This study was conducted to get basic information on the occurrence of plant-parasitic nematodes for the establishment of nematode management strategy in major potato production areas in Korea. Nationwide soil collection was done in 11 areas of Cheju, Yesan, Gimchun, Goryoung, Hong chun, Pyungchang, Gimjae, Milyang, Namwon, Gangnung, and Inje in 2004-2005. Root-knot nematode juveniles(J2) were detected in 30 samples among the 50 samples. The average density was 12-69 J2/100㏄ soil. Pratylenchus sp., Helicotylenchus sp., Ditylenchus sp., Tylenchus sp., and Tylenchorh-ynchus sp. were also detected in various locations, however, their densities were very low. Root-knot nematode females were collected from tomato roots inoculated with the potato field soils for PCR-RFLP identification. The females from Cheju, Milyang, and Goryung showed PCR products of 500 bp. And the Dra I restriction enzyme digestions showing 290 bp and 230 bp fragments confirmed their identity as Meloidogyne hapla.