당알코올 첨가 유과의 품질 특성 Quality Characteristics of Yukwa Added with Various Sugar Alcohols

이미혜, 오명숙
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/293925
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제29권 제5호 (2014.10)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

This study was conducted to investigate the use of sugar alcohols (sorbitol, erythritol, and xylitol) as alternative sweeteners for replacing sucrose in Yukwa (traditional Korean oil-puffed rice snack). The moisture contents of Bandegi (dried Yukwa dough) and Yukwa containing sugar alcohols were higher than that of control (containing only sucrose). The microstructures of control and Bandegi containing sugar alcohols showed uniformly and finely distributed air holes. Expansion ratio and oil absorption of Yukwa containing sorbitol and 30% erythritol were higher than those of control. Appearance and cross section of control and Yukwa containing sorbitol, 30% erythritol, and 30% xylitol showed a good shape. The lightness (L) of control was significantly lower than Yukwa containing sugar alcohols, whereas redness (a) and yellowness (b) were higher than those in Yukwa containing sugar alcohols. Hardness of Yukwa containing sugar alcohols was significantly lower than that of control, and that of Yukwa containing sorbitol was the lowest. Peak number of Yukwa containing sugar alcohols was significantly lower than that of control, and that of Yukwa containing 60% erythritol and 60% xylitol was the lowest among all samples. In the sensory evaluation, color of control was deepest, whereas that of Yukwa containing 60% xylitol was lightest. Volume and air hole uniformity of Yukwa containing 60% erythritol and 60% xylitol were inferior than those of other samples. Sweetness of Yukwa containing sugar alcohols was lower than that of control, whereas oily flavor was stronger. Hardness of Yukwa containing sugar alcohols was lower than that of control, and Yukwa containing xylitol showed the lowest hardness among the samples. Crispness of Yukwa containing sugar alcohols was lower than that of control. There were no significant differences in overall acceptability between control and Yukwa containing 30% sorbitol and 30% erythritol. Overall, sorbitol and erythritol were appropriate as a 30% replacement for sucrose when preparing Yukwa.

  • 이미혜(가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과) | Mi Hye Lee
  • 오명숙(가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과) | Myung Suk Oh Corresponding author