베트남 현지인들의 한식에 대한 인지도, 이미지, 선호도, 선택속성, 만족도 및 재이용 의도 Recognition, Image, Preference, Attributes, Satisfaction and Reuse Intention for Korean Food by Local Vietnamese

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339036
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
제32권 제6호 (2017.12)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

This study surveyed the recognition, image, preference, attributes, satisfaction and revisit intention for Korean food of local Vietnamese to facilitate the globalization of Korean food. Most participants had recognized Korean food. and, they were especially aware of kimchi (김치), bulgogi (불고기) and bibimbab (비빔밥), Additionally, most repondents thought these foods represent Korean traditions and culture very well. The image of local Vietnamese for Korean food was good. Which was reflected in Korean food having “a good reputation” and a high possibility for “globalization” were high. This study also investigated 16 kinds of Korean food and found the highest preferences to be for bulgogi (불고기), followed by galbitang (갈비탕), whereas that for doenjangchigae (된장찌개) was lowest. Some of the top choice attributes of Vietnamese for Korean food were found to be in “because it is ‘colorful’, ‘prepared sincerely’, ‘plated neatly’, ‘fresh’ and ‘comes with a variety of banchans (side dishes). This is a very meaningful result, making this an important reference for the globalization of Korean food. The local Vietnamese had high satisfaction and reuse intention degree for Korean food, and especially high satisfaction with the colorfulness of Korean food. In addition, the local Vietnamese showed a very high revisit intention for Korean food.

I. 서 론
 II. 연구 내용 및 방법
  1. 조사대상 및 기간
  2. 연구내용 및 방법
  3. 자료의 분석
 III. 결과 및 고찰
  1. 조사대상자들의 일반적 특성
  2. 베트남인들의 한식에 대한 인지도
  3. 베트남인들의 한식에 대한 이미지
  4. 베트남인들의 한식에 대한 선호도
  5. 베트남인들의 한식에 대한 선택속성(선택이유)
  6. 베트남인들의 한식에 대한 만족도
  7. 베트남인들의 한식에 대한 재이용 의도
 IV. 결론 및 요약
 감사의 글
  • 이미옥(영산대학교 한국식품조리학과) | Mi Ock Lee Corresponding Author