벼 품종의 오존 저항성 판단을 위한 시험에서 오존의 처리농도는 0.3 ppm이 0.1 ppm보다 뚜렷한 결과를 보였고, 처리시간은 2∼4시간이 알맞은 것으로 나타났다. 묘대일수에 따른 저항성 정도는 파종후 3주까지는 생육이 진전될수록 높아지는 경향이었으나 3∼5주간에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 인디카와 통일형 품종들이 자포니카 품종보다 저항성이 높은 경향이었고, 자포니카 품종 중에서 장안벼외 7 품종은 높은 저항성을 나타내었다. 벼의 생육시기에 따른 피해엽율은 간척벼는 유묘기에서 밀양 2003외 4 품종은 최고 분열기에서 가장 높게 나타났고 임실율은 수잉기 처리에서 가장 낮았다.
The response of seventy-five rice cultivars to ozone (O3 ) were tested in the open-top chamber with ozone producing and monitoring system to determine the varietal difference of resistance to O3 stress. Ozone was produced by electrostatic discharge in oxygen and was monitored by UV absorption ozone analyzer. Difference in response of rice to ozone was more clearly appeared on rice plants treated for 2 to 4 hours at 0.3 ppm concentration of O3 . Varietal resistance of rice to ozone was more distinctly classified at 21- to 35-day seedlings compared with 14-day rice plants. Most of indica and Tongil(indica~times japonica) type rice cultivars were more resistant than that of japonica cultivars based on the leaf injury to O3 . Eight Korean cultivars belong to japonica groups showed highly resistant reaction to O3 . Ozone exposure during booting stage caused lower grain fertility than exposures during seedling, maximum tillering and heading stages of rice.