This was aim to study the changes of components by different parts and maturity of tomato. We found that orally fed tomatine which induced a significant reduction in cholesterol in hamster in contrast to potato glycoalkaloids, the safety of tomatine was supported by our observation that pickled green tomatoes consumed widely in many countries has a high tomatine content. The tomatoes harvested during the first stage(10 days after flowering) contained tomatine 6333.49μg per 100g and dohydrotomatine and α-tomatine in a ratio of about 1:13.8. The tomatine content then decreased by about 85% during stage 2(20 days after flowering) an dehydrotomatine contene dropped to a value near zero during stage 3, 4 It on the tomatine content dropped to a value near zero during the final stage(50 days after flowering). With respect to health benefits at all stages of maturity, unripe tomato contain chlorophyll and α-tomatine should consumed.