Large single grain Gd1.5Ba2Cu3O7-y (Gd1.5) bulk superconductors were fabricated by a top-seeded melt growth (TSMG) process using an NdBa2Cu3O7-y seed. The seeded Gd1.5 powder compacts with a diameter of 50 mm were subjected to the heating cycles of a TSMG process. After the TSMG process, the diameter of the single grain Gd1.5 compact was reduced to 43 mm owing to the volume contraction during the heat treatment. The superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of the top surface of the single grain Gd1.5 sample was as high as 93.5 K. The critical current densities (Jcs) at 77 K and 1T and 1.5 T were in ranges of 25,200-43,900 A/cm2 and 10,000-23,000 A/cm2, respectively. The maximum attractive force at 77 K of the sample field-cooled using an Nd-B-Fe permanent magnet (surface magnetic field of 0. 527 T) was 108.3 N; the maximum repulsive force of the zero field-cooled sample was 262 N. The magnetic flux density of the sample field-cooled at 77 K was 0.311T, which is approximately 85% of the applied magnetic field of 0.375 T. Microstructure investigation showed that many Gd2BaCuO5 (Gd211) particles of a few μm in size, which are flux pinning sites of Gd123, were trapped within the GdBa2Cu3O7-y (Gd123) grain; unreacted Ba3Cu5O8 liquid and Gd211 particles were present near the edge regions of the single grain Gd1.5 bulk compact.
본 연구는 기존 비닐하우스 아연도 강관을 사용한 하우스 폭 3.6m와 5m 천창개폐형 대립계 포도 비가림하우스에 대한 구조적 안전성을 검토하고, 인장강도 400N·mm-2(SGH400 등) 이상의 파이프를 사용하는 조건에서 하우스 폭 5m인 천창개폐형 대립계 포도 비가림하우스에 대하여 구조적으로 안전한 최적 파이프 규격을 제시하고자 수행하였다. 주기둥 3m×서까래 60cm인 천창개폐형 3.6m 비가림하우스의 경우, 적설심 35cm에서는 구조적으로 안전한 것으로 분석되었으나 측면 및 전후면 풍속 35m·s-1에서는 불안전한 것으로 나타났으며, 동일 주기둥과 서까래 간격을 갖는 천창개폐형 5m 비가림하우스의 경우에는 적설심 35와 풍속 35m·s-1에서 모두 불안전하여 구조보강이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 동일 주기둥과 서까래간격을 가지나 인장강도 400N·mm-2 이상을 갖는 파이프를 사용하는 조건에서 천창개폐형 5m 비가림하우스의 최적 파이프 규격은 지붕높이 1.6m(아치형)와 지붕높이 1.8m(복숭아형)에 대하여 동일하게 두 경우로 규격화 할 수 있었다. 즉, 안전풍속 35m·s-1와 안전적설심 40cm에서 구조적으로 안전한 서까래 규격은 Φ31.8×1.5t@600이었으며, 안전풍속 35m·s-1와ss 안전적설심 35cm에서는 서까래 Φ25.4×1.5t@600인 것으로 분석되었다. 덕면으로부터 곡부보까지의 높이는 안전적설심보다는 안전풍속에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며, 처마를 높임에 따라 측면풍속에 대해서는 방풍벽파이프(측벽서까래)를, 전후면 풍속에 대해서는 마구리기둥의 규격을 강화하여야 하는 것으로 분석되었다.
The main objectives of this studies are to present the most desirable rice processing complex model system in a given our situations by comparision and analyzing the major factors and, also recommend the future prospect of the rice processing complex in Korea. There are 3 different rice processing complex models in Korea. Those are concrete bin, flat type steel bin and square bin. These systems have a lot of differences and have their own characteristics such as capital requirement, efficiency, storage capacity and quality controls. The major problems of the existing rice processing centers in Korea are high fixed cost and the unbalnced systems. Following is summary to solve this problems: 1. Development of the large scale harvester and high speed continuous dryer. 2. Quality inspective system of bulk grain and large scale temporary storage facilities. 3. Large size readjustment of arable land. 4. Select the convenient location of rice processing center and formulation of well equipment facilities.
A new peanut variety ‘Daan’(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2014. This was developed from the cross between ‘Iksan 31’ with Virginia typed short stem and ‘Dakwang’ with Shinpung-typed larger grain. ‘Daan’ which is a Shinpung plant type had 13 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 44cm. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Its yield components showed 34 pods per plant, 127 g of 100-seed-weight and 75% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 47.8% of crude oil and 28.3% of protein content. This variety showed resistant to early leaf spot and had more resistant to late leaf spot, stem rot and lodging, compared to reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 3 years ‘Daan’ was more productive than reference variety by 16% with 5.00 MT/ha for grain production.
