, t=-2.77) 향상을 보였 다. 주시횟수에 대한 나안 상태와 선호하는 칼라필터렌즈 사이의 피어슨 상관관계(r=0.87, p<0.01)는 높게 나타났고, 역행에 대한 상관관계는 높은 양의 상관관계(r=0.96, p=0.00)를 나타냈다. 그러나 독서이해력은 약한 양의 상관성을 가졌다(r=0.20, p=0.01). 결 론: 선호하는 칼라필터렌즈 안경을 착용하고 독서했을 때, 주시횟수와 증가와 안구운동의 역행이 증가 가 나타났으며, 이로 인하여 독서 이해력이 증진되었다고 추정할 수 있다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current study aims to examine whether topic familiarity can be associated with, and can also substantially contribute to, the testlet effect often found among items sharing a common passage in reading comprehension tests, particularly by using the Multidimensional Item Response Theory (MIRT) bifactor model as the main data analytic scheme. Data analyzed in this study were item scores collected from 830 Korean high school students who took a 8-passage, 32-item reading comprehension test (4 items per passage) and a 40-item self-reported topic familiarity questionnaire (5 items per passage). The results of analysis revealed that (a) the bifactor model best fit the test data; (b) the self-reported topic familiarity score was not correlated with the testlet factor scores at a statistically significant level; and (c) the overall topic familiarity score had a positive correlation with the general reading ability score, however. Implications of these major findings are discussed in terms of the usefulness of the bifactor model and the nature of testlet effects in reading tests, along with avenues for further investigation.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study examined the comparative role of vocabulary and grammar in different test measures of L2 reading comprehension. A total of 83 students were asked to take three reading tests with a different technique each (multiple-choice, cloze, and recall), a vocabulary test, and a grammar test, and to respond to a questionnaire. The findings were as follows: 1) learners’ reading performance differed across the three reading test measures, and the two language variables exerted different influences in L2 reading as measured by the cloze test technique; and 2) concerning the comparative contribution of the two language variables to L2 reading comprehension according to learners’ L2 proficiency, the contribution was significant exclusively in the recall test, and it varied depending upon their L2 proficiency. This research demonstrates the importance of taking into account the type of test techniques in studies of the relative role of vocabulary and grammar knowledge in L2 reading.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taking the cognitive psychology approach, this study sought to investigate the aspect of Korean learners’ French text reading. Especially, it examined the readers’ eye movements (i.e., fixation and saccade) recorded by the eye-tracker. To this end, 14 Korean students of the French language at the language level of A2 and B1 or even higher, and three Frenches participated in the experiment. The results showed that when reading, the learners’ eyeballs did not follow the text but moved irregularly (i.e., ‘saccade’). The six major results were observed: (1) decoding a word in a syllable unit; (2) more fixation on grammatical words of Korean learners compared to French speakers; (3) reading repeatedly with numerous regressions; (4) irregularity of the duration of fixation; (5) numerous fixed points of long gaze duration; and (6) diversity of reading strategies. This suggest that readers pay a lot of attention when they process words, sentence structure, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct Korean learners of French to reconcile spelling and phoneme as well as to reduce the learners’ anxiety towards French texts. Cette recherche, s’inscrivant dans le domaine de la psychologie cognitive, a pour objet de mieux connaître la lecture de textes français chez des lecteurs coréens. Nous avons étudié en particulier les mouvements oculaires (fixation et saccade) des lecteurs, enregistrés à l’aide de l’oculométrie. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une expérimentation auprès de 14 coréens, étudiants du français, de niveau A2, B1, voire plus, et de 3 français. Le résultat nous a montré que la lecture ne se fait pas de façon linéaire, mais de manière saccadée. En outre, six phénomènes sont particulièrement observés chez les coréens: (1) décodage en syllabique d’un mot; (2) fixation attribuée plus fréquemment aux mots grammaticaux par rapport aux français; (3) lecture répétitive venant des saccades régressives; (4) irrégularité de la durée de fixation; (5) nombreuses fixations de longue durée; et (6) diversité des tactiques de lecture. Ces phénomènes montrent que les lecteurs ont attribué beaucoup d'attention aux traitements des mots, des structures de phrase, etc. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire d’enseigner la correspondance entre graphie et phonie et de supprimer une attitude craintive à l'égard des textes français, chez les apprenants coréens.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the reading passages of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA) and middle school English textbooks in terms of their readability and lexical difficulty. The readability was measured by using Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Index, while their lexical difficulty was measured in terms of STTR (standardized type-token ratio), frequency of tokens per type, and vocabulary frequency levels by using VocabProfile and Oxford WordSmith Tools 7.0. The results showed that there was a gap between the readability of the English textbooks and that of the NAEA conducted from 2012 to 2014, while the readability between the English textbooks and that of the 2015 NAEA reached a comparable level. However, the textbooks from one publisher showed substantively lower readability than those from the other publishers and the NAEA. Secondly, regarding vocabulary frequency levels, the words in 1K and 2K accounted for more than 90% of the textbooks and the NAEA, while the NAEA had a higher STTR and lower frequency of tokens per type than the textbooks. It suggests that the NAEA employed more various words with less repetition than the textbooks. Pedagogical implications are discussed.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research is the preliminary study for development of narrative contents for improving reading skills and behavior controlling capabilities of children with ADHD. Microsoft's Kinect, a non-contact motion sensing device, and NeuroSky's MindWave, a BCI device, are connected to Unity 3D engine to capture user's motion and brainwaves, respectively. The given narrative contents interactively respond to children with ADHD while they are reading the contents and performing the given tasks presented in the behavior training game system. This study examines whether the contents are suitable for the first and second grader children. For this, The interaction with the contents is first observed by five adults and two children. Then the system is tested by three ordinary first graders. During the experiments, the children easily figure out the given texts and do what the game contents drive for the player to react. All three kids concentrate on the reading contents without leaving their seats for average 37 minutes. This experiment shows that the contents are properly designed for the first and second graders in terms of reading speed, reading completion time, complexity level, and task performance. Based on this experimental study, the interactive narrative contents will be used to conduct full-scale experiments with children with ADHD.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As well as all other branches of trade, so retail trade itself undergoes various changes and trends with regard to the development of information and communication technologies which affect not only traders themselves but also their customers. It is the retail store environment itself which is one of the decisive aspects of purchase because more than 70% of consumer decisions take place directly at the point of sale. It is the last place which can reverse the purchasing decision. A final customers´ decision is influenced not only by price, quality but also by in-store communication and visual aspects of each store. That is the reason for continuous gathering of feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of these means of communication in real environment. Besides traditional research techniques there are situations which require the involvement of relatively new research methods. Thanks to the innovative interdisciplinary approach with the use of neuromarketing, it is possible to create effective marketing strategies and thus stimulate the customer attention and emotions. By these emotions, it is possible to achieve better motivation toward purchase and an increase in the number of sales and subsequent raise in income. The paper deals with a complex, interdisciplinary examination of the in-store communication impact on customer visual attention, emotions and related spatial behaviour of customers in grocery stores. Research integrates measurements of mobile eye camera (Eye tracker), mobile electroencephalograph (EEG), face reading technology (FA) and internal position system in real conditions of retail store. The purpose of this research is to recognise the attention, emotional response and spatial customer preferences by means of selected in-store communication tools. At the end of the paper we explain how the neuromarketing methods can be used for better understanding of consumer behaviour at the point of sale.