Developmental Characteristics of Soybean Podworm, Matsumuraeses phaseoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Legume Pod Borer, Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Semi-synthetic Artificial Diets
Two lepidopteran species, Matsumuraeses phaseoli (Matsumura) and Maruca vitrata (syn. M. testulalis) (Fabricius) were reared on artificial diets, and analyzed in their developmental characteristics. Photoperiod was supplied with 16L/8D for M. phaseoli and with 13L/11D for M. vitrata, respectively. Both species passed five larval instars with discrete sizes of head capsule width. In a constant environment (25℃ and 65%RH), the developmental period of M. phaseoli egg, larva and pupa was 3.9, ca. 16.0 and 8.9 days, respectively, and over 80% of M. phaseoli larvae could develop into pupae, most of which emerged into adults. Newly laid eggs could be stored at 5℃ for 15 days with over 50% hatchability. Similar developmental traits were shown in M. vitrata. However, a low temperature preservation was not applicable to M vitrata eggs.