A mungbean cultivar ‘Sanpo’ (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) was derived from the cross between SM9710-3B-7 and Jangannogdu at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services (JARES) in 2012. ‘Sanpo’ has erect growth habit, green hypocotyls, heart leaflet, dull green seed surface, and black and straight pod when matured. The stem length of ‘Sanpo’ were 71㎝, which was 5㎝ longer than check cultivar ‘Owool’. The pods number per plant, the seeds number per pod, and the seed weight of ‘Sanpo’ are similar to check cultivar. It has field resistance to cercospora leaf spot, mungbean mottle virus, and powdery mildew. In addition, ‘Sanpo’ has high lodging resistance. The hard seed rate of ‘Sanpo’ was 2.4%, which was 0.8%point lower than check cultivar. The sprout yield ratio of ‘Sanpo’ was 8.26 times, which was 10% (77%point) more than check cultivar. The average yield of ‘Sanpo’ was 1.62ton/㏊, which was 14% more than the check cultivar ‘Owool’. (Cultivar registration number: 5250)
A new peanut variety ‘Huaseon’ (Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2013. This was developed from the cross between ‘Iksan 31’ with Virginia typed short stem and ‘SP9614’ with Shinpung-typed larger grain. ‘Huaseon’ which is a Shinpung plant type had 10 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 41 cm. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Its yield components showed 45 pods per plant, 84 g of 100-seed-weight and 79% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 47.3% of crude oil and 27.6% of protein content. This variety showed resistant to early leaf spot and had more resistant to stem rot and lodging, compared to reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 3 years ‘Huaseon’ was more productive than reference variety by 12% with 4.78 MT/ha for grain production.
A new peanut variety ‘Sinpalkwang’ (Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2012. This was developed from the cross between line ‘HP299’, crossed high yielding variety ‘Palkwang’ and short stem cultivar ‘PI156649’, and ‘Palkwang’. ‘Sinpalkwang’ which is a Virginia plant type had 25 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 41 cm. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Its yield components showed 45 pods per plant, 92 g of 100-seed-weight and 79% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 45.4% of crude oil and 29.2% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to web blotch, compared with reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 3 years ‘Sinpalkwang’ was more productive than reference variety by 28% with 5.4 MT/ha for grain production.
전통적인 교배육종을 통하여 천연색소(C3G) 함량을 높인 ‘슈퍼자미2호’(흑진주벼/수원 425호//대립벼 1호) 품종의 작물학적 특성과 품질특성을 조사 분석한 중부평야지에서 평균 출수기는 8월 30일로 만생종이며, 간장은 106 cm 정도이며 임실률은 82.0%였다. 또한 현미천립중은 30.1 g 정도로 ‘슈퍼자미’(26.2g)보다 무거운 품종이다. ‘슈퍼자미2호’ 품종의 현미 장폭비는 2.08의 장원형으로 흑진주벼에 비해 길이와 폭이 12%, 26%로 증가된 대립종이다. 미량원소 중 K, Ca 함량은 ‘흑진주벼’에 비해 낮았고, 단백질, 회분 함량도 낮게, 열량, 지방, 탄수화물 함량은 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. ‘슈퍼자미2호’ 품종의 C3G 색소함량은 2013년에는 1,782 mg(100 g 종자), 2014년에는 1,980 mg(100 g 종자)으로서 ‘슈퍼자미’ 보다는 다소 낮았으나 ‘흑진주벼’ 보다는 9배 이상 높았다.
간식용 대립 땅콩의 선호도가 높음에 따라 단경 대립 다수 성 신품종 육성을 위하여 대립 고품질인 ‘팔광’과 단경 소분 지 자원인 ‘중국수집종-1’을 인공교배하여 육성한 ‘상안’의 주요 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. ‘상안’은 신풍 초형으로 개화기가 빠르고 지상부 생장습성은 단경 소분지성이다. ‘상 안’은 주당 성숙협수는 40개이며 ‘대광’ 땅콩에 비해 협실비 율, 성숙립중비율, 100립중등 양호한 성숙특성을 보이며 100 립중이 96 g인 대립품종이고, 갈반병, 흑반병에 비교적 강하 고 그물무늬병과 흰비단병은 다소 발병이 되고 있으며 도복 도 비교적 강한 특성을 나타낸다. ‘상안’은 단백질이 29.1%, 기름함량이 48.5%이고 지방산은 올레산과 리놀산의 비율이 같은 특성을 가지고 있다. ‘상안’은 3년간 지역적응시험 결과 전국평균 4.87 ton로서 대광땅콩에 비하여 15% 증수되었다. ‘상안’은 경장이 짧고 신풍형으로 병해에도 비교적 강한 편이 나 충분한 성숙을 위하여 경기북부와 강원도, 산간 고냉지를 제 외한 지역에서 적응성이 높은 품종이다(등록번호 제 4717호).
A new peanut(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata L.) variety “Hwaseon(Milyang50)” with the high yield potential was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2013. This was developed from the crossing line between cultivar “Iksan 31” with large grain and high quality and “SP9614” with short stem. “Hwaseon” which is Shinpung plant type has 41cm of main stem length and 10 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with long ellipse shape of brown testa and yield components is composed of 45 mature pods of per plant, 84g of 100-seed weight, 79% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(RYT). Seed quality showed 47.3% of crude oil and 27.6% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to early leaf spot, and stem rot, compared with check variety “Daekwang”. In the regional yield trials “Hwaseon” outyielded check variety by 12% with 4.78 MT/ha for kernel.
