본 시험에서는 중부이남 전역에서 수집한 재래재배종 대두 2,748 계통을 재배하여 백립중군을 분류하고 백립중군별로 특성을 조사하였다. 1. 백립중은 최소 7.3g부터 최대 48.4g까지 변이폭이 매우 컸으며, 군별 분류결과 1군(10.0g 이하)에 2.2%(60 계통), 2군(10.1-15.0g)에 14.7%(404 계통), 3군(15.1-20.0g)에 11.7%(323 계통), 4군(20.1-25.0g)에 26.2%(720 계통), 5군(25.1-30.0g)에 30.2%(829 계통), 6군(30.1-35.0g)에 10.6% (292 계통), 7군(35.1-40.0g)에 3.3%(91 계통), 8군 (40.0g 이상)에 1.1%(29 계통)가 분포되었다. 2. 백두중과 저형질과의 상관관계는 백립중과 성숙기, 결실일수와는 높은 정의 상관이었으나, 백립중과 개화기, 경장, 분지수, 절수, 협수, 도복과는 유의한 부의 상관이었다. 3. 백립중군별 평균협수는 백립중이 가벼운 1군이 66개로 가장 많았으며, 백립중이 가장 무거운 8군이 30개로 협수가 가장 적었다.
The present study was conducted to evaluate agronomic characters of the soybean germplasm which was collected from the sites covering southern parts of Korean peninsula. The total collections of 2748 native soybean varieties were grouped by eight levels of seed weight and the correlation between the seed weight and the other agronomic traits were determined. Seed weight was ranged from 7. 3g to 48. 4g with a great variation and averaged 23. 5g. Seed size of the many local lines were relatively large than that of foreign varieties. Frequency distribution of the germplasm for seed weight were 2.2% in Group 1 (below 10.0g), 14.7% in Group 2 (10.1-15.0g), 11.7% in Group 3 (15.1-20.0g), 26.2% in Group 4 (20.1-25.0g), 30.2% in Group 5 (25.1-30.0g). 10.6% in Group 6 (30.1-35.0g), 3.3% in Group 7 (35.1-40.0g) and 1.1% in Group 8 (over 40.0g). There was positive correlationship between seed weight and maturity or fruiting period, while there was negative correlationship between the seed weight and the other traits such as days to flowering, plant height, and number of nodes and pods. While 100 seed weight of 464 lines (16.9% of total lines) were below 15g, and those are adequate for the bean sprouts. The fruiting period of large seeded lines was longer, however the number of pods per plant of those were less lines than that of small seeded lines.