본 실험은 기상재해로 인한 극만앙의 경우 합리적인 저묘방법을 구명하기 위하여 행하여 졌던바 그결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 경영적인 면에서 어떠한 저묘방법도 7월 20일 이후 이앙의 경우에는 효과를 기대할수 없다. 2. 이앙후의 수도생육은 건묘구가 가장 좋았고 다음이 비닐저묘상처리구 였으며 전엽처리나 묘솎음처리는 묘의 노화방지에 거의 효과가 인정되지 않았다. 3. 수도의 현미수량은 7월 20일 이앙의 경우 건묘구 (378kg/10a)에서 가장 높았고 다음이 비빌저묘상처리구(약280kg/10a)였으며 7월 30일 이앙의 경우에는 건묘구에서는 222kg/10a로서 가장 높았으나 그 외 다른 처리구에서는 모두 90kg/10a미만이었다.
1. This experiment has been conducted to determine the most desirable method of the low-land rice seedling preservation for long defered transplanting and its results obtained are as follows: 1. On a viewpoint of the management, any method of seedling preservation was not effective when the seedling was transplanted after 20th, July. 2. Vegetative growth after transplanting was shown the most desirable at the plot of the seedling from direct-sowing dry paddy rice culture and next at the plot of the seedlings preserved on the vinyl seed bed. On the other hand, the leaf-cutting or the thinning out of seedling was not effective for the prevention of the seedling decrepitude. 3. On the case of transplanting on 20th July, the seedling from the direct sowing on dry paddy rice culture showed the best yield(378kg/10a) and the seedling preserved on the vinyl seed-bed showed the next (280kg/10a), however, on the case of transplanting on 30th July, the seedling from the direct sowing on dry paddy rice culture showed the best yield(222kg10a), but the yield of other preservation treatment was shown below 90kg/10a.