Korean peanut yield by new varieties has marvelously increased since first variety with 1.09 MT/ha was developed in 1960. This means 77.58kg/ha yield increment every year from 1960 to 2012. A new peanut variety “Sinpalkwang”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) showed the highest grain yield, 5.40 MT/ha, of Korean varieties was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2012. This was developed from the cross between cultivar “Palkwang“ and crossing line from cultivar “Palkwang” and “PI156649”. “Sinpalkwang” which is Virginia plant type has 41cm of main stem length and 25 branch number per plant. 45 pod number per plant, 79% of shelling ratio and 92g of 100-grain weight in the regional yield trials(RYT) greatly contributed to increase the yield potential of this variety. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and ellipse shape. Seed quality showed 45.4% of crude oil and 29.2% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to web blotch and stem rot, compared with check variety, Daekwang.
In the regional yield trials “Sinpalkwang” outyielded check variety by 28% with 5.40 MT/ha for kernel.
대립자미는 전통적인 교배육종방법을 통하여 육성한 품종으로 안토시아닌 색소 중에서 C3G 함량이 높고 항산화 능력이 뛰어난 기능성 품종이다. 본 연구의 목적은 천연색소로서 가치를 지니며 생리적으로 우수하다고 규명된 대립자미의 품질 특성을 구명하여 이를 일반인에게 알리고 대중화 하는 데 있다. 최근 각종 성인병과 아토피 등 현대화되는사회에서 늘어가는 질병을 예방하고자 기능성을 가진 대립자미의 주색소인 C3G의 섭취를 늘리고 식품소재로 활용하기 위한 기초자료를 마련하고자 연구를 수행하였다.일반성분의 경우 수분함량은 일품벼가 가장 높았고, 흑진주, 대립자미, 슈퍼자미 순이었고, 식미와 관계가 있는 조단백질과 조지방함량은 흑진주벼보다 낮아 대립자미의 취반특성이 우수한 것으로 평가되었다. 아밀로스 함량은 밥의부피와 끈기, 노화지연에 관계가 있는데, 대립자미가 낮아기존의 유색미보다 취반특성이 좋은 것으로 확인되었다.대립자미의 1,000립중은 28.1 g으로 흑진주벼보다 1.7배,천연색소 C3G 함량은 3.8배 높은 특징을 가진 품종으로 항산화 생리활성을 가지는 총 폴리페놀 함량과 전자공여능을측정한 결과 대립자미는 높은 생리기능성을 가진 품종으로확인되었다.
A new peanut variety “Sangan”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata L.) showed the highest yielding of Korean varieties was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2011. This was developed from the crossing line between cultivar “Palkwang” with high quality and “local collection” with short stem. “Sangan” which is Shinpung plant type has 44cm of main stem length and 10 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with long ellipse shape of brown testa and yield components is composed of 40 mature pods of per plant, 96g of 100-seed weight, 79% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(RYT). Seed quality showed 48.5% of crude oil and 29.1% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to early leaf spot and web blotch, compared with check variety, Daekwang.
In the regional yield trials “Sangan” outyielded check variety by 15% with 4.87 MT/ha for kernel.
‘대립자미벼’는 한국방송통신대학교 농학과에서 2009년도에 육성한 종실이 크고 C3G 함량이 높은 복합기능성 유색미 품종이다. 주요 특징으로 중부평야지 평균 출수기는 8월 18일로 중만생종이며, 간장은 80.6 cm 정도이고, 종피색이 흑자색인 유색메벼 품종이다. 현미 장폭비는 1.88로 단원형이고, 현미천립중은 27.9 g으로 무거운 대립 품종이다. 종피의 안토시아닌 주색소인 C3G (Cyanidin 3-glucoside) 함량이 ‘흑진주벼’ 보다 3.6배 높은 품종으로 건강기능성 소재 및 가공용으로 활용가치가 높은 것으로 기대된다. 중부평야지역 보통기 보비재배 2개소에서 평균 450 kg/10a 수준으로 ‘흑진주벼’ 대비 16% 증수 되었다.
A new covered barley variety, 'Daeyeonbori' was developed from the cross between Milyangketbori, a stabile for machine harvest, and Olbori by the barley breeding team in the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (NYAES) in 1999. An elite line,
A new wheat variety, 'Anbaekmil' was developed from the cross between Saemil and Geurumil by the wheat and barley breeding team of the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (NYAES) in 2001. A promising line, YWM2078- 3B-2-3-7, was selected in
A new covered barley variety, 'Keunalbori 1' was developed from the cross between Keunalbori, a large grain variety, and Milyang 55, a brittle-awned variety, by the wheat and barley breeding team in the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (N