들깨 국내 수집 유전자원 80종에 대한 종실의 단백질 함량과 아미노산 조성을 분석 조사하여 고단백 양질 아미노산 품종육성에 오필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 시험을 실시하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 들깨 종실의 단백질 함량은 최고 28.5%, 최저 17,9%, 평균 24.6%였다. 2. 단백질 함량은 숙기와 천입중에 따라서는 큰 차이가 없었으나 종피색에서는 암갈색에서 백색에 가까울수록 높았는데 암갈색에 비해 은회색은 1.4% 더 높았다. 3. 들깨 수집 유전자원 80종의 총 필수아미노산은 품종에 따라 최고 44.85%, 최저 36.41%, 평균 40.55% 였으며 일반 아미노산 함량은 최고 60.01%, 최저 47.23%, 평균 55.29%였다. 4. 필수 아미노산 함량과 종피색간에는 고도의 정상관(r=0.3389**) 관계로서 종피색이 암갈색에서 백색에 가까울수록 높은 경향이었다. 5. 들깨에서 필수 아미노산중 함량이 많은 것은 arginine과 leucine, 가장 적었던 것은 methionine 이었고, 일반 아미노산중 함량이 많은 것은 glutamic acide와 asparagine이었다. 6. 필수아미노산 중에서 lysine, methionine, valine 등의 평균함량은 FAO 권장량 보다 높았다.
Korean local collected strains of perilla were analyzed on their protein and amino-acid contents in the seed. The strains analyzed were 80 of which grown in the experimental field of Crop Experiment Station at Suwon in 1991. This experiment was performed to obtain the basic informations on the varietal differences of protein and amino-acid contents and further applied in the breeding project for quality improvement of perilla. The seed protein contents of 80 perilla varieties ranged from 17.9% to 24.6% and the average content was 24.6%. There were no differences in protein contents according to the maturity and 1,000 seed weight, but differed by the seed coat color showing 1.4% higher content in light gray than that of drak brown, which may suggest that the seed coat color could be used as a marker gene for breeding high protein varieties. While the total essential amino-acid contents of collected perilla ranged from 36.41% to 44.85%, the mean of 40.55%, the non-essential amino-acid contents was 47.23%~60.01% with the mean of 55.29%. Moreover, there was high positive correlation between the essential amino-acid contents and seed coat color. The essential amino-acids of perilla has an exceptionally high content of arginine, leucine, but methionine indeed being almost marginal. Of the essential amino-acids, lysine, methionine and valine were contained higher compared with the FAO recommendation level.