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대립벼의 생산구조 특성과 물질생산 KCI 등재

Plant Architecture and Dry Matter Production in Large-Grain Rice Variety

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/12977
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한국작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Crop Science)
한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

대립벼의 생육특성 및 등숙저하 원인을 구명하고자 탐진벼와 장간대립임 SR7796F7, 단간대립인 SR11269F6를 6월4일 이앙하여 물질생산능력과 생산구조의 차이 및 수량성을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 엽면적지수는 탐진벼, SR11269F6, SR7796F7순으로 높았으며, 출수20일이후부터 엽면적 감소는 대립벼가 탐진벼보다 컸다. 2. 지상부 총건물중은 SR11269F6, 탐진벼, SR7796F7순으로 많았다. 출수율 대비 성숙기의 경의 건물중이 탐진벼는 15%, SR11269F6은 2%감소하였으나, SR7796F7은 5% 증가하였다. 등숙기간중 이삭무게 증가는 대립벼가 탐진벼보다 등숙초기에는 많았고 등숙후기에는 적었다. 3. 총건물중에 대한 각 기관별 분배율을 보면 엽신의 비율은 대립벼가 탐진벼보다 적었고 그 차이는 출수기 이후에 더욱 컸다. 그러나, 수수기 경의 분배율은 탐진벼는 36%인 반면 SR7796F7은 38%, SR11269F6는 41%로 대립벼에서 많았다. 4. 최대엽신분포부위는 지상부로부터 탐진벼는 40~50cm, SR11269F6는 30~40cm, SR7796F7은 70~80cm였으며, 수수분포 절위는 탐진벼는 40cm, 대립벼는 70cm로 대립벼에서 컸다. 5. 대립벼는 탐진벼보다 단위면적당 광합성속도가 낮았으며 등숙비율이 현저히 낮아 결과적으로 수량도 낮았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 대립벼의 등숙향상을 위해서는 생육기간중 엽면적 확보와 아울러 이를 생육후기까지 유지시킬 수 있는 재배법 개발이 요구되며 주내의 생육을 균일하게 하는 것이 중요하다고 생각된다. 중요하다고 생각된다

This study was conducted to get basic information of dry matter production and agronomic characteristics for increasing grain ripening in rice cultivar with large grains. Three cultivars which have different grain size were used. Of the two large grain cultivars, SR7796-3-1-5-1-l(SR7796F7 ) had long culm and SR11269-13-3-4-2(SR11269F6 ) had short culm. On the other hand, Tamjinbyeo was recommended cultivar had medium size of grain and culm. LAI was highest in Tamjinbyeo, followed by the SR11269F6 and SR7796F7 , LAI decrement was higher in large grain cultivars than that of Tamjinbyeo after 20days after heading. Total dry weight(TDW) of areal part was highest in SR11269F6 , followed by the Tamjinbyeo and SR7796F7 . Dry weight (DW) of stem (leaf sheath+culm) at harvesting stage was decreased 15%, 12% in Tamjinbyeo, SR11269F6 , respectively, but was increased 5% in SR7796F7 compared to heading stage. In distribution rate of each organ to TDW, distribution rate of leaf blade was low in large grain cultivar, but that of stem in Tamjinbyeo, SR7796F7 and SR11269F6 was 36%, 38% and 42%, respectively. In canopy architecture leaf blade weight was the highest 30~40cm, 40~50cm and 70~8Ocm above the ground in SR11269F6 , Tamjinbyeo and SR7796F7 , respectively. Range of panicle distribution in the canopy was 40cm in Tamjinbyeo, and was 70cm in large-grain cultivars. The results suggest that it has to take a growing interest in developing culture method for increasing LAI during growth stage, especially, around heading, in keeping green leaf till ripening stage and also in growing unformly plant within rice hill in large grain cultivars.cultivars.ltivars.

  • 金丁坤(작물시험장) | 김정곤
  • 田炳泰(농촌진흥청 시험국) | 전병태
  • 金鎭淇(전북대학교) | 김진기